48 years of marriage - what kind of wedding is it and how is it celebrated?

As you know, time flies very quickly. It seemed that even yesterday they gave each other vows of love in sorrow and in joy. And 48 years after the wedding they keep their word. Despite the fact that this date is not jubilee, the anniversary of marriage is always a reason to rejoice for parents or friends. In addition, this date has its own traditions and special meaning, which you will learn about by reading this article.

What is the name of the anniversary?
Today, there is an extremely unpleasant trend - more and more couples who entered into a legal union disperse even before the start of the first anniversary date. These are the realities of the modern world. Their own individuality is a priority for most young people, rather than the desire to maintain an alliance and try to understand their partner. In this regard, forty-eight years, lived together, cause admiration and respect from others. However, it should be noted that the wedding is still an important stage in the life of people, to which a serious attitude has been preserved.
The forty-eighth anniversary is called amethyst. Before proceeding to the story about the traditions and possible options for the celebration, you should familiarize yourself in more detail with the symbols of this anniversary. Amethyst is one of the most expensive varieties of the mineral, composed of crystals of silica, more commonly known as quartz. Visually, amethyst is incredibly beautiful. Its shade is a combination of pink, bluish, red and lilac. It is very rare to meet this mineral in nature, and therefore amethyst is ranked among the group of collectible mineral substances.

From the ancient Greek language, the mineral is translated as "sober", which, if you think about it, is very symbolic.Having lived together for forty-eight years, the union is distinguished by a sober and healthy outlook on life and on relationships, which saves partners from situations associated with excessive passion, rage and even jealousy.
Most likely, the anniversary got its name from the physical properties of this mineral stone. Amethyst is renowned for its unique strength and toughness, like a couple who have managed to preserve a relationship. For such a long period of time together, partners are so integrated with each other that nothing seems to be able to influence it. In addition, amethyst is a symbol of loyalty, a clear conscience and honesty. Which again brings us to the idea of the correct choice of the symbolism of this celebration.

Traditions are the main part of almost any holiday. The amethyst anniversary is no exception. Many of the traditions, by the way, have been observed for several centuries. However, more and more often you can see that any tradition changes over time and is regularly supplemented with something. Much of what you come across as you study the forty-eight-year marriage anniversary tradition may seem odd or old-fashioned to you. It is worth noting that strict adherence to tradition is completely optional. Today they are part of history, and therefore serve as a source for inspiration and explanation of certain events. The amethyst anniversary builds on a long tradition.
- The presence of a large Easter cake on the table. According to tradition, the menu of the table set for guests should resemble the table set for Easter. The best option is considered to be treating guests with homemade Easter cake, made on their own at home. However, you can always get it in any of the supermarkets. The opportunity to bite off the cake first goes to the head of the family, that is, the spouse, then the wife takes a bite. And only after that, sweet and rich bread is cut into small pieces and served to the table.
- It is no secret that most of the unions are concluded on the territory of the registry office. Not everyone dares to the wedding procedure, only a few. Nevertheless, the belief that all unions are created in heaven still exists. Therefore, there is no better opportunity to go to church and light candles in honor of family well-being and long life.

As mentioned earlier, amethyst is a mineral stone that has an incredibly beautiful and unique hue. His lilac-bluish palette on this day should be manifested in everything - in the attributes of a celebration, dishes, food, clothes, and, of course, in flowers.
- The most emblematic flower of the forty-eight year anniversary is the lilac branch. The shade of the flower and its fresh scent will become a real decoration of your holiday. Flowers are striking in their beauty, and therefore are placed in the middle of the set table. It is believed that a branch of lilac, presented to a spouse on an amethyst anniversary, is able to "refresh" the relationship between spouses, "breathing" into them a new wave of love.
- Rings are considered the main symbol of marriage, and amethyst is part of many jewelry. On this day, it is customary not only to re-swear oaths to each other, but also to repeat the procedure for putting on the rings. The rings may be the same, but it is advisable to purchase those that will contain the mineral amethyst. It is worth noting that it is the rings with amethyst that are recommended to be passed on to your children or grandchildren. Since there is a belief that this mineral stone is able to preserve the energy of its previous owner and protect from the evil eye. By inheriting a piece of jewelry with amethyst, you are passing on a piece of yourself and your energy. For the one to whom the ring was presented, the amethyst in this case will act as a talisman or amulet.

How to mark?
It is difficult to imagine what the “newlyweds” went through during their forty-eight long marriage. They shared sad and joyful experiences.Overcome a difficult time together, hand in hand. Every day, working on relationships, they began to feel support in a loved one. In such a relationship there is no place for "I" - there is only "we". When deciding to arrange a holiday, it is recommended to take as a basis the symbol of this date - amethyst. Of the most successful options for celebrating the amethyst anniversary, the following four can be noted:
- visiting special places associated with memories or any outstanding events;
- a modest celebration with family members in a restaurant;
- a trip to another city, country or resort;
- home party with all family members at home.
If you attach great importance to symbolism when celebrating anniversaries, then in the case of an amethyst date, it is recommended to have a family dinner with only your children and grandchildren. Amethyst symbolizes a home, which means that it does not require unnecessary bustle and crowded atmosphere.

It is customary to celebrate this anniversary in a quiet, cozy and calm atmosphere. The highlight of the evening should be the recollections of the spouses about their youth and some bright events in their lives. As a rule, it is not customary to have a fancy dinner on the amethyst anniversary. The atmosphere is more reminiscent of tea drinking in the circle of people close and dear to the heart. Therefore, stock up on cake and delicious aromatic tea as a treat. Before dinner begins, it is advisable for the spouses to spend time together, indulging in pleasant and warm memories.
Visit your favorite cafe, treat yourself and your soul mate with a mug of hot drink. Walk through the beautiful and memorable places of your city. It would be a great idea to go to the theater for one of the performances or visit the cinema.

What to give?
Since in most cases the celebration is based on the symbolism of a specific date, it is recommended to present as a gift everything that, in one way or another, will resemble a mineral - amethyst. Fortunately, there are many variations of amethyst anniversary presents. Below are some examples.
- In honor of this joyful event, spouses can delight each other with an adornment with an incredibly beautiful amethyst stone. These can be elegant earrings, a ring, a necklace, a bracelet, accessories for ties or shirts (for example, cufflinks).
- Amethyst stone can be presented not only as a decoration, but also in its raw form. In other words, a mineral stone that has not been inlaid in jewelry can be presented as an amulet or talisman that brings good luck.
- Since amethyst has a characteristic lilac and bluish shades, things and objects kept in this color palette will turn out to be a wonderful and symbolic gift. These can be household items such as rugs, bedding, blankets, towels, tablecloths, and other textiles.

- Objects of art will turn out to be a wonderful gift for a 48 year wedding. For example, a painting in which the predominant color scheme is purple or lilac will inevitably lead to the idea of a forty-eight year anniversary symbol.
- Since the amethyst stone is also a symbol of the hearth, any items that can make your living space cozy are ideal as a gift. Whether it is furniture, a figurine, a vase or candles, it is not so important - anything that evokes associations with a warm home will be an appropriate gift.
- An interesting present will be a pre-ordered print of a photo on a piece of clothing, a blanket or tableware. Well, the portrait of the “newlyweds” painted by the artist will turn out to be a truly memorable gift.
Instead of ordinary flowers, present your spouse with a houseplant in a purple palette, which will remind you of the symbol of celebration. Such a gift will not wither after a couple of days, but will continue to delight for several years.Look out for houseplants such as abutilone, also known as indoor maple, and azalea, sometimes called rhododendron.

- If one of the partners prefers to while away the evenings with a nice book in hand, be sure to take a closer look at some collectible item. It is also recommended to pay attention to the e-book, in which you can put an incredibly large number of all kinds of books in electronic format. It should be noted that this device does not cause any harm to the eyes and saves space in the bag.
- Forty-eight years of the anniversary implies that the spouses are no longer young, which means that gifts that help restore or improve their health will come in handy. This can be a device that helps measure blood pressure, pulse, or blood sugar. Orthopedic insoles, an ultrasonic massager and a mattress will be a useful gift.
- Household and kitchen appliances, again made in the color palette of amethyst, will be an expensive gift, but extremely useful. If your budget allows for expensive purchases, then take a closer look at a washing machine or dishwasher. This will greatly facilitate the household life of the spouses.
How best to celebrate the amethyst wedding and what to buy for a married couple as a gift, see the video below.