Crochet wedding dress - the dream of brides-needlewomen

Choosing a wedding dress for herself, every bride wants to have not only a beautiful outfit, but also an exclusive one. If your income is not at a high level, then it is very difficult to acquire such a dress. Fortunately, you can go the other way - knit your wedding dress. Yes, it is in this simple, but rather complicated way that you can get a truly unique and one-of-a-kind wedding dress.

Where did fashion come from?
Brides who lived several centuries ago created their own wedding dresses, if they did not have the opportunity to entrust this business to a professional.
Previously, there were no bridal salons, and the information about wedding dresses was not as accessible, extensive and varied as it is now. And the brides got out as best they could. Yes, and high-quality material was difficult to get, so they used what was at hand: various variations of silk fabric, brocade and organza. But there were also such brides who took a conscious risk and took lace patterns created with the help of a hook as the basis of their future dress.

Nowadays, a knitted wedding dress is a rarity that you cannot just choose in a bridal salon. The knitting process itself is a whole ritual, albeit difficult, but interesting and exciting.
If you don’t want to knit the dress yourself, then you will have to make an effort to find a knitted dress, but the result will be worth it.
Nothing prevents a modern bride from taking advantage of the experience of her predecessors and choosing a knitted dress for herself.This will require the determination to deviate from the standards and appear before the guests in an unusual, but very beautiful outfit that is somewhat reminiscent of retro style. Fashion designer Paul Gaultier undertook to restore this trend in wedding fashion.

Since dresses are created on the basis of lace, light and most often loose knit, their design includes covers made of opaque fabric. It should be light and natural so that the dress is not heavy, thick and uncomfortable.
This option for creating a knitted dress is the most preferable, because with very tight knitting, which does not require a cover, the outfit will be rough and uncomfortable.

No matter how varied crochet wedding dresses are, they must have the following characteristics:
- ease;
- airiness;
- romance;
- and perhaps even touchingness.

If you decide to create a masterpiece yourself, then follow some rules and you will definitely succeed.
Don't stop at white as the only color that goes well with a wedding dress. After all, there are a large number of shades that do not contradict traditions and are suitable for knitted patterns.

There is no single rule for choosing the style of a knitted wedding dress. There are a lot of options, ranging from different lengths and ending with a combined or single structure. Trust your inner voice, count on your strengths, skills and body features.

If you decide on such a courageous step as creating a knitted dress, then do not miss the opportunity to make it delicate. The sirloin pattern, which is simple enough to make, is not as beautiful as the more complex Irish and Bruges patterns. In this case, the image will definitely turn out to be gentle and touching, without already preparing for exclusivity.

The main element in your future dress will be yarn, so you should seriously think about its choice and carefully analyze all the existing options.
Lightweight materials are suitable for crocheting, but keep in mind that each has its own characteristics. For example, natural silk will make the finished product lightweight and almost weightless. Viscose can add shine and tenderness with the addition of other materials to the composition and cotton. You can take pure viscose, but it is very difficult to work with it.
The most unusual material for crocheting is natural sheep wool. The wedding dress turned out to be original and was created in just 3 days.

The works of modern masters are amazing. Below are the dresses created by Anna Radaeva.

Vintage knitted dresses
The first photographs of brides in knitted dresses that we can contemplate came to us from 1930. Later models, such as the outfit designed by Yves Saint Laurent, date from 1965. By the way, this model embodies a very unusual approach to creating knitted dresses for brides.

All the same legendary fashion designer created another unusual model - a knitted cocoon dress now serves as a museum piece in San Francisco. It was so unusual that its appearance made all fashionistas of that time pay attention to this fashion trend, which was a little forgotten.
Needless to say about the level of proficiency in the art of knitting, which the craftsmen of that time possessed. So the designer also managed, with the help of an ordinary dress, to convey the meaning that marriage had for a woman.

Since we have looked into history, let's pay attention to doll wedding dresses, which also made a splash, albeit small, but nevertheless. The most iconic of all dolls, the Barbie doll recently celebrated its 50th birthday.
On this day, a grandiose exhibition was organized, to which everyone could send their models of dresses. Among the items presented were many wedding dresses, such as this handmade knitted model.

From fashion magazines
Looking through fashion magazines, first of all, the presented knitting techniques are of interest. The most interesting of them have a rich history. For example, Bruges lace originated in the 16th century, and is based on the creation of lace braid, which is then connected into a ring or sophisticated complex patterns are made. Such a dress is created for a very long time, therefore it costs accordingly.

The 16th century gave us another technique for knitting wedding dresses - Irish lace. This is not to say that this technique is easier or takes less time, but in its splendor it is not inferior to Bruges lace.
The technique is distinguished by typesetting elements in the form of flowers, petals, butterflies or geometric shapes that are connected to each other using air loops, nets or complex motifs are sewn onto tulle, and if they fit tightly to each other, then they are simply sewn with a needle.

And finally, the third technique, which is based on the use of a twisted cord, is Romanian lace. The cord is laid out according to the pattern made and secured with needles. The middle in the pattern are filled with elements using a needle.

Designers from the catwalk
If wedding models with lace have not left the catwalks for a long time and are familiar to everyone, then crocheted models are always met with delight. You can count such models on your fingers. Here are some examples.

Of course, you cannot find patterns for knitting, but experienced craftswomen manage to find similar patterns and create almost identical wedding dresses. Some go further and transform ordinary lace dresses into crochet ones.
Such an example is a real openwork masterpiece from Liz Martinez. Fully lace, with a chic train and a deep, narrow neckline - it may seem complicated, but as soon as you get down to business, amazing lace will be created under your dexterous hands. This dress is created using a fitted pattern and Irish lace.

Brought to life
Do not think that creating a wedding dress with a crochet hook and a couple of skeins of thread is the lot of true craftswomen who have a lot of free time. You only need to have a desire, a big one, no, even a huge desire and everything will work out.
How did Chi Krneta, a Korean woman, knit her future wedding dress on her way to work? So, devoting about an hour a day, an ordinary girl managed to create an amazingly beautiful dress that exists in a single copy.

How I liked the first wedding dress! I dream about the same.
Buying a hand-knitted dress is an expensive pleasure.