DIY wedding hall decoration options

A wedding is the most extraordinary holiday for hearts in love - the first dance as spouses, the first kiss, the exchange of rings, the wedding cake ... But before these exciting moments come, future newlyweds must work hard, especially when decorating the hall. It is here that the banquet part with a lot of entertainment will take place.

What is important to consider when choosing a decor?
The decoration of the banquet hall with wedding decorations mainly falls on the shoulders of the owner of the premises or a company organizing events. But recently the situation has changed. Many decorations are prepared by the friends and girlfriends of the bride and groom.
Today, decorating the hall for a wedding with your own hands is becoming fashionable. Due to the individual approach and preferences of the spouses, the banquet hall can be turned from an ordinary room into a luxurious apartment. An important nuance in this matter is to save the budget.

Any couple can simply and beautifully decorate the wedding hall. The main thing is that the decorations give a festive mood to the guests and the heroes of the occasion themselves.
Room size
The area of the banquet hall is very important for holding a festive event. The larger the square of the selected room, the richer and brighter the festive decoration will be. In addition, we must not forget about the guests present, where everyone should get a place. To correctly place the accents of the wedding interior, you should pay attention to the advice of designers.
- Light colors, especially white, allow you to visually increase the size of the hall. Contrasting elements must be present on a white background, for example, bright and catchy decorations on white tablecloths.
- If the choice of the bride and groom fell on a large hall, it is necessary to divide the space into several identical zones, thereby filling the empty corners of the room.
- Large spaces require the use of appropriate furniture. Each decor element should be large, for example, tables, bouquets.

Each room, regardless of its size, can be visually reduced or enlarged. The main thing is to correctly install the lighting and highlight significant places in the interior.
Style and theme of the celebration
Recently, when preparing a wedding celebration, the bride and groom are increasingly abandoning the classic style of the event. The worn-out standards have become boring for a long time, and I want to remember such a special day for the rest of my life. Therefore, the newlyweds choose an unusual holiday theme.
In general, the theme of the wedding is the basis of the celebration. The style of the scenery entirely depends on this choice. Of course, for a closed room, the classic version of the wedding is more suitable, but by connecting imagination, you can turn the holiday into a masquerade ball. For outdoor celebrations, the theme can be very diverse, for example, retro or Provence.

It should be noted that today there are several popular thematic solutions, among which you can make a choice:
- classic - a standard solution where you don't have to use your imagination;

- national - depending on the race of the bride and groom;

- rustic - implies decoration with handmade decorations;

- fabulous - allows you to immerse yourself in an intriguing story that ends with a happy ending.

Prevailing colors
Weddings are traditionally associated with light colors. But for designers, light colors serve as an opportunity to add brightness and saturation to the holiday. In order to use this nuance correctly and not resort to the help of professionals, you need to know some rules for working with the color palette.
- When decorating a festive room, it is necessary to take into account the season. The shades of spring will be in perfect harmony with the interior during the warm season.
- For winter, silver inserts will be a very interesting decoration solution.
- When choosing a color scheme for room decorations, one should take into account the characteristics of each shade and their meaning.

For any occasion, budget is an important part of preparing for the holiday. And this issue should not be treated carelessly. Before you start preparing, you need to carry out the necessary calculations and understand how much the future family has.
Quite often it happens that the rented premises do not correspond to the theme of the wedding, which can lead to some disruptions in the scenario of the celebration. To prevent this from happening, you should use some tips.
- When choosing a theme for a wedding, the room should match the color scheme or be absolutely light.
- It doesn't matter that the budget for the banquet hall is small. By choosing a small room, you can increase its visual size with the help of decorations and play of color.
- Having decided on the theme and room, you need to start preparing the scenery.

It is not necessary to order trained professionals who will charge a decent bill for simple work. Friends and girlfriends of the heroes of the occasion will be able to make special and original decorations for the hall with their own hands. Moreover, there will be plenty of time for their manufacture.
How to decorate the room?
A wedding is a holiday, preparation for which begins at least two months in advance. During this period of time, the bride and groom spend a lot of strength and energy to make this day the brightest and most special in their lives. Among other things, a wedding is a very costly event, so the newlyweds have to cut back on the list required for the holiday. Quite often, the design of the banquet hall is reduced.
In fact, it is not necessary to order professionals to decorate the room. Friends will be able to do everything much better by putting their soul and good mood into the decorations.
- Quite often, paper is used for wedding decoration. You can create chic bouquets from it, decor on the walls and even decorate vases on the table.

- Decorations made of balloons will seem very bright and catchy.

- DIY jewelry involves more than just balls, flowers or paper. You can take any unnecessary thing and turn it into an extraordinary element of hall decoration.

- When decorating a room with a cloth, it is important to remember that the purchased material should not be expensive. After buying it, you need to wash and iron it, and after that you need to decorate it.

- The most budgetary option is to find a room already ready for the holiday, but it is extremely rare to find such an option.

Balls are the simplest and most unusual jewelry items. Many decorations can be created from them, the main thing is to connect imagination and offer a lot of unusual ideas.
Balloons can be used to decorate the seats of guests and heroes of the occasion. Inflating different sizes, make different shapes with them, as well as decorate the edges of the path for the bride and groom. Balloons can be used to make an arch or even a tunnel.
It is worth noting that it is very reckless to use ordinary balloons for such a celebration. It is best to choose milar products, the base of which is made of metal film. They are particularly durable and can be presented in a variety of forms. To make the balloons float at the height of the room, they are pumped with helium instead of regular air.

DIY fabric decorations look very bright and unusual. You can use fabric material for any decoration. For example, make bows of various sizes or decorate balls.
In fact, the fabric is the most important decorative element in wedding decoration. The most common types of fabrics for weddings are guipure, mesh and chiffon.
When decorating a banquet hall with fabric, it is important to use several contrasting colors. For example, to sew chair covers from white fabric, and bows for the back are made from red material.

The safest option for decorating a banquet hall for a wedding is flowers. It is possible to decorate the hall with fresh flowers, but it is extremely expensive, and the decorations themselves will last only a few days. Even during the wedding procession, the noise of the surroundings can cause floral interiors to lose their appearance.
An alternative is paper flowers. By choosing bright colors of colored paper, you can make unusual bouquets and arrange them throughout the room. If the wedding takes place outdoors, then you can decorate bushes and trees with paper floristry.
Crafts from paper buds made for a photo zone look quite original. In this case, you can play with origami dimensions.

Interesting design ideas
Quite often, the wedding bustle does not allow the heroes of the occasion to collect their thoughts and decide how and how to decorate the banquet hall and its elements.
In this case, flowers made of paper are laid out on the tables. Their color shade is in perfect harmony with the style of the wedding and looks very laconic against the light background of the tablecloth.

At the sight of the decoration of the wedding hall in pink tones, the soul becomes calm and easy. Delicate flowers are neatly arranged at all required points. Most of the decorations are fabrics, thanks to which one wants to rejoice and laugh.

In this case, an unusual lightness is felt in the wedding decoration. The design is thought out to the smallest detail. It seems that the place of the bride and groom is about to turn into a cloud.

Step-by-step instruction
So that the future bride and groom do not get into an awkward position and do not get lost in the process of the pre-wedding turmoil, they should go through a small master class and learn more about the sequence of actions in order to get the desired result.
As soon as the future spouses make the final choice of the venue for the holiday, they should immediately start choosing the decorative elements. Initially, the theme of the holiday is chosen, then the color scheme.

Next, it is necessary to resolve the issue with the distribution of room zones. In simple terms, it is necessary to outline the boundaries where the tables for guests will be, where to install the countertop for gifts, the zone of donated flowers. For a large number of children, you should consider a mini-playground.
Then each area needs to be decorated. You can, of course, invite specialists, but they are not needed at all for modern hand-made connoisseurs. DIY jewelry is much cheaper than hiring workers and paying for standard ideas.

Analysis of the main mistakes
Pre-wedding chores make worry not only the heroes of the occasion, but also all relatives. Passion reaches its climax, and the only common desire is for everything to go perfectly. The main thing is to prevent some mistakes that can turn the atmosphere of the holiday upside down.
- If the choice of design was made in favor of a specialist, you should not constantly touch him with your advice. By changing the concept of color and location of the scenery, some areas may lose their appearance.
- When decorating a wedding hall on your own, you must be extremely attentive to the saturation of color shades. A little overdone with contrast, instead of a wedding, you can get a real circus.
- Before starting the design, you should draw up a plan and adhere to it constantly. Then the ideal harmony of the event will be observed.

If the budget allocated for the decoration of the premises turned out to be insufficient, you should not be upset. The final result should have the most luxurious look and match the money spent.
For decorating a wedding and decorating a wedding hall in 5 steps, see the next video.