Wool sweaters

Types of wool
Woolen sweaters are always popular during the cold season as they provide warmth, softness and comfort.

The hair cut of various animals is processed to create woolen yarn. It can be rabbit, sheep, camel or goat hair. Each type of wool has its own advantages.

Angora sweater is soft and fluffy, because this yarn is made from the fluff of angora rabbit. For the cold season, such a sweater will be indispensable.

Alpaca models are designed for long-term wear. Such yarn does not form pills, but it is not particularly soft either.

Camel wool sweaters are characterized by flow and lightness. You will always feel comfortable and warm in it. Camel wool is hypoallergenic, breathable, non-electrifying, and practically does not form pellets.

The merino wool sweater is in high demand. This yarn is characterized by elasticity, fineness, softness and smoothness. It does not cause allergic reactions, since it is made from merino wool.

Very often there are mohair models, which are very warm, light and airy. This yarn is very expensive and is often combined with regular wool.

And, of course, do not forget about the cashmere sweater, which is soft, warm, lightweight and low-allergenic, and also has a luxurious look.

In the cold season, every fashionista should have several stylish models of woolen sweaters in her wardrobe. This season it can be solid or multi-colored, voluminous or tight-fitting.

Models made in a combination of two styles look exquisite.It can be a combination of sports and classic, or a mix of sports and ethnic styles.

It is worth paying attention to woolen sweaters with an asymmetric cut, with a voluminous collar or with interesting trimmings (lace and various applications are in fashion).

This fall at the peak of popularity are chunky knit models decorated with an unforgettable geometric print.

Selection Tips
- If the sweater has pills or scuffs, then it should not be purchased, since it will quickly lose its original appearance.
- The woolen sweater can be increased or decreased if desired, but only by one size.
- The fit of the sweater largely depends on the chosen style direction. To find the best option, you must immediately try on a sweater with the things with which you will wear it.
- Before buying a wool sweater, you must first understand what kind of weather you need it for. For warm days, knitwear models that combine wool with silk or cotton are suitable. For the cold season, it is better to give preference to cashmere items. For winter, thick models decorated with braids or drawings will be an excellent solution.

Very often, wool sweaters are prickly to the touch and can irritate the skin.
To make your favorite sweater soft and delicate, you can use one of the following methods:
- To rinse the product in a special solution, which is very simple to prepare: add mustard powder to the water. Then rinse in running water, squeeze out a little and lay on a towel to dry.
- Soak the sweater in a special solution for half an hour. 10 liters of water will require one teaspoon of salt and vinegar. Further, the product requires a thorough rinsing.
- The sweater can be washed with shampoo, but only choose a product for soft hair. While rinsing, you can also add some balm rinse to the water.
- Previously, they used the freezing method. The sweater must be well wet, folded in a plastic bag and placed in the freezer for 12 hours. Then give it time to thaw and rinse thoroughly. If the sweater remains prickly, then several treatments may be required.
- When washing, you must add special wool softeners to the water. The garment will become softer after each wash.

What to wear with?
The most common and practical tandem is a woolen sweater with jeans of any style. An outfit like this is perfect for a casual style.

To create a romantic look, a woolen sweater is worn over a warm midi-length dress.

Business ladies wear a sweater with trousers, and high-heeled shoes will add elegance and sophistication to the image.