Greek wedding hairstyles: features and styling tips

Choosing a banquet hall, sending out invitations, finding a photographer and renting a luxury car - brides have a lot of pleasant troubles. But chief among them are the choice of dress and suitable hairstyle. After all, on this day, everyone wants to look like a king. Such an event happens only once in life, and spouses, guests and relatives will watch videos and photos for a long time. Therefore, it is so important for your wedding to choose the perfect image.

Style features
Among the variety of options, brides around the world mainly choose wedding hairstyles in the Greek style. This is not surprising, because they most successfully emphasize beauty, femininity and at the same time splendor with regal grace.
This styling option assumes the presence of curls. It is ideal for girls with naturally curly hair. But the owners of perfectly smooth strands with the help of modern styling products can also create a unique volume and curls of the desired size.

Greek styling suits absolutely everyone. From a large number of variations, each girl with the help of a hairdresser can choose the best option for a wedding, suitable for a particular dress and favorably emphasizing the dignity of her appearance. Regardless of the oval of the face, the shape of the eyes and chin, luxurious loose curls or curly strands protruding from a free braid adorn any newlywed.
Hair length can also be any, as well as color. Such styling looks most advantageous on medium-length hair. Luxurious long curls will require especially careful fixation. Naturally curly hair is just made for Greek style styling.
Owners of short haircuts or thin hair should not be upset either. Wedding hairstyles are often done using hairpieces and overhead strands.

Images of Greek goddesses and ancient queens continue to inspire hairdressers to this day. It is safe to say that the Greek hairstyle is generally equivalent to the concept of a wedding woman's hairstyle. She looks not only with an outfit in the Greek style, but also with any of the most elegant or luxurious wedding dresses. Drawing attention to the bride's face, favorably shading its soft and aristocratic features, voluminous styling becomes a worthy framing and the completion of an ideal image.

There are several main types of Greek wedding hairstyles that are performed by hairdressers. The rest of the varieties are created on their basis:
- Greek beam (or a lampadion based on it as a more complex option);

- Greek braid;

- Greek tail;

- Greek "cascade".

Each of them can be used for different hair lengths and complemented by all kinds of accessories.

Greek hairstyle is unthinkable without hairpins and jewelry. Flowers complement the natural beauty of curly curls at home. As a rule, these are white or creamy buds. It is ideal if they are in harmony or repeat the flowers in the bride's bouquet. These can be artificial decorations or real inflorescences. So that natural flowers do not lose their freshness, they are pre-treated with wax.
Another popular and most common accessory is the veil. You need to be careful with her. Heavy and overly patterned fabric can damage your hair or distract attention. It is better to choose a medium-length transparent and as lightweight veil as possible. It can also be decorated with a wide lace band around the edge.
It is best to combine the veil with a Greek bun in the middle of the back of the head or with a low hairstyle. Usually, in this version, the veil is pinned under the bun, which does not distract attention from the beauty of the bride's hair.

Sometimes, instead of a veil, a mesh is used to emphasize the singularity and sophistication of the image. This detail is best suited for those with medium or short hair. Also, an airy accessory goes well with a Greek beam or lampadion.
Ribbons and beads are often woven into a Greek braid or loose tail. They accentuate the complexity of the weave and add volume to the hairstyle. Headbands are also frequent companions of Greek-style wedding hairstyles. Narrow or wide, one or more, made of metal, ribbon, lace, they can resemble a diadem in their magnificence or concisely hold the border of the bangs. Whichever option you choose, it is in the Greek hairstyle that it will look most impressive.

Elastic bands and ribbons for Greek hairstyles allow you to make an interesting option at home. To do this, curl the hair on a curling iron or curlers, paying special attention to the ends. A special elastic band is put on the hair separated by a straight parting. The ends of the hair are tucked under it. It turns out the original free roller. In front, such styling is usually framed by small curly strands.

The diadem is another reason to feel like a Greek queen. This small semblance of a crown is most often worn on the forehead with a light weight or on the parietal part. Sometimes they attach it to the back of the head. The diadem does not have to be made of precious metals with natural stones. But the quality has to be good enough so that the accessory doesn't look cheap.
A scattering of small rhinestones or tiny flowers, shimmering with multi-colored lights in the sun, looks original on a freely falling cascade of curls.

Styling options
The Greek braid became popular more than ten years ago, not only as a festive styling, but also in everyday style. Now you can find many of its varieties: French braid, spikelet, etc.The difference between the Greek version is in slight negligence. The hairstyle is both natural and harmonious, but at the same time quite thoughtful - from the location on one side of the head or the other to the added accessories.
This option is a real masterpiece. Heavy layered hairstyles look great when framed with flowers, beads, ribbons, often done with faux strands to create volume. The master skillfully straightens individual strands from the common braid to give a slight carelessness and naturalness to the hair. It creates the effect of a charming Greek princess or nymph, who casually gathered curls that were scattered over her shoulders from running.

The braid can be one, formed by wide free curls, or it can consist of several medium-sized ones, starting at the temples, and then turning into a general bizarre weaving pattern. It can walk straight, but more often it weaves a little to one side. The curled ends of the hair are framed with accessories in the form of ribbons and flowers and freely fall down or tucked into the hair. Often, Greek braids become the basic element for more complex hairstyles, such as the Greek knot.
Best of all, a Greek braid looks without a veil framed with flowers or with a diadem. The hairstyle itself is quite textured and interesting. Lace, on the other hand, can hide the most spectacular details of the image.

The Greek tail is one of the simplest variations that you can even make yourself at home with the proper skill. A veil serves well to it, since all the beauty of the hairstyle is visible from the side. The tail begins more often at the back of the head and straightens somewhat asymmetrically on one shoulder, less often on both. It consists of curls or Greek braids. Often it is made of several strands twisted with bundles, which are connected into one by the middle of the length.
Greek ponytail and braid are often mixed together to create an unusual and interesting variation. This hairstyle is especially recommended for a bride with short hair, as it is easiest to use false hair here. It should be noted that the more complex the drawing of the hairstyle framing the head, the more modest and less jewelry should be in the hair.

The Greek cascade is a popular option for long hair. The hairstyle is based on the free position of the hair, curled into curls. Curls should not be smooth or even. The effect of slight carelessness with curls of different sizes is welcomed. Curled hair with the help of invisible hair is removed from the face and cleaved low above the neck or slightly higher at the back of the head, if the hairstyle is not too heavy. For additional volume on the sides at the temples and on the crown, bouffant is often used.
Hair in this style is beautiful both in itself and with the addition of small accessories. With such a hairstyle, the tiara is the most popular, but a voluminous veil will not be the best companion. It is also worth considering choosing a dress. Loose hair, flowing down the back and shoulders, requires the maximum open top of the dress.

The Greek knot or the lampadion created on its basis is one of the most spectacular and difficult to perform types of wedding hairstyles. There are simple options, but in a complex and voluminous design with many framing curls, you still cannot do without a professional. This is a great hairstyle for medium hair. She most effectively emphasizes the shoulders that open to the gaze and the graceful neck of the bride.
Styling looks luxurious in any frame of accessories and is a versatile option. Those girls who dream of a magnificent veil at the wedding ceremony can safely choose this hairstyle option.

Hair is pulled back completely. A hairdresser can leave a few thin curly strands at the temples or neck for showiness.The strands are collected high on the back of the head, forming a semblance of a crown in shape, or in a simpler version, the knot is located quite low, closer to the neck, and curls of different shapes are knocked out of its volume, as if on purpose.
The main thing in this hairstyle is to create a solid foundation, on top of which the rest of the strands will lie in the most intricate way. The entire volume of hair should be well fixed with invisible hairpins and styling products.

Spectacular images
The most impressive are the "cascades" of blond hair, into the curls of which small rhinestones are soldered. A tiara with a scattering of stones will become a spectacular addition. For owners of red hair, there are lush Greek braids or combinations with a Greek tail framed with fresh white flowers.

For brunettes, low bunches of Greek knots with a complex pattern of curls go. Such a hairstyle is usually framed by a spectacular hairpin, and a delicate veil is attached below the knot.

The most luxurious option, emphasizing the position of the hostess of the holiday, will be a tall lampadion, with strands of different lengths released, freely flowing from under it.

Each of the options looks advantageous with bangs, which are often specially emphasized with the help of a tiara or headbands and various ribbons. Straight or lightly combed to the side, it helps to harmonize facial features and make the shape of the forehead perfect.
Whichever type of Greek hairstyle a modern bride chooses, it will invariably refer to the times of beautiful women, natural and gentle, conquering with their beauty. And the majestic harmony of the image will create a unique silhouette of refined and natural female beauty.
For information on how to make a Greek wedding hairstyle, see the video below.