A wedding dance

Friends dance at a wedding - an original gift for newlyweds

Friends dance at a wedding - an original gift for newlyweds
  1. Entertainment at the wedding
  2. Unusual congratulations
  3. How to organize?
  4. Choice of dance

A wedding is one of the most important events in the life of every young man. However, this holiday plays an important role not only in the life of the bride and groom, but also in the life of their parents, relatives and friends.

Each loved one tries to make the wedding day for the newlyweds an unusual, original and memorable day. Of course, it does not do without gifts.

For example, a dance of friends at a wedding will become an exclusive surprise and an unforgettable present for the bride and groom.

Entertainment at the wedding

Traditionally, the host of the wedding is the toastmaster. This person is responsible for running fun contests at the celebration. Apart from contests, no wedding is complete without dancing.

So, without fail on this day, for the first time, as a husband and wife, a newly-made family comes out on the dance floor and performs a wedding dance. As usual, they prepare for this performance for a long time and seriously, even sometimes they hire a choreographer to study movements and steps.

In addition, the bride dances with her father (dad and daughter dance), the groom dances with his mom. And also the friends and girlfriends of the newlyweds are dancing.

Unusual congratulations

Gifts at a wedding are a must. It is customary for young people to give household items, for example, pans and pots, sets of dishes, means for creating comfort in the house, including bed linen, blankets and blankets, as well as money. In general, only your own imagination limits you in choosing a gift.

In addition to a material gift, you can present your friends getting married with an interesting dance surprise. - they will definitely not forget such a present and, remembering their wedding day, they will thank their friends and girlfriends more than once for such a creative and creative gift.

How to organize?

A dance gift can be thought of and organized in several ways. Let's consider the main ones.

Only friends and relatives can participate in this dance greeting without involving a couple. Such a performance can be carried out in a planned form or in the form of a flash mob. If you want to create a surprise effect, then, of course, choose the second option. A flash mob can be arranged right next to the registry office or on the street where the newlyweds will walk after the wedding, or during a photo session.

If you are an adherent of a more stable approach, then it is better to show the planned dance already in the restaurant during the banquet. At this time, all the fuss will end and the young will be able to appreciate your efforts.

In addition to the performance of a dance surprise exclusively by friends and relatives, the bride or groom may be involved in the presentation of an unusual gift.

So, a newly-made wife can present her chosen one with a dance with her bridesmaids. Or, on the contrary, the groom will dance with his friends for his betrothed.

Choice of dance

When preparing an unusual presentation, an important question arises, namely: the choice of a specific dance style.

Helpful advice! You shouldn't dwell on complex compositions or sophisticated movements unless you are masters of choreography or sophisticated dancers. The main thing in your gift is the mood.

When choosing a style, it is necessary to be guided by the taste and personal preferences of the young.

A traditional safe option will be the performance of the sea dance "Yablochko" or another number in the folk style. For example, when choosing the "Yablochko" dance, the groom can become the main sailor.

If the bride and groom are modern young people who follow the latest trends and like to be in the center of events, then hip-hop can be performed for them.

If a bride participates in a dance surprise, then you should take a closer look at a gentle and romantic contempo. Through dance movements, you can convey the whole gamut of sincere and genuine love feelings and experiences.

If your dance will take place in the form of a flash mob, then you should not think too much about the correspondence of the movements to any style. Choose energetic and fun music and give the newlyweds a festive mood.

Thus, dancing friends at a wedding can be a chic gift., which will remain in the memory of not only the young family, but all the guests for a long time. Many years later, gathering at the festive table and celebrating the next anniversary of a happy life, young people will remember the performance of their friends as an elegant decoration of the wedding evening.

The original idea of ​​the dance is in the next video.

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