35 years of marriage: what kind of wedding is it and how is it celebrated?

A wedding is a very important event in the life of two loving hearts. This day will forever remain in the memory of a couple in love. In addition, every year this date becomes a special holiday that you want to celebrate together or with family and friends, enjoying this special day. Any wedding anniversary is special, it has its own unusual name, symbolism, original customs. The more years the lovers have lived together, the stronger the objects that are the symbols of the anniversary. It is worth taking a closer look at the 35th wedding anniversary, what is special about it, how to celebrate it, and what is better to give.

What is the name of the anniversary?
Thirty-five years of marriage is a pretty significant date. During this time, a married couple was able to go through joys and sorrows, ups and downs. They already have children who, most likely, have already got their own families. The 35th wedding anniversary is a pretty significant date. The “newlyweds” deserve admiration because they managed to keep their love and go through a considerable part of their lives together.
The 35th anniversary of the wedding has three names.
- Linen. Spouses who got married 35 years ago are often associated with the canvas, because their love can be described as strong and reliable. Everyone knows that the production of canvas is a very hard work that requires attention and diligence. So is family life - in order to live together for so many years, you need to be able to listen to each other, to make compromises.
- Coral. This wedding anniversary has received such an unusual and beautiful name because it is compared to this particular stone. Corals grow slowly but surely, forming first reefs, and then even large islands. And also coral looks like a branched tree in appearance. Comparing coral with the life of “newlyweds”, it is worth drawing a parallel: a married couple already has children, and, possibly, grandchildren, which is associated with branches.
- Jade. This is another name for a wedding that has been 35 years old. Jade is a fairly durable stone that is not so easy to crack, and it takes a lot of effort. For this reason, the wedding anniversary of a married couple who have lived together for 35 years is so beautifully called.

It is worth noting that the Slavic peoples used the name linen or linen to designate the 35th anniversary of their wedding anniversary.
Linen is one of the symbols of this holiday, because it personifies the strength of family ties, the real feelings of spouses. This holiday was called jade or coral in Western countries, including the United States. For this reason, in the West, jade or coral is used as a symbol of this celebration.
Thirty-five years from the date of the wedding is a very important celebration, because during this time two people have experienced quite a lot: both pleasant and sad, they managed to have children, improved their life, "got used" to each other. Already now we can say with certainty that all this time was not spent in vain, that people really love each other and were able to carry this love through so many years.

Anniversary traditions
Any wedding anniversary is distinguished by its unusual traditions that have been passed down from generation to generation for many centuries. Of course, some of the traditions are forgotten, others are preserved, the main thing is to understand their essence in order to fully realize the importance of such a celebration. In the days of Kievan Rus, the symbol of the 35th wedding anniversary was a canvas, which personified strength, comfort, mutual respect and harmony in the family. It is worth noting that the canvas in Ancient Russia was a talisman of the Slavs, therefore it was always held in high esteem. On this day it is necessary that the “newlyweds” are surrounded by linen things, you can even dress in linen clothes.
Coral is another symbol of 35 years since the wedding., so it is worth using bright objects when decorating the celebration. The “newlyweds” have managed to build a strong and happy family in 35 years, which is associated with a coral reef. But their family is made up of many rubbish, grievances and disagreements, pleasant surprises, important decisions, happy moments.
Coral is welcome on this day.

For a long time, there has been a rather interesting tradition according to which a young couple should spend the night before their 35th anniversary separately. They can spend the night with friends or relatives, but the ideal option is, of course, with their parents. Everyone should take a special thing with him, which will remind him of his soul mate. An interesting fact is that many people are quite emotionally experiencing even such a small separation, because they may not have even parted before. It is very difficult for some “newlyweds” to observe this tradition.
The next morning they meet, joyful to see each other. It is then that they should ask each other for forgiveness for all the insults, disappointments and unpleasant moments in their life together. This ritual should be done in private. A romantic place would be an excellent solution. If the holiday is held in nature near a river or lake, then it is possible for the “newlyweds” to make their speeches on a boat away from everyone else.

After forgiveness, you should wash your hands in water in order to cleanse yourself in this way, and then lower a plain scarf of scarlet or green color into the water. This procedure is also a rather important tradition.After that, the couple can return to the guests and begin to celebrate the anniversary of their life together.
Observing traditions, it is worth paying attention to the clothes of the husband and wife. Dresses should be festive, bright accents are welcome. To decorate the venue of the event, exclusively linen fabrics should be used, it is better to forget about synthetic ones.
The décor should look expensive and the alcoholic drinks should be well aged.

How to celebrate?
Celebrating 35 years of living together should be very bright, rich and noisy. Many guests should be invited to the holiday, including relatives, friends, acquaintances. For a celebration, you can order a restaurant, although a chic holiday can be done at home. To highlight the 35th anniversary, it is worth using a variety of paraphernalia. First of all, it is red and linen. So, tablecloths on the table should be made of linen, it is better to put red expensive wine with long-term aging on the table, ideal if it was made 35 years ago.
The premises should be decorated with flowers and scarlet balls.
If there are many friends at the party, then it is worth taking care of the host, you should call him in advance. He will be great at organizing the celebration, and will also provide fun for all guests. If you have the desire and strength, you can independently make the evening program, coming up with various contests and entertainment, but usually the “newlyweds” want to enjoy the holiday, and not entertain their friends.

Today, non-standard parties that are dedicated to a specific topic are in trend.
Some of the best solutions are worth considering.
- Party in retro style. Such a holiday will allow the “newlyweds” to plunge into the years of their youth. An excellent choice would be to recreate exactly the wedding that took place 35 years ago. It is worth informing guests in advance so that they can properly prepare: choose the outfits and hairstyles of those years. The newlyweds' car can be decorated with a doll by placing it on the hood. When choosing a car, you should give preference to the "Volga", because earlier this car was in great demand. When choosing alcoholic beverages, you should give preference to home-made alcohol: wine, tincture and moonshine. Do not forget about music, because it will allow you to recreate the atmosphere of the past. The competition program will be a good addition. Old contests, which are quite rare today, should be held: dancing on the newspaper, singing drinking songs, passing bottles to each other without using hands, and much more.

- Celebration in the style of Chicago. The era of gorgeous women, brutal gangsters and powerful mafia will be a great choice for creating a party to celebrate 35 years of married life. Women should wear bright, shiny dresses, and choose a ribbon with a feather as a head ornament. Formal suits with butterflies and, of course, elegant hats are ideal for men. It is better to arrange the table in the form of a buffet table. Small tartlets and canapes are great. When choosing alcohol, you should give preference to balsam, vermouth and whiskey. Various gambling games are suitable as entertainment. And, of course, one should not forget about the musical accompaniment. In this case, jazz is the ideal choice.

- Masquerade. You can choose a specific theme of the masquerade ball by organizing the celebration in the chosen style. Each guest should come in a suit, not forgetting about the mask. You can choose any character, for example, from your favorite movie or fairy tale. The choice is up to everyone. And as entertainment, you can ask each guest to make a miniature, depending on the character chosen.
- A holiday according to the traditions of another country. You can celebrate the 35th anniversary of life together in the form of another wedding, but to add variety, you can spend it according to the traditions of another country. An Indian wedding will look spectacular, because everyone knows Indian films.The husband should definitely have a turban on his head, and the wife should dress in a bright sari. The spouses will be able to once again take vows of love, exchange flower necklaces with each other. Indian music in the background will add flavor to the holiday. You can use the traditions of another country, but it is worth remembering that this option is suitable for those celebrations where there are few guests, and financial opportunities allow it to be held.
You can celebrate the 35th anniversary of a married couple in nature. Of course, this is not an extravaganza, but a great option for people who love an active lifestyle. A picnic in nature is the best choice in the warm season. Swimming, cycling can be used as entertainment. But in winter you can go to a ski resort, go not only skiing, but also ice skating or sleigh rides with horses.

As a snack in the summer, barbecue will become irreplaceable, but in winter you can organize interesting snacks.
If the “newlyweds” want to spend a holiday in a small company, they can arrange a quiet family dinner, to which only the closest friends and relatives will come. In such an atmosphere, you can enjoy viewing old wedding photos, holding a new photo session, watching an old film or dancing to your favorite music.

But real romantics, of course, want solitude to be alone, to take a break from the hustle and bustle of household chores. In this case, you can go to a restaurant together, where you can relax with live music. If possible, then you should go to some significant place and celebrate the anniversary there. And, of course, do not forget about the trip, because this is a great reason to spend several days together. To go to the country that I wanted to visit for a long time, but did not have enough time or money.
What to gift?
It is customary to give gifts for every holiday and, of course, on the anniversary of 35 years of marriage, it is also worth presenting gifts. First, the spouses give each other something special, and then they also receive common gifts from family and friends. When choosing a gift, one should first of all be guided by the taste preferences of the "heroes" of the occasion, but also do not forget about the symbolism of the holiday.
It is customary to congratulate "newlyweds" on their 35th marriage anniversary with various interior items that will help to ensure comfort and harmony.
Linen bedding will be an excellent choice, because this particular fabric is one of the symbols of this holiday.

Also, cutlery, curtains and tablecloths are suitable. Embroidery can be done on textile gifts. The initials of a married couple will help make a gift unusual and special. You can choose a stylish vase or statuette, which will be made of jade or coral.

A man must certainly congratulate his beloved on such an important date in their married life. It is worth starting from the name of the wedding, which option is closer to them. If you consider the anniversary as a coral one, then you can present luxurious coral beads or a magnificent bouquet of 35 scarlet roses. To congratulate your spouse on a jade wedding, you should choose a piece of jewelry from this particular stone, it will become a symbol of this holiday.

Linen products will be a good gift for a linen wedding, although you can pick up other fabrics as well, as long as they are natural.
A gift from a husband should be original, convey his feelings. Of course, the ideal option is if it is made by hand, because it is a kind of message to the wife, in which love, care and tenderness should be transmitted. It is better to forget about pots and pans, since such a gift cannot be called special. It is better to present your beloved with a beautiful piece of jewelry, an exquisite perfume or charming underwear. A woman should feel important and loved.If it is difficult for a man to find a gift of this kind, then today you can purchase a gift certificate in various stores, where the wife can choose a gift on her own. If possible, a ticket to your favorite singer is a noteworthy gesture. And, of course, women always love spa treatments, so every woman will appreciate a certificate for visiting a stylist or beautician.

To husband
If it is quite easy for a woman to please with a gift, then it is much more difficult for a man. It is necessary that the donated should surprise him, which is not so easy to do. A woman must know the tastes of her man very well so that her gift for him is important and desirable. If we start from traditions, then on the 35th birthday a wife can give her husband as a symbol of this holiday coral, jade or a linen shirt. But such presents are unlikely to surprise a man.
Better to build on the hobbies of your life partner. For example, if a man loves to fish, then a fashionable fishing rod, equipped with various details, will definitely please him. A football fan can purchase a ticket for the next match. If the spouse is fond of sports, then he will be delighted with a gym membership. For men who dress in an office style, you can present exquisite cufflinks to a shirt. And of course, expensive perfume is also a pretty good choice.

For such a long period, the spouses already have a common circle of friends who have become like family to them. Close friends know the heroes of the day quite well, so choosing a worthy gift for them should not be difficult. On this day, a married couple can be presented with a beautiful piece for the interior. For example, household appliances would be an excellent choice, because they know exactly what their close friends don't have yet. A luxurious picture on a specific theme will also not leave the "newlyweds" indifferent. And, of course, the service can also be presented on this day. The main thing is that the gift should be wholeheartedly, and so that later the couple could remember this day together, when they will drink a cup of tea from the service or admire the picture on the wall.

For parents
Anniversaries already have their own family. They have children, and some have grandchildren. The closest people definitely want to present their relatives with a worthy, unusual and necessary gift. Children can please their parents by taking over the organization of the holiday, because they should spend a lot of energy and nerves in order to make a luxurious event. They should choose a place in advance, invite guests, order a table, arrange a venue, and so on. Of course, parents will be aware, which cannot be called a surprise, but it will be a great help, which they will definitely appreciate.
If children have the opportunity, then it is worth giving the heroes a trip. A trip to the coral islands will be a luxurious gift. Wealthy people can congratulate their parents with more expensive gifts - give an apartment or a summer cottage. Or just buy something that parents dreamed of for a long time, but could not buy for themselves. This gesture will be the best gift for them.

If there is no way to surprise your parents with an expensive gift, then you should choose the option that the “newlyweds” will like and will cause joyful emotions. Memories will be a great gift. That is, you can make an album or a collage with photos from the life of your parents, you can record a small video where not only photos will be used, but also small video congratulations from the loved ones themselves. Photos must be vivid, convey emotions, mood or significant events in the life of the spouses.

If your parents love animals, then you can give a small pet as well. A small bird or aquarium fish will become a common occupation for them. The children have already grown up and left their ancestral home, and now the pet will become an outlet for them. They will be able to give him their care and affection. And if the spouses have a summer cottage, then you can consider the option with a tree.It can be planted exactly on the day of the holiday, and then every year you can watch it as it grows and gets stronger. The tree can become a symbol of their love and family.

Original gifts
It is not necessary to give practical and useful gifts, because you can present so many original gifts that they will surprise the heroes of the day. You just have to show your imagination, then their 35th wedding anniversary will be unforgettable. It is worth considering in more detail a few unusual greetings.
- Emotions as a present. Things are material, sooner or later they become worthless. But emotions and feelings are eternal. To evoke strong emotions, a hot air balloon flight, horseback riding, spa treatments, dance lessons and much more will be an excellent present.
- Collage. Photos always convey a lot of emotions, and if you arrange them like a collage, you can make a whole story. You can use old photos, find those where they are still small. An excellent choice would be the design of a wall newspaper on which you can write congratulations to the "newlyweds". The choice is up to the designers.
- DIY presentations. Such a gift will definitely cause a storm of emotions among the "heroes" of the occasion. If you have creativity, you can draw a portrait of the "newlyweds" yourself, bake a cake, make beautiful embroidery in the form of a picture or a doll in the form of a married couple, and much more.
- Poems and songs. You can congratulate the heroes of the day with your own poem or sing a song with which the spouses have many memories. If you yourself cannot compose a beautiful verse, then you can turn to professionals for help, and read it at the holiday.

Photos always remain in memory, so a photo session as a gift will come in handy. Such a celebration as the 35th anniversary of life together is definitely worth capturing. It is worth organizing a photo session, then the heroes of the day will be able, if they wish, to revise it and again get a lot of positive emotions. First, you should think over the location of the photo session, choose a professional, choose a topic, and prepare the necessary props.
When organizing a photo session for the 35th anniversary of marriage, it is worth paying attention to several ideas.
- Outdoors. This option is suitable for any time of the year, since nature acts as a ready-made decoration. You can call the heroes of the day to the park where they like to walk, to the place of their meeting or first date. An excellent choice would be photography near a lake or against the backdrop of cityscapes. Such photos always look bright, fresh and dynamic.
- In a studio. This option for holding a photo session has an undeniable advantage - the shooting will take place in any weather. A professional will always arrange the necessary lighting, help you choose the necessary decorations and paraphernalia. Photos look beautiful against the background of a home environment - a lighted fireplace, a soft sofa and joy in the eyes of lovers. You can organize a photo session in any style, for example, rustic, retro or romantic.
- Houses. To conduct a photo session, you have to put in a lot of effort and time, sometimes it is difficult for “newlyweds” to endure such a tedious task, when they are being taken somewhere, then they are told how to pose and make them smile. In this case, it is better to invite the photographer home. The spouses will be able to go about their usual activities during filming without straining.

Selection of treats and table setting
When organizing the celebration of the 35th anniversary of the wedding, you should pay due attention to the table setting and the selection of treats, because you want everything to be perfect on this day. The main decoration of the table, of course, is the cake. It will become an unforgettable culmination of the holiday. It is better to order the cake in advance, while taking into account the number of invited guests, because it should be enough for everyone. Cakes made in several levels look luxurious. Usually the top of the product is decorated with the number 35, scarlet flowers or figurines of spouses.

Today the buyer can choose from a wide range of wedding cakes. Craftswomen create real works of art, which are even a pity to eat. You can make the cake original if you not only write the names of the spouses on it, but also depict your favorite things, a common hobby, or write their nicknames, which they invented for each other many years ago. This detail will make the treat for them special and unforgettable.
The selection of treats can be varied. It is worth starting from the theme of the holiday, and also not forgetting about the color performance. It is necessary to convey the atmosphere of romance. There should be red dishes on the table, for example, you can supplement the table with fruits and vegetables. Fragrant seafood will come in handy. Gourmet snacks accompanied by luxurious wine will definitely please all guests.
35th anniversary of marriage or coral wedding - which symbolizes, see the next video.
Comprehensive information.