Wedding omens and customs to remember
There is a huge variety of wedding signs. To observe them or not is a personal matter, but it is worth listening to these beliefs. Perhaps this will help avoid unpleasant situations in married life.

Selecting a holiday date
Everyone knows that a May wedding does not bode well - young people will spend their whole lives with each other, but few people know that about the remaining 11 months there is another folk wisdom that determines favorable and unfavorable days for connecting loving people. So, a wedding in January promises an early parting with a loved one. February marriage, on the other hand, promises a long and happy life. If a girl gets married in March, she condemns herself to live in a foreign land - most likely, she will have to follow her husband out of the city or even from the country. Family life, which began in April, is like the weather this month - sometimes warm and sunny, sometimes cloudy, and sometimes it rains.

Caveats About May Marriages Everybody Knows - it is no coincidence that the number of those wishing to sign at this time is minimal. The June newlyweds are predicted a long life together, spent in love and understanding. Those who marry or get married in July live happily ever after, but their memories are still sweet and sour, there are good periods in family life, and not the most successful ones. If you get married in August, then your spouse will become not only a faithful lover for you, but also your best friend. A September wedding is considered a good option - in this case, your life together will be quiet and peaceful.

For those who got married in October, it is worth preparing for difficulties.Family life will not be easy, but together the spouses will be able to endure under a hail of turmoil. November is the best month for those who dream of great family wealth. But you shouldn't expect much money from a December marriage, but the love between husband and wife will only grow and grow stronger every year. Of course, such predictions can be taken as a joke, but you can believe it - it is no coincidence that the maximum number of weddings occurs precisely in the summer months and the first autumn.

Matchmaking by the groom
Let us dwell separately on pre-wedding beliefs, namely, on the peculiarities of matchmaking. The key role in this action is assigned to the matchmaker, who will, as it were, lead the whole process. It is important to choose the right candidate here - he must be an adult, respected, always family and preferably with children. You should not take a divorced man or a widower as a matchmaker - this is a very bad omen. As for the matchmaking itself, there are also quite a few customs and traditions, following which promises good luck in family life. The groom should be the very first to enter the bride's house, after him the matchmaker, and only then all the other participants in the event.
It is not recommended to take off the hat from the head until the girl's parents invite their guests to sit at the dinner table. If this does not happen, then the parents make it clear that they are refusing the groom.
There is one very interesting sign. It will be a very auspicious omen if the oldest male guest steals the spoon. In this case, the groom will soon be able to become the owner of the future wife's house. However, a wedding is not a place for theft, therefore, after 3 months, the spoon must be put in the very place from which it was taken.

If a woman is constantly being wooed by those men whom she does not want to see as their husbands, she should conduct a small ceremony to attract the right groom. To do this, you must imperceptibly wash the boot of the matchmaker, then rinse your hands with the same water and then whisper the following words: "The print of your feet will bring another groom to my home." This phrase must be said three times, and then sweep the shoes with a broom in the clockwise direction three times.

In order for the parents of the bride and the groom's matchmakers to agree on the wedding, the girl must definitely put on some old and new thing, as well as shoes taken from a friend. Folk omens do not advise wooing on Fridays and Saturdays, as well as during fasting, in addition, May is considered an unfavorable period for the groom, but April is perfect for matchmaking.
Signs with attributes
Choosing a wedding dress also has its own beliefs, which are best followed if you want your life together to be long and happy. A girl for a wedding must certainly wear a dress, and not a set of skirts and sweaters, otherwise the spouses will soon live apart. The future husband should not see his bride in a wedding dress until the moment of the wedding, if this happens, the wedding may fail. If you want your family to become loving and strong, then do not sell your dress outfit, it is best to keep it for the rest of your life. By the way, buying a used dress is also not a good omen - many claim that in this case the young will live very poorly. In addition, many claim that the wedding dress keeps the fate of its former owner and she can go to its new owner, which is not always good, especially if the young woman was unhappy in her marriage.

So that none of the guests jinx the girl at the wedding, it is worth making two or three stitches on the hem with blue threads. It is advisable to sew the dress in white. If you marry in a red outfit, this portends frequent conflicts. A green dress promises great financial difficulties, but a golden one, on the contrary, marks a comfortable and luxurious life for spouses.Pay special attention to the shoes - they must be closed, otherwise the family will literally be "barefoot" - that is, very poor, almost destitute. No need to wear jewelry for registration, limit yourself to pearls or costume jewelry. Keep in mind that the jewelry that comes with the wedding dress must be old, best of all from a previously married woman who has established herself as a happy wife and worthy mother.

An important sign concerns the fitting of the image of the newlywed. Here, folk beliefs are categorical - it is forbidden to put on the entire festive outfit until the moment of the wedding, and even more so to show off in this form in front of a large mirror - then the wedding can simply fail. Of course, a girl should always be sure that she looks perfect, without trying on it is difficult for her to assess her style, but you can go for a little trick - try on your dress with a veil without any small accessory, for example, without a glove.

Our ancestors believed that a girl should not prepare and dress up for a wedding in her home. At the same time, it is not necessary that during the preparation of the outfit a young namesake was present nearby. It is optimal for the bride to be helped by a married woman who has been married for at least 7 years. During the wedding ceremony itself, guests should not even try to correct the girl's outfit, this will lead to the fact that subsequently outsiders will often interfere with the couple's private life. The dress must certainly be elongated - short outfits indicate that the marriage will also be short. In order for the love between the young to be as strong as possible, you need to sew a piece of lovage into the dress.

The girl's dress must have an even number of buttons, otherwise, according to the signs, the spouse will change very often. In no case should a girl hem her dress herself - so she will simply sew her happiness. There are many signs in relation to the veil. To begin with, like a dress, it should not be given to others: neither given, nor rented, nor even tried on. This headdress is considered a talisman that protects a woman and her unborn child from bad thoughts, damage and the evil eye. Subsequently, the veil is often broadcast on the baby's crib or wrapped in it if the baby is capricious. If there is no veil, then a pin inserted into the hem of a wedding dress or a small coin in a shoe plays the role of a talisman.

There are also special beliefs about the groom's clothes. So, a young man should not wear a bow tie instead of a tie, this indicates that he will cheat on his wife from the very first days of marriage. The blue suit testifies to the same thing. If a man is wearing a green suit, the people around him will laugh at his family. The best option is considered black, which predicts a sea of love in life together. White suits look very beautiful at a wedding. But this choice is unfortunate - such a vestment predicts frequent ailments and a rather short life.

The bride's bouquet
The bride's bouquet carries not only a decorative function; quite a lot of interesting traditions and customs are associated with it. A man should not give any of his friends a bouquet intended for a girl, even for a couple of seconds. It is believed that in this case, the one who held the flowers will own the woman. The bride should keep the bouquet presented to her all day, not letting go of her hands, even during the meal, he should always be next to her on the table. The only person who can be trusted with flowers for a couple of minutes is a young mother. If you neglect this custom, she will not see a happy life.

If the flowers fall on the floor, then another wedding will soon take place in this house, and the one of the guests who at the very end of the ceremony catches the bouquet, the next one will find a spouse.
Wedding rings
Rings are not just a symbol denoting a certain marital status, they are a powerful amulet that protects the family from all troubles that may stand in their way. It is very important that the spouses never give their rings to anyone, even just try them on. These items should belong only to the two of them, otherwise there will be complete discord in the family. But a girl can give a box from under them to her best friend, provided that she is not married, and the young people themselves never need to touch her again. And, of course, try to exchange rings as carefully as possible - if the jewelry falls, it portends troubles and troubles in the relationship.

Glasses and champagne
It is customary for young people to have two sets of glasses at a wedding - the first is broken immediately after drinking "for good luck", the second is kept as a valuable relic for many years, and only husband and wife are allowed to drink from them. This custom is rooted in ancient times - then it was believed that the sound of broken glass drives away all evil spirits. By the way, you can even tell fortunes on the fragments on the sex of the unborn child - if most of them are large, then a boy will be born first, and if the glasses are broken into small pieces, this is for the girl.

Of particular importance for the wedding are the bottles of champagne, which are called "bulls" - these are two vessels that are connected by a tape. They should be kept throughout the wedding so that none of the guests sip from them. The first is opened only for a chintz wedding, and the second - for the appearance of a long-awaited child. The bulls got such an interesting name from the customs of the southern regions of Russia, where the young people were traditionally given a cow and a bull for a wedding. Such a gesture symbolized the beginning of a joint household, as well as wishes to the husband and wife for fertility and the early appearance of the first child.
Loaf and cake
In previous years, a loaf was baked for a wedding in the groom's house. As a rule, all his married relatives were engaged in this under the guidance of the young mother. Childless, widows and divorced women were not allowed to this action, it was believed that in this case they could pass on their fate to the young. To avoid the evil eye, after baking and until the wedding itself, this bread was kept under a special towel, the godfathers of the young were trusted to share it, and each guest should taste a piece of the festive loaf. It was believed that it was endowed with magical powers, therefore various symbolic patterns were depicted on it.

Cake is considered a must-have treat at a wedding. The spouses cut it without fail together, helping each other, so they kind of make a reserve for the joint solution of all difficulties. Usually a woman cuts it, and a man supports it - this means that the husband will always and in everything be a support for his wife. By the way, the one whose hand rises higher in the process of cutting will become the head of the family. If only one of the spouses shares the cake, this portends frequent quarrels or even childlessness. The first piece is necessarily presented to the newly-made wife, and the second to her partner, after which the treat is distributed in a circle. Guests should certainly eat it, at least take a bite. This promises good luck to the young family, as well as the personal happiness of each of the invitees.

If in the process of moving or cutting the cake it is dropped - this is a divorce, and the initiator will be the one who could not keep the dessert in his hands. Unmarried guests at the wedding should certainly leave some cake and eat their own piece before going to bed, and put the remaining crumbs on the mattress under the pillow - there is an opinion that in this case the girl will be able to see her future spouse in a dream. Sometimes rings, hearts and horseshoes are baked into the dough - in this case, all those who come across them will be successful in business and successful in their endeavors during the year. Superstitions on and after your wedding day

On the wedding day, a man must certainly carry his betrothed through the threshold in his arms - it is generally accepted that then she will never want to return from her husband back to her parental home. If on the way to the painting or to the church you come across a funeral cortege, it is better to turn onto another road so as not to bring misfortune. On the day of the wedding, the mother must give her daughter some thing of her own, which the young woman must always keep as a real relic, otherwise her well-being will not be seen. A wedding on a rainy day will be a very good omen.

Young people should not be photographed separately on this day - this is a quick separation. If a young man stumbled on his way to the registry office - therefore, he is not quite sure of his own decision. The bridesmaids should never stand in front of her near the mirror - if this happens, sooner or later this girl will take the young husband away. The same is true of the groom's friends. If the friends of the spouses start washing the dishes, then this means that they will definitely quarrel.

So that the young family has almost no offense, the husband and wife must break the plate on the threshold of their home and step over the pieces together. When the bed is being made on the marriage bed for the young, the pillows should be laid so that the cuts of the pillowcases touch each other, in which case the spouses will live happily ever after. If during the ceremony some jewelry fell off the bride, then the husband will have to spend his whole life to buy new ones for his wife. To make life as happy as possible, a girl should cry a little on her wedding day. It is important that the newly-made spouses do not eat from one spoon - this is to frequent dissatisfaction with each other.

How to minimize the effect of negative omens
If something happened to you at the wedding that, according to popular belief, portends trouble, you should not dwell on it. Each sign is just a legend, so try to dig deeper and figure out where this or that tradition came from. For example, a sign that you cannot look in the mirrors in a wedding dress before painting. Think, because in every registry office there are a lot of mirrors, and hardly at least one newlywed was able to avoid a short glance into it. And after all, most of them are happily married, so you should not be an exception.

When it comes to selling a wedding dress, it’s worth going back to history. In previous years, an outfit was very expensive and became the property of a young family, which was sold at the most difficult moment, when poverty left no other choice. Nowadays, when you can buy any outfit for different budgets, a wedding dress no longer has such value, so buying and resale is quite easy. As for the signs associated with the dress, then each always has its own counterargument. So, the effect of negative omens is neutralized by pins, colored stitches on the hem, jewelry made of some metals and other amulets.

It is important to understand that signs are not as important as your own thoughts, words and actions. They are certainly needed, but only the young themselves will be responsible for their happiness and for the strength of their family ties.
See the next video for what kind of wedding omens come true.