Ideas of practical and original wedding gifts for parents from newlyweds

The wedding of your own child is, perhaps, for most parents no less important event than his birth. And various chores, financial costs of this event often fall on the shoulders of the dads and mothers of the bride and groom. As a rule, one of the first toasts is pronounced for them at a festive banquet; it will be useful to please parents with a special gift.
Traditional options
Giving a present to parents from newlyweds is an old Slavic omen. Thus, the bride and groom thanked each other's parents for raising and raising a son or daughter. In the east, there was (and still exists in remote regions) the tradition of paying kalym for a girl. The wedding kalym is a rather rich offering, intended specifically for the bride's family. As a rule, these are livestock, wine, money, carpets, crops.

In Slavic families, according to tradition, parents were thanked and presented usually on the second day of the wedding. On this day, they were taken through the village on a decorated cart, jokes, songs and jokes were dedicated to them, and also presented with gifts. The latter were often with an erotic hint - as a wish to have another child instead of having created his own family. In other words, the young people devoted the second day to their parents, as well as close relatives (grandmothers, grandfathers).

For mom and dad groom
By tradition, the bride handed the groom's parents hand-made things. Usually it was homespun textiles, embroidered towels, tablecloths. Thus, the girl demonstrated her own abilities in needlework, thrift.
Following this tradition, home textiles can be a gift from newlyweds to parents: curtains, blankets, carpets, towels. A set of bedding or table linen will be appropriate. Personalized embroidery will help to give originality to the present. Since few modern young ladies have the ability to embroider and have free time, it is wiser to order machine embroidery in a specialized salon.

Always appropriate, and most importantly, a desirable and pleasant gift will be one that is associated with the hobby of parents. If the future mother-in-law is fond of cooking, then she will clearly be delighted with cookbooks in a gift edition, dishes, baking dishes, a set of spices or rare oils. If, on the contrary, you want to ease the household duties of the “second mother”, give her a bread maker, multicooker, dishwasher or other household appliances. It is difficult to find a woman who will not be pleased with such gifts.

A suitable gift for a married couple is a service. It is not necessary to present expensive porcelain sets consisting of many items. Even a small tea or coffee set, carefully selected and handed over with the words that your young family is waiting for an invitation to family tea with the father-in-law and mother-in-law, will look symbolic and cute.
If you want the newly-made mother-in-law to remember you with a kind word, present her with good tea or coffee. Do not be stingy and choose a worthy option, purchasing it in large quantities. Every time, wanting to taste tea or coffee and enjoying its taste, the groom's parents will remember the donors.

If funds permit, present the parents of the future husband with jewelry made in the same style. You can choose earrings for your mother, and cufflinks for your father. The main thing is that the jewelry is not fake or cheap jewelry.
If you do not have money for expensive and impressive things, it is better to choose another gift option. The same should be done in the event that you are afraid to "miss" with the style of jewelry.

For the father and mother of the bride
In the old days, after marriage, a girl passed into the groom's family, so the number of workers in her own family decreased. Today you can beat this by giving the girl's father and mother an “automatic helper”. A great option is a multicooker. Larger gifts include a dishwasher, washing machine, refrigerator, etc.
The textile sets described above will also be a good present. (bed linen, tablecloths, towels, etc.). Beautiful dishes will be no less symbolic present. Demonstrate concern for your parents' health - a heater, humidifier, massager, or salt lamp will surely delight them.
The groom can present the mother-in-law with a bouquet, and if she is fond of floriculture, he can give her a rare indoor flower. The father-in-law can be presented with elite alcohol.

Both the groom's parents and the bride's parents will be delighted with vouchers to a sanatorium, cinema tickets, subscriptions to a gym, a swimming pool, and a philharmonic society. If funds allow, you can purchase a suburban area for them, or even better - a summer cottage with ready-made buildings and landings.
At this age, by the way, many people have summer cottages and literally live there. In this case, you can give them tools and implements that make their work easier (a lawn mower, an automatic irrigation system). The presented brazier for frying meat will also be successful. Gifts in the form of decorative elements will be appropriate: garden lamps, decorations for flower beds, small wrought-iron benches.

DIY presentations
Hand-made presentations are not a way to save money, but an indicator that you tried very hard, wanted to present something truly symbolic and unique. As a rule, young people have a lot of troubles before the wedding and almost no free time, therefore, if they created a collage on a Whatman paper or baked a cake as a gift to their parents, this speaks of their respect and strong love for dad and mom.
In the banquet hall, you can pre-hang old photos from the family album, accompanying them with touching messages for parents. You can create a kind of steam locomotive by cutting out trailers from paper. A photo of the bride and groom can be attached to each carriage from birth. The locomotive is mounted on the wall at the entrance to the banquet hall.
As you move to the places of the parents, the photos replace each other and show how the children grew up, the family changed. Directly near the devices, in the place where the mothers and fathers of the young will sit, you can put a photo in a frame. Young people can be photographed with their parents a few days before the wedding, but it will be even more interesting if you do it in the registry office.
Naturally, such a present requires a lot of preparation and the presence of assistants. But this is what makes it even more valuable.
You can bake a cake or pie, the main thing is to do it yourself. You can attach a humorous note to the cake, explaining its composition, designating each of the ingredients. For example: “to express our love, we put ripe aromatic strawberries in the cake, and to show respect, we filled it with a delicate soufflé made from natural cream”. Undoubtedly, even with an abundance of snacks and treats on the table, parents will be happy to take the cakes (they will have to be prepared in 2 copies) home to taste them in the morning.

Unusual ideas and surprises
Most parents, barely talking about the wedding of their beloved child, begin to look forward to their grandchildren. In this regard, young people can present them with an orange tree. It symbolizes family comfort, the continuity of generations. The gift can be accompanied by a playful promise that just as an orange tree is strewn with fruits (and it bears fruit all year round), so your parents will be surrounded by grandchildren.
However, if the spouses are very young, and their parents want them to finish their studies first and take place in a career plan, such a gift may scare them.

The medals, cups and certificates presented to parents will be original. The main thing is to truthfully and at the same time sincerely determine the nomination for each of the parents. In this case, in the holiday scenario, it is better to set aside a special place for the gift-giving ceremony. The bride can say words of gratitude to her parents and explain the meaning of the nomination, and the groom can solemnly present the award. Then he similarly thanks his family, and the bride is already engaged in the presentation of medals or cups.
Bouquets of sweets and fruits look original. The main thing is that they are not opened or damaged. It is unlikely that parents will begin to taste an unusual gift at a banquet, where there are already many treats. But they will be able to take it home and try it 2-3 days after the wedding.

What is better not to give?
Before talking about unwanted gifts, it is worth noting that the gifts to the groom's parents and the bride's parents should be equal. If some receive household appliances, then it is desirable for the second to present something like that.
It is better to choose gifts for young parents together. This brings them closer together, allows you to get to know your partner's family better. In addition, the bride can stop the young man in time if, for example, he is going to buy flowers for the mother-in-law to which she is allergic.
Above, we talked about the opportunity to give a set or a tea pair, but it is better to refuse pots and pans as a gift for parents. It looks too ordinary, and a woman can see in such a gift a subtle hint that her place is in the kitchen.

There is no need to give gifts that might cause discord in the family. For example, if the father of the groom or the bride is a passionate fisherman and constantly disappears on a lake or river, and his wife tirelessly "nags" him for this, it is better not to give a spinning rod, waders or a folding chair. All this the head of the family will want to immediately experience in business, once again "sneaking away" from the house, for which the newlyweds are indirectly to blame.
Taking care of your parents' health is always commendable. Above is a list of presents from this group. However, it is worth dwelling on them. It is not recommended to give medicines, doctor's appointment certificates (even very good or paid ones), blood pressure measuring devices, sugar levels. All these items, if there is a need for them, it is better to buy moms and dads for no reason.
If you believe the traditions, then you can not give watches, open objects, mirrors. According to popular beliefs, they can cause discord in the family. Even if you yourself do not believe in omens, it is quite possible that your parents, being people of an older generation, will see an unkind sign in such presentations.

When choosing gifts, it is important to approach this responsibly - to find out the wishes, take into account personal preferences, family traditions. Choosing gifts at the last moment, you run the risk of acquiring completely unnecessary items. If you give something cheap, you will create the impression that you are giving presents solely for show. A similar impression will be created even if you give people an expensive but useless item (for example, a refrigerator, if your parents have recently bought such equipment).

It is not recommended to give clothes and shoes to parents. Such gifts, according to etiquette, can only be presented to each other by close relatives. On the wedding day, usually the bridegroom of the daughter or the bride of the son are not yet so close to the mothers and fathers of their "halves".
About what to give parents from the newlyweds, see below.