How to make a wedding menu and what to prepare for a wedding table?

A wedding is one of the most wonderful events in the life of every person. It is extremely important for the bride and groom that all stages of the celebration take place according to the planned scenario. To eliminate incidents, each stage of the wedding ceremony is planned in advance, a lot of related organizational issues are resolved.

Modern couples prefer to arrange loud and bright weddings, where the banquet part plays a very important role. Just in this case, a lot of questions arise. It is required to draw up a competent menu, choose interesting dishes that will not only be tasty, but also become an additional decoration of tables. It is important that the invited guests are satisfied and well-fed. Therefore, the newlyweds must decide not only on the types of treats, but also on their quantity.

How many dishes should there be?
Wedding planning professionals argue that interchangeable meals should be included in the banquet menu. Thus, the heroes of the occasion will be able to please all guests, because each person has his own specific taste preferences. The menu chosen should be balanced, but at the same time very varied. The list of must-have dishes should include light snacks and fruits.

Some people think that it is possible to hold a wedding feast at home. Native walls allow relatives and friends of the heroes of the occasion to feel at home. It is believed that there will be no problems with the wedding menu either. But in reality, the banquet part turns into a complex routine work. First you need to decide on the number of invited guests.A large apartment or house allows you to set a wedding table for up to 30 people. Next, festive dishes are selected. In addition to aroma and divine taste, the prepared treats should have a festive appearance.

If we take into account these nuances and imagine the cooking process in reality, it becomes clear that it is best to order a banquet part in a small cafe or rent a small room in a restaurant. Moreover, the administrator of the chosen institution will help the future spouses agree on the menu, tell you which treats are best to order and specify their portions. The most important thing is that after the festive feast, you will not have to clean the table at the guests and wash the pile of dishes.

When agreeing on the wedding menu, each stage is calculated to the smallest detail. The stage-by-stage serving of dishes on the tables takes place almost every minute. For the entire banquet, according to the standard, there are about five changes of dishes. This nuance has a positive effect on the mood of the guests. With each feed, they become more cheerful and active, which directs them to take part in the holiday contests. Quite often, not all invited guests take part in wedding skating. After the registry office and a short walk, many leave for a restaurant and wait on the spot for the appearance of young spouses. In this case, it is also required to provide a small buffet table. Light snacks and fruit will suffice.

To understand how many dishes you need to put on the festive table, first you need to decide on the number of invited guests. If the wedding event is held in a restaurant, then the administrators will help determine the size of the dishes. Appetizers are served first, followed by salads. After that, the first hot dish is brought to the table, then the second. The festive banquet ends with a wedding cake. It is worth noting that the minimum weight of the cake should be seven kilograms, at least for 30 invited guests it will definitely be enough.

If the wedding table is planned to be held at home, then some restriction can be made in the number of dishes. For example, you can often serve snacks and salad together, offer one dish for a hot dish, a dessert, respectively, in the form of a wedding cake.
Compilation rules
To create a competent menu for a wedding celebration, it is necessary to pay attention to some important criteria.
- First you need to decide on the exact number of guests who will be present at the banquet part. There are situations when a person, due to circumstances, cannot attend a wedding feast, when others, on the contrary, can only come to a festive feast.
- It is important to discuss the duration of the planned festive program with the host of the wedding event in advance. Thanks to the detailed information, the administrator will be able to compose and arrange the sequence of serving dishes, taking into account the time interval.

- To agree on the menu in advance with the administration of the restaurant.
- Make a list of products required for the banquet in order to deliver them in advance.
- Taking into account the available figures, make an approximate calculation of wedding meals per person.

After agreeing on the main criteria, you should go to a detailed list of treats for the banquet.
- The first serve should be refreshing. Cold snacks, canapes, sandwiches and simple cuts will lightly feed the guests and send their mood into the thick of the festive program.
- After a while, more hearty dishes are served - salads. They should be different, for example, meat, vegetarian, mushroom and seafood.
- By the middle of the holiday, the first hot course is served on the tables. To a greater extent, preference is given to meat culinary masterpieces, for example, baked pig. Vegetables in this beauty are present as edible decorations.
- The second hot should be less satisfying, since during the first hot, the guests' organism is sufficiently satiated.
- The wedding cake completes the banquet menu.

Modern couples do not have the opportunity to fully engage in wedding preparations, so they turn to special agencies for holding celebrations. Professional organizers will explain how to properly set the festive table.
Sample menu
Modern youth are increasingly trying to hold wedding events in the summer in nature, for example, in a summer cottage near the house. The bride can dress up in a chic light dress and shine along with the sun's rays during the festivities. It is the summer time that, as never before, can confuse future spouses when drawing up a banquet menu. In order not to get lost in the face, it is best to familiarize yourself with the possible options for dishes in advance.

- Snacks. This stage of the treat begins almost immediately upon the arrival of the newlyweds. Sausage and meat cuts, fish of different varieties, vegetable pita roll, several types of bread and various sauces are served on the table.

- Salads. After the guests have had a light snack and a little dancing, the second stage of serving dishes begins. The wedding buffet is complemented by meat and vegetable salad. Warm liver with chunks of onion will have an invigorating effect and will be indispensable as a meat snack. The festive table will be decorated with a shish kebab of vegetables and a pike perch.

- Hot dishes. It is customary to prepare only the best dishes of world cuisine for a wedding, but at the same time, you can focus on the cuisine of different nations. For example, add French or Uzbek to Russian cuisine. This nuance is especially true for hot dishes. Guests will enjoy English steaks or Caucasian kebabs with great pleasure. They will treat themselves to stuffed duck, baked brisket and pilaf.

- Dessert. It is important to remember that very sweet pastries can spoil a wedding party in nature. There should be a measure in everything. At the head of the ceremony is the wedding cake, which the bride and groom cut together. While guests are watching this process, the decoration on the tables changes. Small coasters contain tartlets and small cupcakes. Served with fruit salad and muffins. Lemonade and mineral water are suitable as drinks for the warm season.

Many weddings are attended by small children, a separate children's table is made for them, where all the above dishes are served finely chopped. The menu for the winter wedding, despite the variety of culinary delights, is not as extensive as for the summer option, and yet it has certain qualities.
- Snacks. To start a wedding banquet, you can choose canapes with smoked meats, sandwiches with red and black caviar, meat and cheese cuts.

- Salads. While waiting for hot meals, guests should be given some food. It is enough to serve vegetable salad with rucola and Mozzarella, Greek salad with olives and sliced marble cheese with chicory.

- Hot. The most anticipated dishes of the guests should be served in the middle of the holiday. Especially popular for winter weddings are fried sebasse with vegetable addition and breast stuffed with mushrooms.

- Dessert. Traditionally, a wedding cake is served for sweet. Tea or coffee is served as a drink.

The simplest menu should be designed with a limited budget. For a minimum banquet amount, a couple of salads and several plates of snacks are suitable. For a hot meal, you can choose the simplest dish from the usual Russian cuisine. Dessert can be limited to wedding cake only.
Interesting recipes
Holding a banquet part in nature or at home will allow future spouses to significantly save the family budget. A self-made menu, despite the simplicity of execution, will breathe with the warmth and coziness of a home environment. To impress the invited guests, you should look for special recipes, the preparation time of which takes a minimum of time. For example, an Armenian roll.
To prepare this masterpiece you will need:
- Armenian lavash - 4 large sheets;
- processed cheese - 300 g;
- Dill;
- fillet of salmon or trout - 400 g.

The cooking process does not require a lot of effort.
- Spread a sheet of pita bread on the table. Apply a thin layer of melted cheese on top.
- Then the cheese surface is sprinkled with finely chopped dill.
- Then a thin cut of red fish is laid out.

After preparing the main part, the roll must be wrapped in a tube, but so that the contents do not slide out and do not shrink much. The prepared snack is placed in the refrigerator. Before serving, the roll is cut into small pieces and laid out on a plate. Garnish with cherry tomatoes and green onions cut in half. Consider chicken liver with bacon as a main course.
To prepare it, you will need:
- chicken liver - 1 kg;
- bacon - 15-20 layers;
- ginger - 200 g;
- soy sauce - 2 tbsp l .;
- salt and pepper to taste;
- red wine - 3 tbsp. l.

Let's start cooking.
- First you need to prepare the chicken liver. It must be rinsed under running water, salt and pepper.
- Next is the most interesting cooking step. A piece of chicken liver is wrapped in each plate of bacon and secured with a wooden skewer or toothpick.
- The resulting envelopes must be laid out on a baking sheet, pour on top with a special sauce. To prepare it, you must thoroughly mix the soy sauce, ginger and wine.
- The workpiece is sent to the oven for half an hour. Served on the table hot. Fresh vegetables can serve as a decoration.

The standard fruit basket on the wedding table is a bit annoying, but you can't do without these products. Therefore, guests can be offered a dessert fruit salad.
For cooking you will need:
- apples - 10 pcs.;
- kiwi - 5 pcs.;
- pears - 5 pcs.;
- bananas - 5 pcs.;
- walnuts - 200 g;
- orange - 1 pc.;
- yogurt - 0.5 l;
- powdered sugar - to taste.

It is required to carefully consider the stages of preparing a fruit salad.
- The harvested fruit must be cut into small cubes, mixed and placed in portioned plates.
- Beat sugar and yogurt and pour the decomposed ingredients with the resulting mass.
- Each guest plate is decorated with walnut-shaped sprinkles. The prepared salad must be placed in a cool place, after which it is served to guests for dessert.

In the culinary world, you can find many recipes for decorating a wedding table, while they turn out to be not only beautiful, but also very tasty.
For information on how to correctly compose a menu for a wedding, see the next video.