Wedding ring pillows: design ideas and manufacturing subtleties

A wedding is a celebration of the unity of two loving hearts, family happiness and prosperity. Often, preparation for this celebration begins long before the appointed date, because every bride wants everything to be beautiful and festive on this day, down to the smallest details. The ring pillow plays an important role in the solemn wedding ceremony.
Now there is an opportunity to purchase it in the store, but many brides will probably want to make it with their own hands, to put their warmth in this important and necessary wedding accessory, without which not a single celebration is complete.

Choice of shape and size
The shapes and sizes of the ring pillows are very diverse. It can be a classic square shape, oval, round, and, of course, in the shape of a heart as a symbol of mutual love and fidelity. What kind of uniform will be needed for a wedding always remains at the discretion of the main hero of the occasion - the bride. The size can vary from a miniature laconic pillow to a large and voluminous elegant basket, seashells, or it can have another fancy shape that will rhyme with a wedding theme.
Design options
In choosing the design of the cushions for the rings, you can choose the most unusual solutions. It is important to focus on the overall design of the wedding. For example, if the celebration has a certain style, you can make a pillow in accordance with the main style of the wedding. In the Provence style, it is better to use natural ornaments and prints, and a dry lavender stalk will give the product not only a special entourage and elegance, but also a pleasant aroma.In rustic or country style, which is also called rustic, it is better to use raw canvas fabrics, which will give a more authentic feel to the cushion and ensure 100% village style.
Wedding pillows with the embroidered initials of the newlyweds or with the image of the date on which the celebration is planned will look extraordinary. You can use lace on the sides of the pillow and embroider something already on it, if the skill allows and there is the necessary amount of time, since this work is very painstaking. But on the other hand, if you carefully and correctly embroider the accessory, the result will definitely please, and it will be 100% worth the time spent.

The task of choosing a design is greatly facilitated if the celebration is in some specific theme. If the wedding will be sustained in a particular color or color print, then it will also be very appropriate to use it in the decor of the pillows for rings. Red, marsala, burgundy, blue, purple, yellow, orange or rainbow, and maybe a checkered or polka-dot pillow - there are a lot of options, the main thing is the desire of the bride and groom and the willingness of the guests to support the idea of the newlyweds in their aspirations and put on dresses or shirts identical color or shade.
Wedding design can be consonant with the professional activities of one of the newlyweds. For example, if the groom is a pilot, the future spouse can use any element associated with airplanes and the sky in the decor of the wedding pillow. Even a small figurine of an airplane will be an original addition to the decor of a wedding accessory. And so - to any profession by analogy, since there are plenty of auxiliary accessories on the shelves and you can find any kind of decoration.
If you live in a small village and there is no such specialized store of sewing accessories in your locality, then it will be most convenient to use the order of the necessary goods via the Internet, they will be delivered to the nearest post office or by courier service to the very door of the buyer.

Required materials and tools
To make a pillow for rings with your own hands, you will need the most unpretentious sewing accessories and a variety of accessories: scissors, a needle, fabric, filler (foam rubber, synthetic winterizer or cotton wool), optional delicate lace, beads, beads, ribbons, bows and much, much more. The abundance of decor presented on the shelves of sewing accessories stores literally dazzles. A wide assortment will not leave indifferent any bride, and you will definitely not be able to leave without a purchase. The main thing is to clearly imagine the already formed image of a wedding pillow and, in accordance with it, make your choice in favor of one or another decorative element.

How to do it yourself?
Best of all, a step-by-step master class will help with this. We will consider making a standard square wedding pillow with guipure and a bottom. Often brides are worried that the rings do not fall right at the ceremony, because this is considered a very bad omen according to popular beliefs. Shaking hands, confusion, or some other factor can contribute to this unpleasant incident. Therefore, we will consider just this version of the pillow - with a bottom, so that the rings of the newlyweds do not go anywhere.
Making a wedding pillow is a rather simple and exciting activity that will surely delight you in your pre-holiday preparations for the happiest and most exciting day.

We need:
- base fabric;
- guipure;
- synthetic winterizer;
- filler;
- lace ribbon (approximately 1 m);
- artificial flowers.
First of all, you need to start with the pattern of the product. To do this, you can use templates that are pre-cut from paper, cardboard or old newspaper. You can draw them yourself, and since our product is of a standard square shape, this will not be difficult to do.The size of the patterns should be 17x17 cm, and the size of the finished product should be 15x15 cm.

When the pattern elements are ready, you need to cut out the necessary details from the fabric. To do this, it is best to take a crayon, mark the cut points on the back of the fabric with dotted lines. We use two types of fabric: guipure and main fabric. You can choose light fabric and dark guipure. In our case, the guipure is white, and the main fabric is blue. The main thing is that the colors of the fabrics contrast with each other. We will have four fabric cuts of the same size: 2 base cuts and 2 guipure cuts.
Next, cut off a 17x17 cm piece from the padding polyester. We put the fabric so that the first layer is the main fabric and guipure on top. The second element will be the same, only without padding polyester. There should be five parts in total - this is the basis of the accessory.

We fasten the layers of fabric to the synthetic winterizer using needles, and then we sew the product around the perimeter, not forgetting to step back 1 centimeter from the edge. To decorate the pillow, you need to pull off the lace ribbon so that its total length is 70 centimeters. We attach the tape to the part with needles and attach it. Then we sew two main parts. We put them in such a way that they are facing each other. The synthetic winterizer in this position of the elements will be temporarily outside. In this case, you need to leave about 5 cm unstitched so that it is convenient to turn the pad onto the front side.
Now you need to make a bottom - a recess for the rings in the middle. We measure 5x5 cm and make a mark with a chalk, and then sew. The next step is to fill in the edges of the pad with holofiber. After completing the work, you need to carefully sew up the hole.
Now all that remains is the design. If you wish, you can add some shiny rhinestones or beads. We decorate the pillow with artificial flowers and leaves using a glue gun.

Beautiful examples
Every year there are more and more new ideas in the design of this delicate and romantic wedding accessory. Consider the most unusual and memorable options.
- The original and unusual design of the pillow in the form of a snow-white bird's nest as a symbol of the family.

- The classic white color is relevant at all times.

- Incredible delicate lace design featuring a pair of swans that symbolize loyalty and dedication.

- A similar design looks great in pink too.

- Embroidery with beads and sequins will decorate any wedding pillow.

- Decorative elements that shimmer and sparkle will look advantageous, capturing the admiring glances of the guests.

- You can choose the design of the pillow in accordance with the season, for example, the option with delicate lilies of the valley will be very useful for a spring wedding.

- For craftswomen who own the skills of crocheting, it will be easy to make just such an original heart-shaped pillow with an original knitted top.

To learn how to make a pillow for rings for a wedding with your own hands, see the next video.