Doves at a wedding - all about the peculiarities of tradition

A wedding is a special day in life, which must be held flawlessly, observing many traditions. The conventional wisdom is that this should be the beginning of a new, happy family life. One of the customs that is firmly included in the list of wedding events is the release of pigeons into the sky.

History of tradition
Doves soaring in the sky look very beautiful, and the history of this event dates back to the distant past. In Italy, a girl, getting married, launched a bird into the sky, which served as a symbol of free and independent flight. In fact, the flight of a dove spoke of a future life in which the bride will now have to live an independent life.
The dove symbolized the bride herself, her purity - that is why its color was white.
Launching a bird into the sky by a bride was not so much a tribute to tradition as a message to parents.

The flight, in which the bird flew farther and farther, told the father and mother that now their daughter, like a bird released into the sky, would build her family nest, surrounding her spouse and her children with love and care.
Over time, the tradition has acquired various additions. Somewhere it was believed that the flight time is a message from a mother giving her daughter to someone else's house. In other places, the completeness of the release of the pigeon required the daughter to sing a song at the time of the bird's flight. This was a kind of request from the mother for permission to leave the parental home. However, everywhere the dove personified one image - a symbol of a daughter, virgin and innocent, moving away from her mother.

Modern look
Today, few people delve into the essence of the main traditions, so many of them have noticeably changed. For example, it is believed that at least two birds should be released instead of one.In addition to the bride, the groom also has a bird today. The organizers, who are constantly in search of new ideas, believe that birds are needed not only by friends, but also by guests.
Unfortunately, in this case, in addition to the birds soaring beautifully in the sky, the meaning of the tradition itself is lost. The message from the mother about breaking the invisible thread connecting her with her daughter is practically erased. Only the symbol of purity remains, which is often emphasized by the toastmaster, speaking of birds as a symbol of tender relationships between future spouses.
Instead of a sad pause, everyone is watching the birds fly, and along the way they come up with signs about their future family life.

In fact, the direction of flight does not play exactly anything - the happiness of two loving hearts does not depend on this, as does the birth of a son or daughter. The young people will have both happy moments and a time of strife ahead. Whether they can go through their whole life and remain faithful to each other, gentle and caring, will depend only on themselves. It is also useless to tie a pink or blue ribbon to pigeons, determining whether a son will be born to young people or a daughter.
In our country, the tradition with the release of white doves has also acquired some variations. For example, this is another reason to make a wish, which only newlyweds can do. In addition, pigeons are a favorite subject for photographers, so they are also used for photo shoots before being released into the sky.
Often, pigeons are released into the sky twice on the first wedding day.

Pros and cons
Today, the release of pigeons into the sky is so firmly established in wedding traditions that many couples find it too commonplace. Considering that today white birds are released not so much as a message to parents, but for beauty, the meaning of the tradition is lost, so it does not seem so relevant. In view of this, pigeons are today replaced with butterflies, balloons or even sky lanterns in the form of hearts.
In addition, birds can stain wedding clothes, which creates some discomfort for both the groom and the bride. Despite the fact that the day before the wedding, for this reason, the birds stop feeding, the moment of waiting for trouble will still distract the young.

In addition, not every couple can hold pigeons in their hands. If a girl agrees to this because of the beauty of the moment, then not every man will be pleased.
However, in fairness, it should be noted that the soaring of white birds in the sky looks mesmerizing. Usually at the wedding there are no guests left who look at him indifferently. This moment gives the expectation of a miracle - often the guests themselves make cherished desires at the time of graduation and firmly believe that they will certainly come true.
Perhaps this flight will give some of the guests or even parents happy memories or moments of romance.

Where and how can you release it?
Despite different beliefs, it is worth answering unequivocally: pigeons can be released where there is a place for their flight. It should be open and free, not restricting the hovering of birds. If you plan to release birds into the sky twice during the wedding, then this can be done:
- before painting in the registry office and after it;
- before and after the wedding;
- in front of the registry office and during a wedding walk;
- before and during the banquet.

The only rule for choosing a location is its openness.
It is important not only to provide the birds with the opportunity to soar, but also to provide a beautiful view, since, as a rule, some of the best delicate wedding pictures are taken at this time. In addition, in addition to photographing, at this time the release and the flight itself are filmed with a camera, capturing the beauty of the moment.
Each place of release today has its own meaning. For example, when pigeons are released in front of the registry office, then this is considered goodbye to bachelorhood. If this is done after visiting the Wedding Palace, then this is associated with a strong union, explaining the fidelity of the birds themselves to each other. The flight of birds in a park or elsewhere in a picturesque setting is considered the flight of life.Usually the toastmaster is already connected here, symbolically revealing the subtleties of family life, indicating which of the young will be the head of the family.

How to keep and release birds?
Pigeons are gentle creatures, so you need to handle them carefully, because any excess of force can injure them. Despite the fact that the birds themselves require gentle handling, they always strive to break free, so they must be held firmly and carefully at the same time. Before launching them, the birds are taken out of the cage and correctly clamped in their hands, while the legs must be placed between the fingers, and the wings must be slightly pressed against the body.
Just before the moment of launch, the pigeon is slightly nudged. The bride and groom usually launch pigeons at the same time, which today is usually associated with another sign.

It is believed that the one-time launch of wedding doves indicates mutual love and fidelity.
An equally spectacular option for the release of pigeons for a wedding is the simultaneous launch of several white birds. Unusual bird fireworks in this case is a kind of symbol of universal happiness and harmony, to which everyone who takes part in this action joins. In addition, the birds flying in the sky look incredibly beautiful. Everyone and guests at this moment feels something special in their souls, and this tradition will remain in everyone's memory for a long time.

Where to get it?
Today it is not difficult to find white doves for a wedding. This is done by wedding agencies, online salons or specialty stores. There are also special pigeon farms where white wedding pigeons are bred. As a rule, the birds themselves are delivered several hours before release. These are not just beautiful, but also thoroughbred individuals, one species of which causes many good emotions in many.
This is a separate breed that belongs to the post birds. They can fly long distances and always return to their habitat. They are looked after by specially trained people, in addition, many of these pigeons have a pedigree. Before placing an order, it is necessary to find out if the young couple has an allergy, since this is not uncommon today.
Even if there is even a predisposition to this, then it is better to refuse such an event, so as not to spoil the solemn day with sad consequences.

Often the pigeons themselves become the main adornments of the tradition. Often photographs prove that birds are great posing for photos. Cooing with each other and soaring together in the sky, they decorate the best moments of the wedding, making this day unforgettable and flawless. The tradition of releasing pigeons is undoubtedly one of the most touching, because it looks beautiful, romantic and unique. And if the donation of birds in a cage was previously considered a replacement for an expensive ring, then the bird in the sky today symbolizes tenderness and loyalty with which you need to treat each other all your life.
How doves are released at a wedding, see the next video.