A wedding dance

Groom dance: who and what to dance with at the wedding?

Groom dance: who and what to dance with at the wedding?
  1. With the bride
  2. With mom
  3. With mother-in-law
  4. Gift to the bride from the groom with friends

Getting married is one of the milestones on our path in life, and it is only natural to want to make it unforgettable. There are so many pleasant troubles associated with the wedding. Choose outfits, hairstyles, make-up and manicure, decorate the hall, think over the menu ... you can list endlessly. In this article, it is worth talking about the groom's wedding dances - with whom, in what sequence, to what music it is desirable for the young spouse to dance.

With the bride

This dance shows the depth of feelings that newlyweds have for each other. Usually it is a slow waltz to beautiful music, often a background song has a special meaning for two lovers. It is advisable to rehearse it in advance, because this is a kind of "highlight of the program" of the entire wedding celebration. It is ideal to invite a specialist choreographer to stage the dance of the bride and groom. He will reveal the strengths and weaknesses of the partners, will help in choosing a suitable musical composition, and he will learn the dance movements with you that will make it graceful and graceful.

If you do not wish to invite a professional choreographer, rehearsals are still necessary. You can do this at home or in the restaurant hall where the banquet will take place. Doing a few rehearsals in bridal shoes and a formal outfit will only do you good. It is best to start your preparations one and a half months before the wedding, especially if both of you haven't danced before. There are a great variety of dance options for the newlyweds, there are classical waltz, passionate tango, Latin fiery dances, rock and roll, and oriental melodies.

When choosing a style of wedding dance, you should consider the following nuances:

  • your desires;
  • temperament of both spouses;
  • physical training;
  • dance experience (or lack thereof);
  • preparation time;
  • celebration style;
  • a hall for a wedding banquet;
  • the outfits and shoes chosen for the wedding.

There are several important points to keep in mind when staging a dance.

  • The room in which the celebration will take place. It should be noted that the size of the dance floor directly affects the movement in the dance. The small space limits the choice of dance steps, as does the height of the ceilings in the banquet hall.
  • Floor. The material with which the floor of the room is paved also matters. For example, a tiled floor seriously limits freedom of movement. In this situation, flat shoes are comfortable, which will not suit all genres of music. It is good to dance slow waltzes on a marble floor, but the heel must be stable and with a wide base, otherwise (especially in the case of high stilettos with metal heels) there is a high risk of slipping. The parquet is almost perfect, but there is also a drawback - it can creak. And also there is a high likelihood of partners lagging behind due to unimportant sliding.
  • Shoes. For a wedding dance number, it's best to stock up on spare, comfortable shoes.
  • Guests. It is necessary to take into account the seating scheme of guests in the hall.
  • Filming of the celebration. Don't forget about the operators capturing this event. Try to get them to shoot the dance piece from the most impressive perspective.
  • Duration. The dance of the bride and groom often lasts 2-3 minutes.
  • Wedding attire of the bride. The dress should not hinder the movement of the bride.

With mom

The next in importance are dances of young spouses with their parents.

The waltz of the groom with his mother is a touching and emotional sight, because before the wedding, it was mother who was the most important woman in the life of a young husband. It was on the day of her son's marriage that she hands him over to the tender hands of her wife.

In this dance, the son should express how much he values ​​and loves his mother. Often they choose a lyrical dance for this, but no one forbids a dashing, cheerful dance. The background can be a slideshow of children's photographs.

With mother-in-law

It is also a tradition for a newly baked husband to dance with his mother-in-law. He should be funny and perky. The young son-in-law shows how he will respect and love his second mother in the future. Humorous sketches don't hurt either. As a musical composition, a funny song about a mother-in-law is usually selected.

Gift to the bride from the groom with friends

Nowadays, there is a fashion among young spouses to give each other songs and dances. Often a gift from the groom is performed with a group of friends. Such a massive gift will touch the hearts of everyone at the wedding.

    Do not forget that this dance is a gift from a husband to his charming wife, and it is he who should attract special attention.

    This dance number can be staged in several scenarios.

    • Classical dance in the same style. Guys choose the genre they like. Usually they give preference to incendiary dance - rock and roll, Caucasian tunes and others, where they show their strength, energy and masculinity. If you rehearse well in advance, you will get a bright gem of a gala evening.
    • Funny and cheerful dance. A humorous production with the groom in the lead role.
    • Dance surprise. Friends of the young spouse begin a dance among the banquet, to which the newly-made husband joins. Such a gift will touch the hearts of both the guests and the charming young wife.

    Important! It is worth preparing well for this number. The help of a professional choreographer will not hurt here either.

    You will see how to prepare an interesting surprise dance in the next video.

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