Crinoline (hoops, rings) for a wedding dress

A fluffy dress on a bride is already beautiful. This image itself looks cute, a little fabulous and airy. The dress by itself will not be as lush as we would like, therefore, without the use of crinoline - special rings for a wedding dress - it will not be possible to create the required volume.

What is crinoline
The word "crinoline" is foreign and may not be clear to everyone. And it means a wide underskirt made of stiff fabric, or a skirt in the design of which there are hoops.
The material for the manufacture of these hoops can be:
- wood;
- whalebone;
- metal;
- plastic.
The last two options are the most common and in demand.

The number of hoops can start from one and go up to seven. It is clear that the splendor of the dress increases as the number of these rings increases. But the choice of the type of crinoline also plays a significant role in changing the shape of the wedding dress.

Rigid Ring Crinolines
Have you always dreamed of a fluffy dress, but are afraid to look like a cake, a marshmallow or a tea woman? Well, there is such a possibility, but only if the crinoline was chosen incorrectly.
This is directly related to the most common crinolines that exist today - with rigid rings. Such an element of the wedding image is made of a very rigid mesh, into which a different number of rings are inserted (1 - 7). The rings have a metal base and a plastic coating.
Although such crinolines are popular, they still have very few advantages:
- cheapness;
- widespread use;
- comfort when wearing.

But there are more than enough shortcomings:
- ugly stick out when moving and shine through the fabric of the dress;
- create difficulties for the bride to overcome obstacles (getting into a car, climbing stairs);
- Difficulty choosing a good angle for wedding photographs;
- it is difficult for the groom to take the bride in his arms so as not to compromise her with the rising crinoline.

Crinolines with flexible rings
The design is completely repeated from the first version of the crinoline, but the mesh is replaced with fabric, and the metal rings are replaced with plastic ones. In theory, this should be better for the bride, because they should not show up so much through the fabric of the dress.
But this is only in theory, but in fact, crinoline with flexible rings has even more disadvantages:
- are more expensive;
- not as strong;
- so flexible that they sag under the weight of the fabric of the wedding dress skirt.
Of course, it's up to you to choose, but think carefully about whether it is worth overpaying if the result is not so different.

Crinoline with ruffled fabric or mesh
A very good option for a relatively affordable price and acceptable quality are crinolines with frills. They can be made from mesh or thick fabric. The design of such products consists of crinoline, rigid rings and frills sewn over them.
This combination of material and elements allows you to keep the shape very well, not to bend under the fabric of the dress, not to shine through and not stand out. But still, there is one drawback - if the bride moves unsuccessfully, the crinoline will open to everyone around in all its beauty.

If the bride has the opportunity to overpay a little and buy a crinoline with frills instead of the usual one, then it needs to be bought. The difference between how a dress will look with these two crinolines is enormous.

Crinoline for dresses with trains
Complementing a dress with a train with the appropriate crinoline is not an easy task. It will be difficult to find it and you will have to invest a rather large amount. Although a dress with such a crinoline will look magical until the bride wants to sit down.
In this case, the train from the dress will lie in one side, and the crinoline with all its nets and frills - in the other.

No matter what stylists and fashion designers think, no matter how many bad things are said in the direction of crinolines, they will still be present in the image of brides. You just need to choose the right crinoline and get used to wearing it.
The ruffled crinoline adds a touch of beauty to the dress. My friend bought just this.