How to decorate wedding glasses with your own hands?

When preparing for a wedding celebration, there are always a lot of worries, because you need to think over every detail, otherwise the holiday may be ruined. That is why many resort to the services of managers who take on the lion's share of all organizational issues. However, there are details that you can handle on your own, and the design of wedding glasses is just one of those.

Interesting ideas
The tradition of breaking dishes "for luck" has gone deep into the past, and a new trend has come to replace it - to preserve your wedding glasses as the very first family value and a real heirloom. They have been with the spouses for many years and are even passed on to their children, and for each family anniversary they are taken out of a secluded place and placed on the festive table in order to once again remember the most tender, romantic and reverent moments of their day.
It is better to immediately refuse all types of purchased paraphernalia, since the production put on the stream can hardly offer something worthy for such a solemn event. Most newlyweds prefer exclusive jewelry that will fully match the theme and style of the wedding, as well as the personal tastes and characteristics of the newlyweds.

Regardless of who exactly will be engaged in decorating wedding glasses, the first step is to choose the appropriate option from the many existing decor ideas. Typically one of the following designs is used:
- satin ribbon trim;
- lace or burlap;
- cloth;
- large and small sequins;
- rhinestones or beads;
- engraving;
- painted with paints;
- natural flowers, as well as sculpted from clay and cold porcelain.

Some newlyweds prefer to decorate only the stem of the glass, and the walls are engraved or monogrammed with paints. Some people create more voluminous decorations.

Anyone who decides to decorate their wedding glasses with shimmering sparkles, as well as rhinestones or beads will not fail, because this consumable always looks extremely festive and solemn. The pattern on such a glass is performed in any thematic ornament, only so that one side of the glass remains undecorated.
The simplest pattern is formed by one- or two-color material. In this case, various monograms, hearts, names of young people or simple curls are laid out with rhinestones. If you wish, you can apply more complex ornaments - for this they are printed on plain paper, applied from the inside and along the lines, and sparkles are placed.

If rhinestones are scattered randomly, then they should completely cover the glass from below, and only separate droplets are left to the edges.
Decorating with sparkles is much easier - you just need to dip a thin brush in glue, then in sparkles, and draw out the pattern or draw a drawing.

Products decorated with openwork lace look very delicate, and it is not difficult to make such a decor - you just need to paste over the outer part of the glass with a cloth. Usually they use golden or silver lace, but lurex in ivory and vanilla looks no less impressive. The shade of the fabric should match the overall color scheme of the wedding.

An elegant belt at the very base of the wine glass looks quite stylish; wine glasses with a lace "skirt" also look interesting. If desired, it is worth complementing the decoration with various embossed elements - flowers, as well as leaves and many other details.
Openwork materials are often combined with flowers and beads, but it is important not to overdo it - wedding glasses should become an elegant thing, not a fancy bad taste.

Ribbons can give a solemn look to absolutely any product, they perfectly complement openwork lace, painting and shiny rhinestones. Smooth ribbons of shiny fabric wrap around the legs, as well as the glasses themselves. Stylish roses are made of them and even whole bouquets are glued to glass, complementing them with beads and glitter.
Most often, plain ribbons are chosen for decorating glasses, but you can also use multi-colored materials - for example, black, dark gray, blue and blue colors are suitable for a newlywed, and white and pale pink shades are preferable for a young wife.

Artistic painting of glasses has become a very worthy idea, but it should be used only if the bowl remains clean, and only the stem of the glass is covered with paint. Then the sketch becomes the basic element of the decor. Usually, acrylic paints are used for drawing.

Glasses decorated with feathers look quite extravagant. Of course, such a decoration is hardly suitable for a classic wedding, but for themed events - just right. Feathers go well with a similar decor on a young wife's dress, and such glasses also look good if similar decorations are present in the bouquet. Feathers are usually combined with beads, sequins and flowers. By the way, it is this option that is most often used when organizing a Chicago-style wedding celebration, in this case, lush feathers are very well in harmony with the entire atmosphere and costumes of the invited guests.

Decorating with fresh flowers is one of the most romantic options for decorating wine glasses. Of course, such a composition cannot be called durable, but it is truly the personification of tenderness, grace and romance. You can also use artificial flowers, but they, of course, cannot be compared with living stems, their lines and unique aroma.
The principle of decoration is quite simple - roses, daisies or other flowers are collected in a small boutonniere and fixed to the stem of the wine glass using special glue and satin ribbons.

If you know how to sculpt plastic jewelry, then creating a stylish decor from porcelain or polymer clay will not be difficult for you at all. On your own it is quite possible to make various buds, delicate petals and small flowers. At the same time, until the clay has dried up, the petals can be given the desired bend, smooth lines and even the shade can be adjusted.

In any of the considered types of decorating wedding glasses, you can always find the possibility of transforming wine glasses or glasses into stylized newlyweds - the bride and groom. Such attributes look pretty catchy, and they are quite simple to make.

For example, if you want to get a “groom”, you need to take a material of white and dark color, a couple of small beads and form a shirt from them (wrap a white fabric around a glass) with a tuxedo (here you just need to attach the lapels). And for the bride, cut out a fluffy openwork skirt, and make a corsage from a satin ribbon. The "young" outfit can be decorated with sparkles and rhinestones.

How to choose the right option?
When ordering the decoration of wedding glasses, young people sometimes “run up” from the abundance and luxurious and stylish options. To make the right choice, you should take into account a number of basic recommendations.
- The design of the wine glasses should be optimally fit into the overall theme of the wedding celebration. If you are hosting an event in a rustic style, then the wine glasses can be draped with burlap. If the decoration is carried out in the traditions of vintage and shabby chic style, then you should give preference to lace, ribbons or cameos.
- It is very important that the color scheme of the glasses is in harmony with the main shades prevailing in the decor of the room where the celebration is held. Tint palettes must necessarily match; contrasting shades are strictly not allowed. For example, the orange decor of wine glasses is unlikely to fit into a silver or lilac wedding, and gold in dishes will look inappropriate with a silver shade of the room.

It is important that the glasses are in good harmony with each other both in style and color. They should be a single tandem, personifying the lovers and emphasizing the main theme of the event.
Let's talk a little about glasses. Their shape should be quite beautiful and comfortable, since young spouses will have to hold them in their hands for quite a long time.
Wine glasses with an elongated thin stem are traditionally used.although other options can be selected. For example, paired wine glasses on one common leg are quite popular - they, in fact, represent a rather attractive stand with a pair of grooves into which glasses are inserted. If you wish, you can give preference to glasses in the form of a hexagon, concave glasses and other original products.

Step-by-step instructions for registration
Now let's dwell on the technical features of the design of glasses in various styles. There are quite a few interesting decorating workshops out there, but we'll focus on the highlights.
To begin with, you should adhere to several important rules:
- before starting work, be sure to thoroughly wash the wine glasses and wipe them with alcohol in order to degrease their surface;
- when decorating glasses, your hands must certainly be clean, so keep wet wipes nearby;
- to fix decorative elements, you need to use glue, but at the same time, each option has its own adhesive base: for example, fabric, feathers and lace are very well attached to PVA, bright sparkles, rhinestones and beads should be glued with compositions based on cyanoacrylate, and large beads are fixed with gun or liquid nails.

The instructions for decorating wine glasses with different finishing materials have their own nuances.
So, if you are draping a glass with fabric and lace, then it is enough just to wrap the glass with a cloth and fix the edges with glue, preferably PVA.

If you plan to paint the dishes with paints, then you should give preference to acrylic compositions. Stained glass translucent paints are also considered quite popular these days. They allow you to create a unique decor that is unmatched in its aesthetic properties.
The choice of drawing depends entirely on the abilities of the master and how much he can draw all the necessary openwork elements and elegant curls. After the drawing is applied, it should be covered with acrylic varnish on top - it is used as a fixer so that the image does not wash off under the influence of detergent and does not wear out over many years of storage.
When decorating glasses with painting, professionals advise to additionally decorate the leg with spray paint. In this case, the bowl should first be covered with newsprint glued with tape. Otherwise, you run the risk of staining the bowl with paint, which will negate all efforts to decorate the glasses.

When decorating glasses with artificial flowers, it is better to use organza products - it is better glued to the glass surface.
As a rule, individual petals are strung from the narrowed side of the glass, and then glued together. If this is not done, they can simply fall off in your hands. Additionally, glasses are decorated with rhinestones and beads, which are glued to hot glue using a special gun.

The decor made of polymer clay looks exceptionally elegant. This is quite a delicate job, but every novice decorator can master this technique. To create a unique piece of jewelry, you will need polymer clay itself, as well as glue, gloves for work, a toothpick and a board.
To begin with, a layer of clay is rolled out and cut into small pieces, from which petals are subsequently formed. After that, the flower itself is collected, and then baked until it hardens. The prepared figures are attached to the glasses with glue.

Another original technique is gilding. It is quite simple in execution - the drawing is applied here with a special spray from a can, and you can decorate both the leg and the bowl. When it is necessary to decorate only one area, then cover the rest of the area with paper. If you combine painted fragments with empty, unpainted ones, you can achieve an unusually beautiful effect. Gilding using stencils is quite popular - at first they are glued to the glass with plain water, and after the gold dust is applied to the surface, they are removed, as a result, a rather interesting pattern is obtained.

Design examples
The decor of wedding glasses is a very exciting, but at the same time, responsible occupation, because these glasses will pass with the spouses throughout their lives as a memory of the most important event.

Rustic and vintage glasses look very stylish and elegant.

Wedding glasses decorated with sequins and rhinestones always look sophisticated and refined.

Satin ribbons are ideal materials for decoration - you can wrap them around a glass, make stylish roses or a playful bow.

Decoupage of wedding glasses and champagne bottles is considered quite a fashionable trend.

And, of course, the idea of decorating glasses with fresh flowers is always in the top - they will be incredibly sophisticated and romantic.

For information on how to decorate wedding glasses with your own hands, see the next video.