Responsibilities and image of a wedding witness

Each girl is looking forward to the moment when her lover will propose to her, after which she acquires a special status and turns into a bride. In order for the solemn ceremony to go well and remain for a long time in the memory of the newlyweds and those invited, the girl needs to solve many preparatory issues. Without the help of a friend, this alone cannot be dealt with, so wedding chores begin with the choice of a responsible witness.

The bridesmaid is often called a witness, since she is not only next to the newlywed at the wedding, her functions also include painting on documents in the registry office. Therefore, for this role, they usually choose girls with whom the bride has a trusting relationship. The witness needs to know what is required of her and what are the main tasks of the wedding ceremony. The list of functions of a bridesmaid directly depends on the characteristics of the celebration and the personal wishes of the bride. Therefore, if a large-scale event is planned, it is recommended to choose several girlfriends, each of whom will do their own thing.

Typically, the bridesmaid at the wedding will do the following:
- First, it helps in preparing the celebration. The witness is considered an assistant to the newlywed and is required to have organizational skills. The girl does everything that the culprit of the holiday asks her. She needs to think in detail about all the nuances of the ceremony and help the bride with the choice of shoes, veils and dresses.
- On the day of the celebration, the girlfriend should arrive earlier than all those invited and help the newlywed get together, as well as give parting words to the groom, invited guests, relatives in order to avoid the fuss.Upon the arrival of the groom, she also oversees the bride price process. She should make sure that the newlyweds do not forget their rings and passports.

- During a direct marriage, a girlfriend can fulfill the role of an official witness.
- The girl needs to control the sequence of all events and prevent the young people from being late to the registry office, to a photo session and to church, if the program provides for a wedding. At the same time, during the wedding, the witness is also assigned responsible duties, which you need to know about and discuss the details with the priest in advance. So, for example, a girlfriend should have several kerchiefs with her in case one of the guests forgets to take them.
- During the painting, help the newlywed maintain the wedding bouquet, and after congratulating the guests, the assistant needs to collect all the bouquets.

- The witness needs to prepare coins and rose petals in advance for sprinkling on the young; in advance, guests must also be arranged for this.
- At the end of the painting, the girl is engaged in seating the guests at the banquet table. She should not only agree in advance with the waiters on the serving of food, but also actively participate in dances, games and fun contests.
- A friend needs to constantly be a "lifesaver" for a young woman: accompany her to the restroom, watch her makeup and the appearance of the decoration. In order to prevent embarrassing situations, girls should, just in case, have spare stockings, hairpins, napkins, pins and threads with a needle in their purse.

If the wedding took place at the highest level, all the guests and newlyweds were satisfied, it means that the bride's friend successfully coped with her duties.
Who should you choose for this role?
The bridesmaid is considered her main support and support on the day of the celebration. To overcome the excitement and fully enjoy the atmosphere of the holiday, the newlywed needs to choose the right assistant, who will take part not only in preparing for the ceremony, but also solve many other organizational troubles. Therefore, the witness must be responsible and collected.

Today it is in vogue to invite several assistants to the wedding, who distribute responsibilities among themselves, thereby all issues are resolved faster and more efficiently. But in this case, it must be remembered that assistants are girls, and they can take offense and argue. As a result, the merry celebration will turn into a continuous showdown. Therefore, it is best to choose one reliable friend. A good option for this can be a sister (not necessarily a relative) or one of the groom's relatives (her choice will help strengthen future family ties).

You cannot refuse the candidacy of a witness just because she has an unstable financial situation and is not able to purchase a worthy gift for the newlyweds and a wedding dress. This characteristic is not an indicator for selection. It is important for the girl to offer this role, she will independently find a way out of the situation.
If the bride was a witness to her close friends, this does not mean that she is obliged to choose them as assistants. According to tradition, a girlfriend should be unmarried, so grievances are inappropriate here. In addition, it is best to choose a witness according to the height and physique of the bride, so that her appearance is in harmony with the image of the young. It is advisable to give preference to girls with a sense of humor and organizational skills. This should be a tireless beauty who would not just sit in a corner, but actively take part in competitions and dances.

You should not take a girl as a witness if she:
- Married. Of course, in many Western countries, the status of a lady does not play a special role, but still it is customary not to take blood relatives, divorced women and widows as a friend. This is considered bad luck.
- Forgetful and unpunctual person. Since the witness is the bride's right hand, she must not be late and delay the solemn events with ridiculous actions. The constant absent-mindedness of a girlfriend can end up with the young people being left without wedding glasses, and the guests will not be able to find their places at the table.
- Endowed with excessive self-confidence. At a wedding, only the bride should be the main "star", but if the witness is used to being always in the spotlight, then she will not fit. The image of the bride cannot be overshadowed by another radiance.

In addition, witnesses need to take into account the following signs.
- According to the old belief, the bridesmaid should wear an outfit in green, pink, blue and gold shades. In this case, at least one of the many accessories must be green. In this way, the beauty will be able to quickly find a loving husband.
- You can visit the role of a witness no more than two times, since the third is considered unsuccessful. If the girl does not take this into account, then she may have to wait a long time for her marriage. It is advisable to choose an assistant from distant relatives younger than the bride.

Bridesmaid image
The bridesmaid should look great, but at the same time, not stand out too sharply against the background of the hero of the occasion. Therefore, when choosing an outfit for a witness, as well as creating her image, it is important to take into account a number of nuances.
- Color scheme. The dress can be lavender, gold, blue or green. It is impossible for a girlfriend to wear an outfit in white and gloomy colors, for example, a black and snow-white dress is unacceptable. Dresses in pastel and beige shades will also look beautiful.

- Features of the style. Since a friend's outfit is usually ordered, it is necessary to choose a beautiful and stylish cut that would be harmoniously combined with the bride's outfit. At the same time, it is undesirable to stop the choice on creating an image in a business or austere style, you cannot choose dresses with a deep neckline, as this will give the image a vulgarity. A good choice would be a regular cut outfit without a fluffy skirt with slight asymmetry. As for the length, it can be different - mini, floor-length dresses or knee-length models.

- Textile. As a rule, chiffon, satin or satin is chosen for sewing a bridesmaid dress. If there are several witnesses at the wedding, then their outfits are made in the same color and style, using material that is the same in texture.

- Convenience. Since the witness will have to spend a lot of time in various entertainment and dances, her outfit should not be tight, comfortable and not restrict movement. Transformer dresses or simple styles are best suited for this.

In the image of a witness, you need to carefully consider makeup, hairstyle and choose the right accessories. Everything should be in harmony with the general style of the celebration. Since the girlfriend will need to be active and move a lot, she needs to purchase comfortable shoes, replacing the high stiletto heel with a wedge heel. It also doesn't hurt to have a spare pair of shoes with you. When it comes to accessories, bracelets, hairpins and a small purse should be the perfect addition to your outfit.

If several witnesses are invited to the wedding, then the design of their image should be treated more responsibly. For girlfriends to look great in photos, their outfits need to be sewn in the same style from the same fabric, giving preference to a single color. In this case, it is also necessary to pay attention to the color of the hair and skin of the girls, their figure. An interesting solution will be sewing dresses in the same style, but in different colors, this will give the wedding a play of bright colors. Bouquets, ribbons or belts of the same shade will help to unite all the girls into a single image.

Girls will also look unusual at the celebration, in the image of which there is an "ombre" effect.That is, each girlfriend will have to wear an outfit of the same color, but in different shades, for example, smooth transitions from turquoise to blue dew or bright fuchsia to a delicate rose. Multiple bridesmaids can also be combined into one style with printed dresses. If the design of the celebration allows the use of dresses with patterns, then you can choose beautiful dresses with a cage, geometric patterns, polka dots and flowers.

For all girls, a wedding is considered not only a celebration, but also an opportunity to show off their beauty. Therefore, when making the image of a witness, the bride needs to take into account her personal wishes. In the event that the equipment of the girlfriends is different and some of them have curvaceous shapes, then they do not need to sew the same outfits. You should choose original styles that will emphasize the beauty of each girl in a special way. For example, you can opt for long dresses, Greek-style décor, or pillar dresses.

In addition, the image of the girlfriend will depend on the season. In summer, it is best to wear dresses in bright and juicy colors, in autumn - in rich and warm colors, in winter - in contrasting colors, and in summer - in a light to medium palette. The most important thing is that the attire of the witness matches the image of the bride herself and the style of the wedding.
What to give to newlyweds?
The wedding is considered the happiest event in the life of young people, so the bride's friend needs not only to take care of her image, to cope with all organizational issues, but also to give the newlyweds an original gift. It should be unusual and remind of itself for a long time, therefore, traditional sets of dishes or bed linen, which are usually given by relatives, are excluded in this case. So, a photo album can become a pleasant and unexpected gift, its design can be independently thought up and made to order. A good solution would be a photo archive, designed in the form of a wooden chest with drawers.

An excellent gift will also be a certificate for visiting a beauty salon or a famous restaurant in the city for two. Now, gifts in the form of technology are also in vogue, so if the bride has long dreamed of a new gadget or little things from the Hi-Tech series, then such a purchase will be appreciated. If financial possibilities permit, then the witness can give the young a smartphone, e-book or laptop. A symbolic souvenir, which is suitable for both the bride and the groom, will also be a wonderful gift. The only thing is that he should be useful and not wallow after the wedding in a heap of unnecessary things.

A paid trip abroad will also be a gorgeous gift, but before that, you need to find out in advance about the plans of the young and clarify their work schedule. If the newlyweds have dreamed of a pet for a long time, then they can also purchase a "live" gift.
For more information on the role of a wedding witness, see the next video.