36 years of marriage: what kind of wedding is it and how is it celebrated?

Each year lived in a legal marriage is a holiday. On special anniversaries, it is customary to give gifts, congratulate spouses.
What is the name of the anniversary?
The 36th anniversary of marriage has its own name - Agate Wedding. Such a long period of life together is marked by couples in a special way. In some families, relatives and friends gather to bring their congratulations, in others it is customary to celebrate personal dates together.
There are also those who think that this date is not important enough to celebrate it. However, there is a belief that the lack of celebration is a bad omen, promising trouble and discord in the family.
In America, the date received a different name - "bone china". This material is intended to symbolize the strength of family relationships, as well as their fragility. Few people know what bone china is and have little idea of what it looks like. This is a very strong material, which is translucent in the light, it is compared with the loyalty and confidence in a partner that come over the years.
This date is rarely celebrated abroad, as in Russia, where it is customary to celebrate only round events.

Why did they decide in our country to call the 36th anniversary an agate wedding? It's simple: this stone is a symbol of wealth and prosperity, despite the fact that it is semi-precious. It has properties such as strength and resistance to physical stress. The same applies to relationships after 36 years of marriage - they are already established, they have become strong, but cracks can appear in them if insurmountable obstacles appear on the way.
Over such a long period of time, a family acquires its own wealth, achieves prosperity, and these are not always material things, but more often children, grandchildren.Each marriage is individual, like a stone, of which there are several types, differing in shade.

Some psychologists ask couples to take a test and invite them to look at the patterns on the stone, to share what they resemble. Their attitude to marriage depends on what associative array the partners build. Each of the spouses offers his own version, then they are compared and from them you can understand whether in a couple both partners really see the family the same way or if they have some problems.
Traditionally for this anniversary it is customary to give agate or jewelry with a stone, as well as bone china. It can be dishes or figurines.
Muslin is considered the symbol of this anniversary in France. This is a cotton fabric that was previously used to make clothes for members of the royal family. It is durable, but demanding to care for, and if you store such things incorrectly, they will lose their attractiveness.
Relationships also require working, keeping track of them in order to preserve them.

Choosing gifts
Depending on who gives the gift for the 36th birthday, it will be different. It is not at all necessary to celebrate a celebration to give your friends something pleasant. The presentation can be small and symbolic.
Among the most popular gifts from friends:
photo frame;
A painting for the wall;
living plant.

All of these gifts are for the family, not one of the partners. A vase or figurine symbolizes fragility, but giving an empty candy bowl or vase is bad omen, so it's better to fill them with something, for example, put a postcard, sweets or a toy. Cups and plates are always in place, next time at the celebration the hosts will definitely cover the table with them. You can add wishes to ceramics, so the gift will become more individual. It can be just two paired circles with special inscriptions or photo printing.
A multi-storey salad bowl will be a great addition to the interior. She can stand on the table just like that or with sweets and fruits.
There is a huge assortment of goods in this category in modern stores.

If you choose a frame for a photo as a gift, then it is better not to give it empty, but to put there a picture of the couple, where their most pleasant memories are captured. The present will remind not only of the attention from a friend, but also take its place of honor in the interior of the house.
Things are a little more complicated with the book, since it should be such as to interest both spouses. Often they donate expensive, leather-made religious objects, including the Koran or the Bible. This souvenir will be passed down from generation to generation, the only drawback is the cost.
In the absence of large funds, you can donate:

Although jewelry boxes are not very popular today, they are still considered an excellent souvenir. The choice is huge both on the shelves of simple stores and on the Internet. They are made of wood, metal, they can be an excellent place to store jewelry, money, keys.
When friends know that in a couple, both spouses love art, then they cannot fail to be pleased with a good picture, with which they will definitely decorate the bedroom or living room. It is worth choosing it based on the general interior, but it is advisable to choose a neutral theme, unless the spouses prefer abstraction or a specific style.

A very unusual and original gift is a housekeeper, which will always fit in the house. It is made in the form of a box with small hooks. If a couple has a problem with constantly losing keys, then you should opt for this option.
It is quite easy to decide on a present if the spouses are collecting a collection of any figurines. The new model can not only please them, but also take up empty space on the shelf.
If none of the above is interesting to the couple, then pick up a funny lamp. There are many options for both outdoor and indoor use.Such a gift not only fits perfectly into the interior, but also benefits. You can just bring a beautiful living plant into the house.
It will revive the atmosphere, make it more comfortable, give pleasant emotions, and charge with positive energy.

If you want to give a gift to your parents, then you should pay attention to other options. The main thing here is not the cost of the presentation, but the attention.
The most universal sign of attention will be textiles.
cloth napkins.

You can additionally embroider a surname on them, make a drawing. If a person has a rich imagination, then the gift will delight the spouses and will delight them for more than one year.
Small household appliances are very useful, which will become useful in the kitchen. But it can be not only a new kettle or food processor, but also a small TV set in the kitchen.
If you want to please your parents in a special way, then you should give preference to a ticket to a sanatorium or a subscription to a cafe, restaurant, cinema, sauna. There are a lot of options. A couple on their holiday can relax together. Such a present is especially valuable when the heroes of the day do not have time or money for relaxation. It would be nice to present a subscription for a therapeutic massage.
Symbolic gifts don't go out of style either. Agate products are popular - a symbol of the 36th anniversary of marriage.
These are not only boxes, but also figurines and other products.

A gift in the form of paired T-shirts will be interesting. You can also make a film about parents, make a collage.
But not only friends and relatives make pleasant surprises, partners also congratulate each other on the holiday. A husband can buy an agate jewelry or a more expensive product for his beloved woman. Popular:
- earrings;
- rings;
- brooch;
- beads;
- pendant.
Earrings can be worn not only for an evening dress, but also in everyday life. Jewelers offer modest and chic pieces of jewelry that vary in value. A ring is always a special symbolism, a demonstration of affection for a partner, it symbolizes love and harmony.
Agate beads will bring prosperity and good luck. Astrologers endow this stone with special properties, which he gladly shares with the wearer.
Like well-made beads, the bracelet is perfect as an anniversary present. If a woman does not wear these options for jewelry, then she will definitely like the pendant, and when it is made in the shape of a heart, it carries a special meaning, openly demonstrates the feelings of her husband.
The brooch is suitable for older women, as it has long been considered a classic item that adorns any dress.

You can present a box made of stone. It can store not only earrings and rings, but also other small things.
Anniversary presupposes a gift from the spouse to the husband. This could be a good watch. Not a single man can refuse such a sign of attention. But the clock can be not only a wristwatch, but also a desktop one, for example, in an office or office.
You can present an organizer in which it is convenient to store pencils, a calendar, and even books. There are many options for the execution of this piece of furniture, it will take only free time to find a good gift.
For the office, a table lamp will not be superfluous. It will help you organize your workspace efficiently.

A tie or belt will always come in handy. These are exclusively male gifts, but you need to choose them with taste. It is better to pay attention not to cheap accessories, but tasteful ones. If it is a belt, then it is necessarily leather, and if it is a tie, then it is better to purchase it in a specialized store.
If the husband is in a high position, then cufflinks will be the perfect gift for him. They can be either expensive, made of precious metal, or ordinary.
Scientists should be given special books that will be useful to them, and collectors should be given something that will complement the existing copies.
In any case, whichever gift is chosen, it is always a manifestation of love and care, therefore, on the 36th birthday, it will have a special meaning for the couple.

How to celebrate?
If the anniversary is celebrated, then you definitely need to buy a good cake, which will be decorated in a special way. It doesn't matter who orders it, the main thing is that this holiday is another good reason to bring your family together.
According to the omen, you should not arrange a big celebration, it is better to organize a table in the family circle. And, of course, you cannot refuse symbolic gifts and congratulations.
If the spouses decide to celebrate their anniversary alone, then you can visit the cinema, theater. This is the day when you need to devote all the time to yourself and your partner. It is worth choosing the option that is acceptable to both, so that neither of the spouses is offended.

If it is spring, summer or early autumn, it is better to go on a picnic, fishing. Fresh air, privacy will allow you to relax and give many pleasant impressions. A trip to the sea or a couple of weeks in a sanatorium will help improve your health, feel the taste of life, and escape from everyday problems.
If the city has a zoo or just a park, you can go there.
These are always positive emotions, an unforgettable experience, especially if there is an opportunity to communicate with some animals.

For those who like to have a rest culturally, a visit to any exhibition is suitable. You can go to an art gallery, see contemporary art. It all depends on the personal preferences of the spouses, they may just want to buy popcorn and watch a good movie at home on their favorite couch.
It doesn't matter where exactly the spouses decide to celebrate their anniversary, it is much more important that this event brings them positive emotions. Even a small celebration with children and grandchildren can be remembered for a lifetime, because the main thing is the love and care that partners feel from others. The whole family can go to the pond and make a barbecue or fry it in the yard, but it is important to feel the unity of the family.
You will learn more about this date in the following video.