Unusual wedding traditions of the peoples of the world

Each country has its own specific traditions, including wedding ones. For some, they seem strange, but for others, very interesting. What unusual wedding traditions exist in Asia and Europe? All the most interesting is already waiting for you in our material.

European customs
Different nations of the world have their own wedding traditions. But one thing unites everyone - this is the desire to have fun from the heart, and to do everything possible so that the most important and solemn day in the life of the young will be remembered by them forever. In addition, each tradition and custom has its own special meaning. Thanks to old rituals, the young generation manages to preserve their national roots, which makes the family feel even more friendly and united.

Russian wedding customs are well known to many, but we will still tell you about the most interesting of them.
Traditionally, young spouses are greeted by their relatives with bread and salt. Newlyweds must definitely bite off a large loaf, and whoever has a larger piece will be the head of the family. Of course, the most striking tradition is the ransom of the bride. As a rule, witnesses are involved in organizing this event. They prepare interesting and funny tasks in advance. If the groom does not cope with the task, then he will have to pay for it. Often other relatives from the groom's side also take part in the ransom.

In Belarus, there are not only wedding, but also pre-wedding ceremonies, which they try to observe to this day. For example, you can only get married on Monday, Thursday or Saturday. Matchmakers must be five or six people. Matchmakers are encouraged to prepare, they should have in their arsenal not only treats, but also jokes.If the matchmakers manage to agree on the wedding, then all those present drink a bottle of alcohol. As soon as the bottle is empty, grain is poured into it, which symbolizes the well-fed and comfortable life of the young. In addition, there is a sign that the bride must buy a dress on Wednesday, and shoes on Friday.

In Germany there is a very interesting tradition, observing which you can attract happiness and well-being for the newlyweds. On the eve of the celebration itself, relatives gather at the bride's doorstep and, without regret, break a large number of dishes. The more dishes are broken, the more happiness and love there will be in a young family. But already at the very evening, after the wedding ceremony, the newly-made spouses must cut the log together. If they manage to do this quickly and easily, then life together will be happy. Sawing logs is a kind of ritual, which suggests that the spouses have already begun to run a joint household.

Greece also has many interesting traditions. Of course, most of them are associated with dancing, as the Greeks are very fond of dancing. Especially for a wedding celebration, these people have a special dance - the dance of money. Young people dance together in the center of the hall, and each of those present must attach various bills to their outfits. The more bills there are, the more prosperous young people will live. And before the wedding night, according to Greek tradition, children must jump and have fun on the bed of the young.
The more children and fun there are, the more happiness and prosperity there will be in the lives of young spouses.

According to Hungarian tradition, during the wedding ceremony, the bride must put her shoes in the center of the hall. Each of the men present who wants to invite the bride to dance must put coins in their shoes. Which of the men puts in more coins, that one is lucky enough to be the first to invite the bride to dance.

In the Netherlands, the bride must order a large number of different chocolates before the wedding. As a rule, they are ordered from different and best confectioners of the city. All candies should be different in shape and taste. Whichever of the guests gets two identical sweets will be very lucky soon.

Wedding feasts in Italy are always fun and noisy. Before the wedding, every Italian couple must visit the largest tree in their city. According to tradition, the newlyweds should walk around the tree exactly three times. It symbolizes freedom, happiness and love. According to custom, together with the young, both the closest relatives and a professional photographer who manage to capture the most unforgettable moments of this peculiar ceremony go to the tree.

In addition, Italians traditionally organize bride kidnapping. Of course, everything is negotiated in advance, and all parties agree. The abduction in the end turns out to be bright, like a staged theatrical show, which young people will remember for the rest of their lives.

There is a very funny tradition in Denmark. Before the celebration, the groom is specially made a hole in one of the socks. They say that this will save the young spouse from betrayal, since young girls will not look at a man in torn socks.

But in France, friends and relatives of newlyweds gather in a noisy company under the windows of the house or hotel where the spouses spend their wedding night, and make noise all night. They are stocked in advance with pots, lids, spoons, and other items with which you can make a lot of noise. If young people want to spend the night alone with each other in silence, then they should prepare drinks and snacks for the guests in advance. Only after a good meal will the guests calm down and stop making riots.

Switzerland has one ancient tradition, which many adhere to in our modern time. According to custom, the bride must be doused with mud.The more dirt there is, the more terrible its smell, the better. You need to pour over the girl literally from head to toe.
In modern times, instead of mud, natural products are used, independently making a "fragrant" mixture.
For example, ketchup, mayonnaise, raw eggs, fermented milk products and leftovers of already missing food are mixed. And this liquid is poured over the bride. After that, the bride in this form, in the company of her groom's friends, should walk through public places, streets of the city. This is done for a reason. The fact is that there is a belief that a girl who has experienced such a public humiliation in marriage will be much more relaxed about various disagreements and pranks of her young spouse.

Asian rites
Asian countries also surprise with the variety of their wedding traditions. Turkish, Azerbaijani, Ossetian, Kazakh, Buryat and Indian weddings - they all have their own special traditions. Of course, a Muslim wedding in one country, for example, Kazakhstan, is sometimes very similar to the traditions that exist in Kyrgyzstan or Tajikistan. But still, there are customs that are worth talking about in more detail.

A traditional Chinese wedding should be in red. That is, the bride's dress, gift boxes, envelopes with money should be red. The more bright colors there will be at the celebration, the better. By tradition, young people drink from glasses that are tied with a single red ribbon. This symbolizes their mutual feelings and the unity of a young family.

In India, a wedding ceremony is a real colorful show. Very often, young people see each other for the first time only at a wedding. By tradition, the celebration should have a huge number of fresh and fragrant flowers. There is a belief that the aromas of earthly flowers are very popular with the gods, and therefore all prayers and wishes uttered on this day will certainly be heard.

In Kazakhstan, the wedding of two young people is a holiday that is widely celebrated, and they prepare for it in advance. Matchmaking among Kazakhs takes place according to ancient traditions. Many modern young people honor the characteristics of their ancestors, and adhere to ancient customs to this day. The groom's party always gives the bride's father traditional gifts: a national robe, a horse. Also, the groom's family must pay "kalym". Previously, the bride was not present at the wedding, or rather, did not go out to the guests, but spent all the time in a separate room with women, where she was prepared for the first wedding night.

In Pakistan, there is a custom when, before the celebration, the bride's hands are decorated with traditional henna designs. Each drawing has its own special meaning.
If you believe the belief, then this ceremony helps the bride to attract happiness and prosperity, and means that her marriage will be successful.

African traditions
In some countries of the world, bread and salt must be present at the wedding, somewhere each of the spouses must hang locks on a tree or bridge, as a sign of loyalty and love. Traditions of different countries can surprise, or even shock. Of course, the obligatory traditions and customs that are observed at a wedding in African countries may seem strange to Europeans, to put it mildly.

In Nigeria, the bride must be selected by a professional matchmaker. The matchmaker selects a girl for the groom, taking into account all the requirements of the family. Then the matchmaker must personally check the girl for innocence, and only then can we talk about the wedding. After the celebration itself, relatives from the side of the bride and groom stand in two lines, creating a kind of corridor. The newly minted young spouse must quickly run along this "corridor", while relatives, meanwhile, will beat him with long sticks. After observing this custom, it is considered that the man is completely ready for an independent married life.

Brides in Ethiopia are preparing for the celebration for a long time.Even before the wedding ceremony, the girl's two lower teeth are removed, then the lower lip is pierced and a traditional disc made of clay is inserted there. The larger the disc, the more dowry the bride has. In addition, there is a belief that this disc will protect the bride from evil spirits, thanks to which she can live happily in marriage.

In Rwanda, there is the Bahutu tribe, which has its own interesting and unusual traditions. For example, the bride immediately after the wedding ceremony goes to the house of her young husband and arranges a real pogrom there. Moreover, the young spouse must scratch and beat her newly-made spouse. He should do the same. The more hatred they express towards each other that evening, the better. As a rule, the fight and the pogrom lasts until the early morning. At the same time, neither the husband nor the wife should utter a single word. Sometimes this ritual is delayed for several days. There is a belief that after such a fight, the spouses will live their whole lives in peace and harmony.

In Kenya, after the wedding, a young spouse must wear a woman's outfit for a whole month. This is done in order for the newly-made husband to feel for himself what it means to be a woman and a mistress.
They say that after such a peculiar ritual, men treat their wives with great understanding and respect.

Signs in South and North America
Modern weddings in America are fun. The celebration is not complete without the traditional bachelorette and bachelor parties. The organization of such events usually falls on the shoulders of the witnesses. Any American wedding can be unconventional. There are no restrictions or special traditions here. Young people may well arrange a celebration in any style.

But there are some traditions that many are trying to adhere to to this day. For example, there is a custom according to which the bride must wear an old blue thing on her wedding day. The thing must be worn, as this symbolizes its relationship with the family. And blue is the color of fidelity, which is essential in marriage.

In addition, there is an American wedding tradition that is followed in many countries around the world. It is about the bride throwing her bouquet at the end of the evening. Which of the unmarried girls will catch this happy bouquet, that one will have a wedding in the near future.

In some states of America, there is still a tradition that bears a very interesting name - "downpour". It first appeared in the late 1890s. By tradition, all the bridesmaids who will be present at the celebration must prepare many small gifts in advance. All gifts should be packed in small boxes, bright wrappers, and then placed inside a massive umbrella. In the process of the celebration, bridesmaids come up to the bride, open an umbrella over her, and all the presents "pour" on the happy hero of the occasion. In modern times, many are replacing various gifts with ordinary sweets.

Another American tradition is the wedding cake. Of course, no such celebration would be complete without a huge and delicious dessert. At the end of the evening, the newlyweds must cut the cake into exactly as many pieces as the number of people present at their party. The cake, as a rule, is not eaten at the evening, but they take it away with them. If an unmarried girl puts a piece of the wedding cake under her pillow, then that night she will definitely dream about her future husband.

For more information about the wedding traditions of the peoples of the world, see the following video.