Decorative candles

Cake fountain candles: types and uses

Cake fountain candles: types and uses
  1. Characteristic
  2. Varieties
  3. How to use?
  4. Precautionary measures

Most often, cake candles are used during birthday celebrations. Conventional candles are considered traditional. But recently, fountain candles have become the most popular. They look very unusual and attractive, but in the process of using them, certain safety rules must be observed.


The tradition of blowing out the candles on the cake originated in Greece. But there is no need to blow out fountain candles. They appeared relatively recently, but have already gained popularity. They can be divided into two broad categories.

  1. Stage fountain candles are used at festive events. The sparkling fountain can be up to 2 meters long.
  2. Household candles sold in regular stores. They are sold in packs of several pieces. The main purpose is to be installed in a birthday cake or pie. The height of the fountain reaches 50 cm.

Since the article describes candles from the second category, it is necessary to find out some of the characteristics that they have:

  • ease of use - you just need to install in the cake and light it;
  • sufficient burning time (about 1 minute);
  • convenient cap for installation in a pie or cake;
  • candles are sold in sets of 3 pieces;
  • ease of ignition.

An important point! Candles are made of special food grade plastic, so they are absolutely safe. And after they are burned, no particles remain in food.

Fireworks candles have both advantages and disadvantages. There are many more positive points, so let's start with them.

  1. Such candles are very similar to sparklers, so they are often used during the New Year's celebration.
  2. Fireworks are able to create a festive atmosphere at any event, but to a greater extent they are used precisely on birthdays and anniversaries.
  3. Do not pollute the room.
  4. Fountain particles are burnt in the air, so the risk of burns or injury is minimized.

There are also negative aspects.... The main one should be considered a high cost when compared with conventional candles. In addition, one should not forget that such candles still belong to the category of pyrotechnics. That is why, when using them, you must strictly follow the rules.

The danger is that improperly installed candles can fall out of the cake. In this case, sparks can fly in different directions, and this is already fraught with burns and injuries of varying severity.


Fountain candles are gaining more and more popularity over time. That is why manufacturers are releasing new varieties of such products. In appearance, these festive attributes always remain in the same shape: a cylinder. The material of manufacture is plastic, and foil is most often used as a decor. Such candles can be further divided into two broad categories: cold (solid) and colored.


Cold candles are the classic option. Their peculiarity is sparks, which outwardly very much resemble those that appear when burning sparklers. During the combustion of such candles, sparks of a pale yellow color appear.

Typically, these accessories are made of black food grade plastic. From above they are pasted over with silver foil. A rarer option is candles with a golden hue.


Colored fireworks candles are rightfully considered more colorful and festive. By design, they are almost the same as cold ones. The body of the products is made of black plastic, and the shade of the foil matches the color of the outgoing sparks. So, candles can be green, red, blue, orange, pink and purple.

Their only drawback, when compared with the classic ones, is their higher cost. But on the other hand, such candles look more impressive. They can be matched in color to the overall concept of the holiday.

The choice of the color of the fireworks depends solely on individual preference. The same goes for size. It is logical that short candles will burn out much faster.

How to use?

If you buy high-quality fountain candles, then almost every package contains detailed instructions on how to use them correctly and safely. Despite some differences, the essence of the annotation is almost always the same. The instruction consists of several points.

Strange as it may seem, the safest method of lighting these fireworks is a sparkler candle. There are two important points here: the ignition process will be as safe and very effective as possible. The process is pretty straightforward.

  1. With pointed plastic caps, candles are stuck inside a cake or pie. At this stage, it is very important to control the stability of each of them. After burning, the cake will still need to be cut into pieces and eaten, so it is better to spoil its appearance a little, but set the attributes thoroughly.
  2. Next, using an ordinary lighter, you first need to set fire to the sparkler directly, and from it - fireworks.
  3. Once they have completely burned out, you need to make sure that the remaining parts are not hot. Only then can they be removed and disposed of.

An important point! Fireworks candles can only be used once. Under no circumstances should the plastic housing be re-ignited.

If suddenly there is no sparkler at hand, then fireworks can be set on fire with a large match. Ordinary short matches will not work for this purpose. The ignition process is the same as in the previous case.The only difference is that a match will be used instead of a sparkler.

When there are no matches in the house, you can use a special gas stove lighter. It's called arson. Its principle of operation is similar to that of classic lighters. And the advantage lies in the oblong body, which will allow you to set fireworks in the cake on fire as safely as possible.

Precautionary measures

In order not to get injured while using fireworks, it is very important to take precautions. The most important thing is the correct setting of the candles in the cake. As already mentioned, you need to make sure that the fireworks are set up thoroughly. It's also important to follow the rules.

  1. It is necessary to insert candles strictly vertically. The fact is that even a slight bias can trigger a candlestick fall. The effect will be ruined, and others may be burned.
  2. These fireworks are often used at children's parties. These accessories may only be used in the presence of an adult. Candle lighting can also only be done by adults. Regardless of the age and accuracy of the child, it is unacceptable to allow him to light candles on his own.
  3. Despite the safety, it is best for guests to stay within 1 meter of the fireworks cake. This is to avoid injury.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to bend over them and look inside the case after the fireworks have burned out, since sparks may still flare up. You can take them out no earlier than after 3 minutes.

Each package with such fireworks, except instructions for use, the expiration date must be indicated without fail. If the corresponding mark is not observed, then it is better to refuse to purchase such a product, since it is of poor quality and poses a potential danger. If the expiration date is marked, you need to pay special attention to it. Expired accessories are not allowed.

If everything is in order with the expiration date, but for some reason the integrity of the case is violated, such fireworks are also unsafe to use. Do not use candles that have been exposed to a large amount of water shortly before.

Since such an accessory belongs to the category of pyrotechnic ones, there should be no flammable objects near its use. Also, there should not be any sources of open fire or smoking people nearby.

It is strictly forbidden to light cake fireworks in your hands, and also wave them like classic sparklers... In this case, the risk of injury is quite high.

If you follow the instructions, then the use of such accessories will be absolutely safe. And all the guests and the birthday man himself will get an unforgettable experience from the festive atmosphere created.

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