9 years old - what kind of wedding is it and how is it celebrated?

From time immemorial, the nine was considered a special magic number that charges you with good luck and brings success in your endeavors. So the ninth anniversary of family life is a very special date, which has its own customs, traditions and related rules.

What is the name of such an anniversary?
The family's ninth birthday is called a faience wedding. On the one hand, the spouses have already completely got used to each other during this time, got used to it, learned to close their eyes to shortcomings and find compromises. On the other hand, marriage is not yet strong enough to be indestructible, and at this moment all kinds of crises often arise.
That's why faience became the main symbol of this date - on the one hand, it is a dense and luxurious material in appearance, and on the other, it is rather fragile, which needs careful handling. So a family union on the threshold of the 10th anniversary can crack if the husband and wife do not take care of their feelings and relationships.

There is an opinion that faience is capable of absorbing negative energy from the outside, in this regard, our great-great-grandmothers sent all the ceramic dishes after washing to dry on the fence posts. This had its own symbolic meaning - our ancestors believed that such dishes absorb everything bad that is in the house, and during drying in the sun, the accumulated negative comes out, and the kitchen utensils themselves are charged with the energy of the sun and heat, water and air. If there is no way to dry clay dishes in this way, they are simply changed once a year so that negative emotions do not accumulate inside the living space.
The symbolic meaning of a faience wedding may be slightly different. In everyday life, ceramics require very careful and caring care, and the personal relationships of a married couple can easily crack if not cherished.
Not a single married couple can be insured from crisis stages, and it is generally accepted that one of the most severe psychological crises occurs precisely in the ninth year of life.
At this moment, the relationship becomes, as never before, fragile, like a dish of earthenware, so the symbol of the anniversary is that respect and love between husband and wife should be cherished and protected, otherwise, as they say, the broken cup cannot be glued together.
Sometimes the ninth anniversary of family life is called chamomile. This is a very beautiful allegory, because chamomile is considered by all peoples to be a symbol of romance, devotion and the purest love.
On the threshold of the tenth anniversary, there is no longer any need to guess on a camomile - whether he loves or not. The power of feelings has already been proven, but to refresh the relationship and bring a touch of romance, which, to be honest, is almost reduced to naught by this moment, will not hurt. It is this moment of the relationship that needs emotional recharge. Both husband and wife - still young, in fact, people, can go in search of new, sharper and stronger sensations, and this will not lead to anything good.

A faience wedding symbolizes a certain milestone, a day after which the whole story can begin anew, as if from scratch, so it will be very good if the couple decides to celebrate this day. However, the celebration should correspond to some folk traditions - there is a belief that only in this case the young will live happily ever after for many long years.
The main sign is that the spouse must definitely present a bouquet of daisies to his beloved on this day, and he must collect them with his own hand: for this he should wake up with the first rays of the sun and go into the field in search of these delicate and pure flowers.

However, in modern conditions it is not always possible to do this, so you can just walk to the nearest flower shop. Let your spouse, waking up in the morning, immediately notice this delicate bouquet and hear warm and sincere words of love from her companion, this will tune the young to a lyrical mood and bring warmth, peace and harmony to the family.
It is important that the husband and wife do not part at all on the wedding day, even for an hour, if one person needs to go, for example, to the store, then the other one must certainly go with him. But it's better to take time off from work - the bosses are unlikely to like the presence of a stranger in the office. Such a union will symbolize the inseparability of the couple and the fact that they will be together for more than a dozen years.
The number of guests on this day must be any, but so that their total number is at least 9. It is important that married couples always come together. and even better - together with your children.
If possible, celebrate the ninth anniversary in nature, for example, in a forest clearing or on a picturesque river bank. You can light a fire or have a picnic, the main thing is to listen to sincere, pleasant and warm congratulations, and children should run around, and their cheerful laughter and sincere joy will surely attract joy and prosperity to the house.

Girls and women invited to the event should weave wreaths of field daisies and give them to the hero of the occasion, it is believed that then she will definitely have great female happiness and a lot of health. If the date of the event falls on a cool season, then it is better to buy daisies in a flower shop or at least weave one flower into a decoration made of dried flowers.
Another interesting tradition that can bring a lot of cheerful notes to the celebration is the beating of old dishes. Immediately before the holiday, you need to take out of the apartment or house all the cups and plates with defects - chips or cracks, it can bring trouble into the house, and already during the celebration, under general applause, break 9 plates - then happiness and respect for each other will firmly settle in the family ...

It is best to buy a new earthenware service for your home on this day, if you do not need it at all - then at least any other new item, preferably made of clay - a vase, a figurine or some other decorative element.

What do they give?
Probably the most common gift for the ninth wedding anniversary is a table set, tea, coffee, any other tableware will be appropriate. In addition, you can opt for candlesticks, interior decor elements, jewelry boxes. Decorative plates with commemorative inscriptions look quite interesting, which will delight and amuse the "young", and if you depict a photograph of a married couple on a plate, it can become an excellent accent in the interior.

However, it is not necessary to dwell on clay derivatives.
On such a day, jewelry, various certificates will be appropriate, you can give a married couple a ticket to a performance of a famous theater, a concert of your favorite performer or a ticket to an exciting journey. Actually, buying a gift is limited only by the financial capabilities of the donor and the flight of his imagination. The only thing that matters on such a day is that the gift should bring joy, give romantic memories and leave the brightest and kindest memory.
Of course, the couple should congratulate each other. So, a wife can give her beloved man a beer mug or a new bowl with funny inscriptions, a stylish earthenware ashtray is suitable for smoking men, and if the spouse loves to feast on sweet jam, he will like a clay barrel for honey.

But the spouse can be presented with exclusive jewelry, a cosmetic bag or a bag. Any woman will appreciate a certificate for visiting a beauty salon or new clothes.
It is not at all necessary to adhere to the idea of a gift made of clay on this day, in fact, on this day, a variety of products can bring joy to spouses, the main thing is that they are presented with the warmest thoughts and sincere good wishes.

How is it celebrated?
A faience wedding is rarely celebrated on a grand scale, it is better to save all the forces and means in order to arrange a big holiday in a year, but for now it is better to get together with the most relatives and friends, but always sincere people who wish the young only happiness - do not forget that faience perfectly absorbs all unkind and evil.
If you are celebrating outdoors, be sure to organize many active games, dance, sing songs, make noise and have fun with all your heart.
If there is no way to get out, then you can arrange emotional gatherings at home, just make sure that there is earthenware on the table, and the room is decorated with daisies: let the flowers stand in a vase, and their images are decorated with napkins. tablecloths and walls. These delicate flowers will not only become an excellent decorative element, but also a symbol of the purity of the spouses' thoughts, tenderness and vulnerability of their feelings.

Husband and wife should definitely decorate their heads with chamomile wreaths, and for guests it is worth preparing garlands woven from wild flowers and herbs - such a ceremony will certainly leave its incredibly charming atmosphere and unique flavor.
On this day, you can use the ideas of a thematic holiday, for example, it will be very appropriate to reproduce the customs of the noble life of the 18th-19th centuries. Of course, this will require additional decorative elements to decorate the room or interior. However, ideas can be very diverse, for example, a holiday in the style of forest dwellers will be appropriate: elves and fairies as a message to daisies.
Themed holidays are always more interesting than usual. - they create a special atmosphere, leave fond memories and, of course, charge the participants of the event with the most positive emotions.
And, of course, you should carefully think over the menu. If you have a traditional holiday in a restaurant, then the choice of dishes will depend on the restaurant's menu, but if you decide to celebrate it on the street in accordance with the traditions of a faience wedding, then the issue of treats will be very acute. It is unlikely that it will be possible to set the table with complex meat dishes, but a treat consisting only of salads, vegetables and light snacks will look at least strange.
Usually on this day, barbecue or barbecue is served as the main dish, chops and baked poultry are also appropriate. Among the appetizers, you should pay attention to canapes, sandwiches, salads, and they can be both vegetable and fruit.

And, of course, a cake - no wedding celebration should do without it.
It is best to order it from a pastry chef and decorate it accordingly, for example, you can decorate the dessert with images of daisies, although you can use more traditional decor ideas - hearts, pigeons or swans, which symbolize love, loyalty and devotion to each other.

Decorating a cake with figures depicting the heroes of the occasion is very popular.
Despite the fact that nine years of marriage is not yet a round date, one should not underestimate its significance. Every moment of life plays a special role in the life of a spouse, and every year it contributes to the construction of a strong and loving family.
What is a faience wedding, see the next video.