Wedding hairstyles for medium hair: ideas and workshops

All girls who have become brides dream of looking at a wedding in a special way. And now, when the dress and shoes are bought, it is the turn to choose a hair style.
Fashion trends
Wedding hairstyles are improved from year to year and surprise with the wealth of models. The biggest concern is medium-length hair, since there are so many options available, but you need to focus on one thing.

Wedding hairstyles for medium hair are an abundance of various options., the opportunity to try different styles, create an original image. Current trends suggest using a variety of bundles, braids, weaves and styling. Unlike in previous years, no artificial fleece - everything is extremely natural.

The bride's hairstyle should look casual. For these purposes, flowers or ribbons are sometimes woven, and the hair is decorated with headbands and tiaras. Usually shoulder length is enough to create a wonderful, elegant hairstyle. Many suggestions for the use of veils. Depending on its length, the styling also changes.

- Minimalism. Femininity and elegant simplicity will never go out of style, so the most ordinary sleek bun can transform a bride. If she has a long swan neck, a dress with an open top, then the image will look very impressive. The knot can be placed high on the top of the head or at the back of the head, decorated with beautiful hairpins or flowers. In this case, a veil of any length will do. Since this hairstyle pulls off the face as much as possible, it needs to be given maximum attention.Stylists suggest to focus on the eyes and include large earrings in the image. The great advantage of this hairstyle is its stability - you can dance and move as much as you like.

- The Greek style is still the palm. It should be noted that when choosing it, you need to adhere to the direction to the last detail. Then the image will turn out to be irresistible. Ribbons and flowers are woven into original braids, and not only artificial, but also living ones. Headbands and crowns decorated with precious stones or rhinestones are also used. Complex weaving is combined with a veil, but, as a rule, after registration of marriage, it is removed so as not to hide the beauty of the styling. The braids, like the bun, open the shoulders, so the emphasis is again on the shoulders and décolleté. However, the abundance of ribbons and flowers excludes the use of massive earrings.

- Retro. Oddly enough, but this style is always in fashion. At the same time, it is elegantly simple, which is expressed not only in the hairstyle, but also in the outfit. The girls who preferred him choose mini dresses and bright makeup. Pearls wins among bijouterie. Large waves are fixed with varnish. They can be playfully styled or tied into a smooth bun at the back of the head with a wave laid from the front strand. A large fabric flower is sometimes fixed in the hair. Short veils, various hats or pills are also popular.

- Naturalness. Hairstyles with loose hair are perfect for brides who refuse lush crinolines in favor of simple dresses. In this case, it is better to use a light veil made of translucent fabrics. Free styling is represented by curls, from which they create a free flying image or slightly disheveled. In any case, it will be natural, sweet and emphasize youthful beauty.

- Boho. Style tops the list of the most popular in recent times. He collected the ethnic traits of hippies, Indians, gypsies. Boho hair looks like tousled braids or blown curls. The main role is played by accessories woven into small braids or large braids: ribbons, ribbons, leather straps, feathers, monistas. Hats and headbands are widely used.

We select for the features
A wedding hairstyle, like any other, is selected taking into account the type of face. Then you can not only transform, but also correct its shape.

Round face
In this case, brides need to slightly lengthen the oval, for which use the following styling.
- a face framed by curls-curls, laid in a parted part;
- high styling with fleece;
- bunches of large volume on a straight or side parting, in which jewelry in the form of tiaras and hoops will be appropriate;
- Greek style, and stylists advise using curls or complex weaving, laid to one side;
- various styling of the asymmetric type.

When choosing jewelry, round shapes are not recommended.
Oval face
Any hairstyle is suitable for brides with a perfect oval, excluding high bouffants and buns. Therefore, when choosing, they need to correspond to the general style, given the structure of the hair.

Trapezoid face
In this case, girls need to relieve the massive lower face. To do this, the accents are moved closer to the crown. As styling, stylists advise using corrugation on the roots, high styling with fleece and long curls just below the cheeks. As for jewelry, it is better to choose massive hairpins, voluminous flowers or hoops

Triangular face
For a heart-shaped face, hairstyles in a natural style are suitable. You can simply twist the curls from the bottom to the curling iron. Styling with long curvy bangs or high rounded hairstyles will also be appropriate.

Straight hair
If the hair is straight, then it can be easily twisted using various devices: curling irons, curlers, stylers. But if the bride has beautiful, smooth and thick hair that shines with a healthy shine, then you should not hide or mask it.Their beautiful look will adorn any outfit. Such hair can either be left loose, slightly emphasizing with a string of pearls, or laid in a sleek, elegant bun, decorated with a comb or an elegant diadem.

Curly hair
If the bride has a shock of curls, then they are always difficult to style. It is quite difficult to straighten them, so it is better to put them in a neat hairstyle using hairpins and hairpins, fix them with varnish and decorate with a veil or diadem. In the case of natural curls that lie in large waves, hairstyles using various styling products are suitable. They can be curled with large curlers to give them evenness.

By the way, stylists recommend curly girls not to be afraid to experiment. Boho hairstyles are very suitable for them, which combines elements of romance, freedom and youthful ease.
Thin hair
Brides with fine, medium-length hair shouldn't be upset about hairstyling difficulties. Modern experts offer a large number of options.
- You can have a stylish haircut. In this case, cascading or "torn" varieties are suitable. Multi-stage visually add volume and density.
- Coloring. Stylists recommend highlighting or coloring. Multi-colored strands also add bulk to the hairstyle. However, you should choose a professional colorist so that light and dark shades are not harsh, otherwise excessive banding will kill the whole effect.
- Styling. Owners of thin hair should pay attention to small curls with the effect of "wet hair", bouffants or large retrowave, which add fluffiness and volume.
- The use of various overhead accessories: strands, tails, overlays, hairpieces, hairpieces.

Thick hair
The difficulty of styling on straight, thick hair is that it unravels under its own weight. Therefore, complex weaves require good fixation. A very thick head of hair, gathered up, will weigh down the image, so it is better to leave the hair partially falling. The "disheveled" style is completely contraindicated for this type.

Of course, any kind of weaving is suitable. Various sleek buns decorated with ribbons and flowers, hair bows are great win-win options. Curls also look impressive, but it is difficult to keep them for the whole day, as they straighten under their own weight.
The best styling for a wedding
For the bride
A veil remains a traditional wedding decoration. It comes in different types and perfectly complements the hairstyle.
- The shortened version of the veil made of light and airy fabric does not burden the delicate image of the bride. Various accessories are used to secure it. Stylists advise using tall styling or retro styling. All kinds of braids look good with a short veil.
- Various hats with a small veil are a stylish accessory that transforms the bride.
- Veils are suitable for styles such as retro, and will also adorn simple sleek hairstyles, ponytails and braids.
- A long veil is chosen by brides for a wedding. It will also help to hide some defects in appearance. Styling for such a veil emphasizes the front design, since the back view will be closed. Tall models are popular: babets and bunches, complemented by weaving and playful curls. Light waves from bangs or front strands also look interesting.

- A mantilla veil will create the delicate, clean look that pre-wedding Spanish girls have. The hairstyle should justify the modesty of the style, not be defiant. As a rule, hair is tied in a low ponytail or left loose. Since expensive lace is used for the mantilla, no other decorations are required.
- A single-tiered veil looks advantageous in a laconic style. Simple, elegant hairstyles are fine for her - loose hair is not recommended. The most relevant option is hairstyles with tight braids.The piece itself is attached in the center and decorated with ribbons or lace.

- The bunk veil is the most popular model. It is suitable for both civil and church ceremonies. Lush, well-fixed hairstyles are combined with her. The styling must be carefully secured so that the veil does not fray. Hairstyles with a tiara, individual flowers or a wreath are popular.
- The multi-tiered veil looks very impressive, but it is difficult to choose a hairstyle for it. This model assumes a chic look, so simple styling is inappropriate here. Stylists suggest dwelling on tall structures decorated with intricate weaving and various decorative accessories, for example, a tiara with a crown.

Many modern girls abandon the veil, focusing on beautifully styled hair.
- The bun is a classic hairstyle used at all times. It seems too simple for a wedding celebration, but this is a misconception. With its help, the image becomes elegant, feminine and delicate. If the bride has fine hair structure, then this hairstyle will increase the volume due to the overhead elements: hairpieces and hairpieces. The tuft can be smooth or fluffy, high (at the top of the head) and low (at the back of the head). It lends itself to experimentation, giving you the opportunity to fantasize while creating original designs. The playful curls that frame the face will be a highlight for all ages. Such a move will add romance to young brides, and to more mature ones - youth and freshness. The bun is very practical to wear as the hair is tied up and secured in place. Decorate the hairstyle with beautiful hairpins, flowers, combs with rhinestones or beads, some models suggest tiaras or tiaras. Luxurious shiny hair does not require frills in the form of adornments - it is beautiful in itself.

- Braids remain one of the favorites among bridal hairstyles. There are countless examples for medium hair. With the help of weaving, you can give your hairstyle a festive look. In addition, such a styling is held tightly and for a long time, which is important. Various braids and braids not only act as the main hairstyle, but are also used as an element in others. One example is the "French Falls" styling. It is recommended to use ribbons, flowers, beads, rhinestones, tiaras or headbands as decorations. Braids are the option when there are no repetitions - the hairstyle is individual for each bride.

Among the most popular for owners of medium-length hair, the following are worth highlighting:
- Greek braid (fresh flowers are often woven into it);
- a voluminous braid, braided on one side (since it is created not from three strands, but more, it looks interesting and original);
- French waterfall (combines weaving with flowing curls).

- Wedding "shell" simple in execution, but this is precisely what it emphasizes the elegance. In order not to burden the image, you should carefully approach the choice of hair jewelry. Small flowers along the shell, hairpins with rhinestones, a string of pearls or a medium-sized barrette on one side are appropriate. The front strand looks very nice, laid (like an oblique bang) on one side.

- Bow for a yoke. Medium hair allows you to create an interesting bow-shaped hairstyle. It should be understood that such styling is an ornament in itself, so other accessories will be superfluous. The bow is placed either on the crown or on the side. The hairstyle should correspond to the general concept of the outfit - light airiness and romance.

- Loose curls. Some girls think that this is the simplest styling, but it is not. Since the free fall of curls or waves is assumed, they are not fixed by anything, but only fixed with varnish. Therefore, street walks are fraught with the fact that the hairstyle will become disheveled and require additional actions to restore its original appearance.But she looks the most natural, is decorated with different types of accessories, it is appropriate with any bangs.

For girlfriend
Bridesmaids must adhere to certain rules of etiquette when going to a wedding. Firstly, in no case try to outshine the hero of the occasion - this is her holiday. Secondly, do not look vulgar. But this does not mean that you need to be a "gray mouse" that can get lost in the crowd. The image should be natural, emphasize femininity and naturalness.
- Hollywood waves - a classic type of hairstyle related to retro style. He is characterized by voluminous large curls of the same size, their free movement, naturalness, expressed in soft lines. According to the classical canons, the waves were laid on one side, but now both are allowed, while the parting can be oblique or straight. For medium length hair, the hairstyle looks charming and stylish. For younger people, smooth soft lines, without sharp creases, are appropriate. Then the image is more romantic. An outfit with an open shoulder line and neck will help to add femininity, which demonstrates vulnerability and tenderness.

- Loose curls. The simplest styling option is simple curls. You can make them yourself using curlers or a curling iron, or you can contact a stylist. To make the curls natural, there are several methods of winding:
- in different directions;
- from a strand, a tourniquet is first twisted, and then it is screwed onto a curling iron.

The hairstyle is decorated with a decorative flower on one side or a headband with a floral design.
- For lovers of ethnic style, styling in the "boho" style is suitable. They are very popular lately, they look natural, relaxed and interesting.
- Curly tail. Curled hair is pulled back into a relaxed, relaxed ponytail.

- A low bun at the back of the head is also particularly popular. A bun is formed from the back of the hair, decorated with ribbons, flowers, rhinestones, according to the image. The face remains "slightly knocked out" curls. The bundle can be smooth or voluminous.
- Semi-loose hair with braiding elements. Due to the braids, original solutions are obtained in a simple design.

For Mom
For mothers of brides, the celebration is also exciting - you want to look elegant, feminine and irresistible at your daughter's wedding. Stylists offer several styling options that refresh the face, making it look younger.
- Curls. To do this, the hair is parted and, starting from the bottom, curled with a curling iron. Twisting the curls in different directions, you can achieve volume. If necessary, the curls at the face are fixed with invisibility. Wide, free-flowing waves rejuvenate the face for a more playful hairstyle.
- Classic bun at the back of the head. It can be done using a special device - a roller. The strands are collected from the back into a tail, then evenly wound on the roller, covering it completely. The resulting bunch is fixed with hairpins and the entire hairstyle is fixed with varnish.

- French bunch - "shell". The technique of execution is similar to the classic bun, but it is located along the back of the head. The hairstyle slightly lifts the hair at the crown, slightly lengthening the oval of the face. The styling looks very stylish and can be decorated with studs with precious stones or pearls.
- Owners of curly hair can be advised of a high bun at the top of the head. To do this, the hair is collected in a tail, a roller is put on it, the hair is twisted under it in a spiral and fixed with hairpins. If you release a few strands, then the hairstyle will sparkle and look natural.

- Semi-loose curls. The hair is curled from the bottom half the length with a styler. Then two curls to the right and left of the face are connected at the back of the head, you can first twist them together. The entire hairstyle is fixed with varnish.
- The Greek style is suitable not only for brides, but also for their mothers.The only difference is that technically complex hairstyles with braiding and the use of various decorations are not offered to the adult generation: they will only make the image heavier. But if you wind your hair on the back of the headband, forming a lush bun and leaving a couple of "naughty" curls in front, it will turn out to be elegant and feminine.

- Smooth retro styling is not suitable for everyone, but only for owners of an ideal face, since such a hairstyle completely reveals and focuses attention on it.
- Tall styling is still relevant and popular. These include "babette", fleece, shell and others.

Step by step guide
You can make beautiful hairstyles for the bride or her bridesmaid yourself. For example, options with an elastic band for creating a bun at the crown or at the back of the head using weaving elements.
Low beam
- Clean hair is carefully combed and smoothed so that the crown is smooth.
- A braid is woven from the front strands from right to left and fluffed up for volume. The tip is secured with an elastic band.
- From the remaining hair, a tail is formed at the back of the head.
- A roller is put on it.
- Hair is evenly distributed over the roller, closing it. The ends are fixed with hairpins or invisible pins.
- The tail of the braid is wrapped around the resulting bundle at its base, hiding the attachment points.

High beam
- Hair that is cleanly washed and combed is gathered in a ponytail at the crown of the head.
- It is threaded into the roller.
- Hair is evenly distributed over the roller, closing it.
- This is followed by the implementation of various decorative elements, depending on the imagination. You can form a bow from the remaining ends and fix it on the side, you can weave a braid from the center of the tail, gradually closing the roller with it. Such voluminous hairstyles open up the face as much as possible and can be decorated with any accessories. In addition, massive earrings are appropriate with a high bundle.

Hairstyle "French waterfall"
It looks very impressive, but at the same time it is simple, therefore it is available for independent execution. With its help, you can style not only straight hair, but also natural curls, and the length of the hair does not matter.
- At the initial stage, the hair is smoothly combed and divided into two parts: upper and lower. The division line should be at the place where the braid will pass.
- Next, they begin to weave a braid from the temple. It should be remembered that the thicker the strands are, the more voluminous the weaving will be. Strands are taken alternately from the top and bottom. "Streams" are formed from the upper strands: they are inserted into the braid once and released.
- The waterfall can be woven on one side, or on two sides, then the junction is fixed with invisible pins or hairpins.
- The left strands should be twisted on a curling iron to get light curls.

When braiding on medium hair, it is recommended to pay attention to the fact that the higher the braid begins, the more natural it looks. If the hair was previously colored, then the hairstyle will sparkle with new colors. The most spectacular French waterfall is obtained on curly hair. For them, you do not need to create curls - nature has already given them.
Beautiful examples
Hairstyles with tiaras transform the bride into a princess.

Dark-haired girls will be irresistible with white metal rowers.

Individual flowers or wreaths will add naturalness.

For information on how to do a wedding hairstyle for medium hair, see the next video.