Cashmere Sweaters

According to Wikipedia, a sweater is an open-top knitted upper-body garment with long sleeves and a high collar close to the neck.

In everyday life, a sweater is also understood as pullovers and jumpers that do not have a high collar. This article will look at sweaters in just such a broad context.
Sweaters have been in great demand since the beginning of the nineteenth century, when the inhabitants of Northern Europe began to use them especially widely in various areas of life.

Initially, sweaters were made of knitted woolen fabric, and only over time a new trend came to the world of fashion, which brought with it an unusually soft and thin, but at the same time warm material - cashmere.

The former Himalayan principality, which bears the name of Kashmir, became the birthplace of everyone's beloved cashmere material, and also contributed to the corresponding name.
The material is very expensive and rare, since it is quite difficult to obtain it due to the fact that it is made from the undercoat of cashmere mountain goats, which is simply impossible to breed at home.

For cashmere sweaters, the main characteristic is the fine knit made with a knitting machine, since this material does not accept any other option.

A single cashmere thread is barely thicker than an ordinary human hair.But, in spite of all the fragility and thinness of cashmere products, they are in no way inferior in their functional characteristics to sweaters made from other materials, since natural nap also retains heat.

How to choose?
When choosing a cashmere sweater, there are several important aspects to pay attention to, one of which is the right size and style. A properly sized product and suitable in style to the figure can work wonders, emphasizing advantages and carefully masking shortcomings.

Since the fabric is very delicate, attention should be paid to the appearance of the product, since in the process of not careful fitting on the sweater, clues could remain or stretch marks appear, which can subsequently form small holes and ruin the product.

You should also pay attention to the material itself, since often cheaper fakes are passed off as cashmere. Visually, such products are very similar to an expensive material, but upon careful examination they immediately give themselves away - such a product is very unpleasant to the touch, since synthetic fibers are strongly felt and are rough, unlike soft cashmere threads.

The lineup of cashmere sweaters is not as wide as we would like, but do not be discouraged, since there are still several interesting, worthwhile options.

The first and most elegant option is a thin cashmere sweater, for which the yarn is woven in a special way, making the already fragile fibers even thinner. This product is light, airy and requires careful handling, since any careless movement can cause irreparable harm to it.

The model of a cashmere sweater equipped with a hood is quite unusual and stylish. It would seem that this item of clothing should be part of a sporty style, but it was not so, the cashmere hood fits perfectly into the casual style.

Models with a deep round neckline, as well as a v-neckline, fit perfectly into a business style and are an integral part of it in the cold season. And cashmere turtleneck sweaters play the role of turtlenecks, being more pleasant to the body and much warmer, and also look much more attractive to the visual perception.

Among the color representations of cashmere colors, the choice is practically unlimited, since almost all shades are successful.

In a business style, the most popular and traditional colors are black, gray or blue, which gives the image a great severity and efficiency.

In addition, in some cases red cashmere sweaters will be appropriate, oddly enough, also fitting into the business style, but diluting it a little.

Among young romantic fashionistas, light shades of pink, blue and yellow colors are popular, since they look the most light and give the image a kind of dreaminess and airiness. As for the bright shades of the same colors, it is worth noting that pink is the most popular of them and is typical for creative, extraordinary personalities.

In addition, you shouldn't forget about warm shades such as ivory, milk chocolate, hazel or mustard, as well as cappuccino, caramel, golden, marsh and lilac, which are also incredibly popular this season.

How to store and how to wash a cashmere sweater?
Since cashmere is an incredibly delicate and delicate material, it is not at all surprising that it requires a special attitude towards itself. If handled improperly, the fabric quickly rubs and loses its strength, puffs and small holes appear on it, sometimes the fibers even grow angry and fade from prolonged exposure to sunlight. Therefore, it is worth approaching the issue of storing cashmere sweaters with special care, observing all the basic rules.

First of all, it is necessary to store a cashmere sweater in a dry, dark place, away from moisture and ultraviolet radiation, which is destructive for this material.

Secondly, storage is best done in special wrapping paper or in a plastic bag that protects the product from dust fibers.
Third, wash the garment thoroughly before storing it, as the sweater can become saturated with sweat and dirt particles, which oxidize its fibers and lead to discoloration.

To avoid the appearance of moths, which are also harmful to cashmere, you should use mothballs or any other moth repellent.
Washing cashmere, like storing it, requires a special approach, so it is worth doing it by hand in cold water, using a special detergent or baby shampoo. Before washing, it is worth treating stains or areas that have been soaked in sweat with a special detergent, and then soak the sweater in cool water for fifteen or twenty minutes, then rinse it under warm running water and put it in the sink so that excess water can drain off, since it is strictly forbidden to wring out such a product ...
It is best to dry such a sweater on a horizontal surface, never hanging it on a clothesline, as it may lose its shape.

What to do if the sweater has sat down?
If the cashmere sweater has sat down after washing, do not be discouraged, as there are some tricks that can help fix the situation.
You should spread the sweater on a flat surface, then cover with a dampened cloth and, using a not very hot iron, try to stretch the product in length or width.
But you should know that this trick works only in case of minor changes in the product.
What to wear with?
When it comes to combining with other things, a cashmere sweater is no different, since it will look great with almost any wardrobe item.

A perfect combination with cashmere sweaters will be classic straight-cut trousers with arrows, which, in combination with a cotton shirt, will help create a business look.

Speaking of a business look, do not forget about a stylish skirt - a pencil with a standard waistline or a slightly raised one - and both models will look great with cashmere sweaters.

Various models of jeans, loose-fitting skirts, as well as recently popular shorts of medium length or knee length are perfect as casual clothes.

In combination with these things, cashmere sweaters will look very light and feminine, and due to their convenience, the image will be very functional.

It should be noted that a cashmere sweater does not go well with sportswear, so you should not wear sports-type shoes, as well as other elements that belong to this style.

Spectacular images

Stylish look with masculine touches can be created by picking up blue trousers with arrows, 7/8 length, straight leg with slightly widened hips. Such a model of trousers fits especially well on slender girls, perfectly emphasizing the dignity of the figure.
When paired with a classic cream sweater, which is best tucked in or tucked in a little, the look will suit even an office dress code.
In addition to black clogs with a closed toe, a wide cherry-colored belt, as well as a glossy bag a couple of darker tones, the image will acquire a certain charm and femininity.

Light feminine look will help to create a gray cashmere sweater with small ruffles on the sleeves and in the collar area. Shiny silver metal buttons perfectly complement the sweater and are a decorative element.
In combination with a black pencil skirt and graceful pumps on a small stiletto heel, the image will turn out to be feminine and sexy.And massive gold-colored jewelry on the hand will add a little chic and gloss to the outfit.
Such a set looks quite elegant, but at the same time restrained, therefore it is quite suitable for any special events in the work area.

Longline sweater in deep swamp color, with a loose fit and a decorative element in the form of a v-neckline and buttons on the back, it can be used as a dress, combining it with dense dark gray tights.
In addition to this look, stylish boots with heels made of cognac-colored suede material will look very interesting, and rings, bracelets and sunglasses are suitable as accessories.
The image turns out to be unusual and stylish, perfect for walking with friends, visiting cinemas or even parties.

Cashmere sweater did not pass by business images, on the contrary, it made a worthy competitor to cardigans, jackets and jackets. So, for example, with a pencil skirt of the color of wine red and a white shirt with pink stripes, a gray cashmere sweater with a short sleeve will look great.
The shirt should be tucked into the inside of the skirt, and the sleeves protruding from under the sweater should be slightly tucked, thereby making cuffs out of them. In addition to a bag of chocolate color and shoes with heels of the same tone, as well as unobtrusive accessories, the image will look feminine, elegant and fresh.