Wedding bun: classic, italian or casual?

Every girl dreams of becoming a bride when she grows up. The baby imagines what dress, shoes and hairstyle she will have. And it seems that the head already has its own specific image. But when the girl is about to go down the aisle, panic arises. Indeed, in fact, she still does not know what she wants to appear in front of the groom, what hairstyle to do on this solemn day. If the bride has chosen a dress, then we can assume that she has already done half the battle, because the shape and type of hairstyle mainly depends on the dress.
There is a rule that the hairstyle and dress should complement each other, and in no case overlap. You cannot buy a fluffy dress and make a fluffy hairdo, it is ugly, inappropriate and too pretentious. The image of the bride should be laconic, sensual and in no way provocative.
The bride's hairstyle is a very important element of the image. If the dress is very voluminous, the modesty of the hairstyle can smooth out the image, but if the dress is calm, restrained, then the volume of the hairstyle will add solemnity to the image.

Classic version
The bun hairstyle has long been a classic. A strict bun can calm a violent image, a lush one will add festivity to a modest outfit. This hairstyle is very versatile. It suits any face shape and can be done even on short hair. A bundle is an incredibly convenient option for a special occasion. Hair in this form does not get in the way, and throughout the evening it will look neat.
There are a great variety of beam options. He can be very strict and tight. There are options for sloppy buns with curls framing the face.It can be placed high on the back of the head, or it can be fixed at the bottom of the neck in a composition with a veil. It is fashionable now to perform not smooth hairstyles with a bun, but slightly careless, as if whipped up. In combination with flowers, these options look very romantic and girlish.
If the hairstyle assumes the presence of bangs, then the bun also goes well with it. The bangs always rejuvenate the face, and the bun can give a bride with bangs austerity.

There are a number of recommendations and tips for those who decide to perform this hairstyle on their hair.
- The beauty of performing such a hairstyle depends on the successful location of the bun. If the neck is long, then it can be placed high. If the neck is short, then the bundle is placed closer to the neck.
- The growth of the bride plays an important role. A tall girl should not do a tall and voluminous bun. He will make her even higher.
- Voluminous hairstyles should not be done for petite brides. This overloads not only the upper part, but the whole image of the short bride.
- Large facial features should also stop the bride from performing a high bun of hair.
The height of the bundle and its volume completely depend on the length of the hair. Short and medium length hair will not allow for a high, voluminous bun, and long strands in a bun are difficult to secure. But nothing is impossible, since the hair can always be extended, and there are a huge number of options for styling products that will fix the bride's hair like cement.

For long hair
It would seem that on long hair a bun is easiest to make. This is indeed the case. A bun can be made of a large volume of hair, which will not require additional accessories to increase its volume. But the problem may arise when securing the structure.
A bun of long hair can be fixed high on the back of the head by collecting straight hair, twisting it in a circle, securing it with the maximum number of invisible hairs and a strong hold varnish. This styling option will be the least deformed, since it will rest directly on the head.
A similar hairstyle, if done correctly, will last until the end of the evening.

For wedding buns, bagels for fine hair are often used to make the bun itself appear bulkier and the hair thicker. To do this, the strands are collected in a high ponytail, put on a donut and evenly distribute the hair, securing it under it. It turns out an incredibly beautiful classic bun that fits a classic straight wedding dress.

If the image of the bride is supposed to be romantic, then a couple of strands and flowers pinned at the base of the bun will support such a wedding theme. Strands can be left straight, or curled on a curling iron. Flowers can be replaced with pearl jewelry, which very laconically fit into the sweet, romantic image of the bride.
In addition, for the exclusivity of the image, you can initially braid the hair on both sides in bundles, and then secure all the hair in a low bun. You can add even more originality, and after the hair is pulled into a ponytail, make a few more bundles out of it, and then fix them in a bun in a chaotic manner. Such an extravagant version of the beam will surely attract many looks, and at the wedding the bride will be under the gun of enchanted glances throughout the evening.

For short haircuts
A short haircut is not a reason to deny yourself the creation of a beautiful bun for a wedding. Fortunately, now there are a lot of accessories for styling such a hairstyle, so you can easily build a wonderful hairstyle - an imitation of a bun, of course, if we are not talking about a boyish short haircut.
On short shoulder-length hair, it is quite possible to make a smooth, strict bun, and curls can be styled more freely. The latter option assumes the presence of wavy hair, which will create volume in the hairstyle.
A high bun, of course, will not work on short hair, so you need to correctly determine its location, namely: in the middle of the back of the head, so that the hair from below does not get out of the general mass.

Before creating a hairstyle, you need to decide what the image will be - strict or romantic. Austere assumes smoothly tied straight hair without unnecessary strands at the temples, and this is the most classic option. Any dress is suitable for such a bun. Lush will add a little childishness to a strict hairstyle. A straight, classic dress will complement the strict image of a bride who has far-reaching serious plans for family life.

A bun option for short wavy hair will also be very successful if you do not attach it too tightly. 3-4 invisibility and a small amount of varnish will be enough. On the one hand, you can form a loose braid and secure it at the end, in a bundle of collected hair.

Italian styling
The Italian bride is an example of femininity and austerity at the same time. She is elegant and romantic at the same time. Not only the image, but also her hairstyle is rather modest, so Italian wedding hairstyles are always very restrained.

A bun is a very popular option in Italian hairstyles, especially those rather modest options in which there is nothing superfluous. Perfectly gathered strands, hair to hair - the standard of the Italian hairstyle.
For its implementation, you will certainly need both styling fixing products and an iron to create perfectly straight hair. Having straightened the hair with a special device at the roots and half the length of the hair, it is necessary to collect them in a tight ponytail. Then the hair should be collected with a snail in a bun and secured with invisible ones so that they are completely invisible. Decorate such a hairstyle to a minimum: a laconic comb with stones or small flowers is enough.

Sloppy style
The casual bun style is still in vogue. Of course, in this style you need to know when to stop. If you create something too careless, then such a hairstyle will look sloppy on the bride. A slight carelessness in creating a beam is quite permissible.
To achieve this effect, it is recommended to braid a pair of sloppy braids in the evening. The hair will be slightly wavy the next morning, and this material will be a good basis for an airy bun hairstyle.
This styling looks quite voluminous from the side, so fluffy skirts and an abundance of sparkling jewelry and accessories will not work with it. The height of such a bundle can be different. It looks equally beautiful on the top of the head and at the neck.
A casual bun is not suitable for an overly strict dress. It also won't work for a fluffy dress. The image will be too voluminous, and the bride will look like a birthday cake. For a casual hairstyle, you should choose an airy dress without rings; you can also afford a small train.
A sloppy bun should not be covered with a veil from above. The best option would be to secure it under the bun.

You will learn how to make a sloppy bun with your own hands in the following video.
Supplement with decorations
There are brides who prefer tiaras or tiaras instead of flowers and hairpins. In ancient times, such an object meant a symbol of power, and now not every girl will wear a crown on her head, although in her soul almost everyone feels like a princess. Such an accessory simply obliges the bride to look perfect. Therefore, performing a hairstyle in the form of a bun with a diadem or tiara should be great.
The tiara as an accessory can itself set the style of the bride's appearance. The accessory is somewhat reminiscent of a royal crown. It is heavier than the tiara and has a design that is pointed in the middle. It is almost always decorated with stones and patterns made of rhinestones. The diadem, by its very appearance, creates a regal image, and obliges the bride to behave like a royal person.Such an accessory is perfect for styling in the form of a bun, since most of the tiaras have a closed structure that fits perfectly even around a voluminous bun of hair.

Tiara is an accessory that is an ancient Persian headdress. From Persia, she migrated to the heads of the Greek queens, where she firmly settled and became an attribute of the nobility. This modern accessory is a decoration that frames the head, the width of which is the same around the perimeter. The tiara looks more modest, it is less voluminous. The tiara style is more feminine, even girlish. They were more often worn by girls of blue blood.
A tiara in combination with a bun hairstyle looks very harmonious on a young bride, especially in combination with a Greek-style dress. Such an object in the form of a branch with petals creates a romantic image of a nymph.

It is worth recalling that when choosing a head accessory in the form of a tiara or tiara, you need to remember that jewelry on the head, in the ears and on the neck should be combined with each other, because gold does not combine with silver in any way, and ruby stones in a tiara will look completely inharmonious with topaz earrings.
Flowers will also become additional adornments of the hairstyle. They can be both artificial and alive. They are usually fixed on the side or under the bundle. If the hairstyle is voluminous, you do not need to overload it with large colors. A couple of spray roses are enough.

If the bun is small, and the hair is neatly gathered, then imagination in the choice of colors can roam here. In this case, you can even choose peonies or gerberas, but it is worth considering the growth of the bride herself. On a miniature girl, a large peony on her head will look very comical, so you need to observe the measure in everything.

For a rather modest hairstyle, the bun is well suited for such an accessory as a small veil. She gives the image a mystery. This look looks great with a tight dress up to the knee or mid-calf. A restrained hairstyle and a classic dress with a pencil skirt will sparkle with new colors with such an accessory that will not allow the groom to leave such a mysterious and intriguing bride for a minute.

Beautiful examples
There are many ideas for making the bride's hairstyle in the form of a bun, and every bride will certainly find her own unique option that suits her. The most important thing is not to overdo it. Of course, everyone wants to look just perfect on this solemn day. But behind a heap of even the most lush dresses, there will probably be that very airy knee-length dress that the bride dreamed of all her life, and having leafed through all the options for incredible hairstyles with an abundance of curls and braids, she will see that very comfortable, modest and, undoubtedly, elegant and feminine bun , decorated with daisies, which certainly will not distract the guests of the holiday from her wonderful, big, beautiful eyes.

The following styling examples are suitable for both long and medium length hair. They are not particularly difficult and anyone can try them.
The main thing is to stock up on a certain set, which includes invisible hair, beautiful combs, a veil, flowers, a tiara and, of course, a set of styling products, a curling iron and a hair straightener.

For example, such a low bun of hair under a veil, which is framed by a wreath of flowers, is suitable for a long flowing dress with a lace bodice and sleeves.

A bun, decorated with flowers on top, creates an accent on the hairstyle itself. Therefore, the styling must be perfect. Otherwise, the bunch can be covered with a veil, securing it over it under the flowers.

A sleek bun with a veil down to the middle of the face doesn't need to be cluttered with accessories. For this look, a string of pearls around the neck and pearl earrings will be enough.

The diadem, which adorns the head with a bun, also involves a minimum of additional accessories and a rather discreet dress, since no princess or queen will allow herself an open dress for a celebration

A deep neckline is inappropriate for such an image and looks defiant.
The location of the bun in this way depends on the bride. If she wants to emphasize a thin and long neck, it can be raised higher. A more modest look involves a low bun with a few strands on the sides.

A bun made of randomly folded strands and minimally decorated with accessories is perfect for a fluffy dress.