Be Loved multivitamin serum: features and effectiveness

Multivitamin serum Be Loved NL International is a unique cosmetic product based on the CellCode®57 complex, developed by domestic specialists. Cosmetics are designed to restore destroyed skin cells and transform it from the very first application.
The product is offered in a pink bottle with a volume of 30 ml. The use becomes convenient thanks to the presence of a pipette dispenser. The substance has a pleasant floral aroma. The texture resembles a dense liquid, which is characterized by rapid absorption.

The product contains extracts of the following plants:
- calendula;
- sage;
- aloe;
- chamomile;
- Baikal skullcap;
- camellia;
- spilantes;
- horse chestnut;
- medicinal asparagus;
- ginseng;
- squalene;
- vitamin E;
- succinic acid;
- tea tree oil;
- sea buckthorn oil;
- grape seed oil.

And this is not a complete list of useful substances. As you can see, the composition of cosmetics is very rich, which makes it as effective as possible. In addition, a huge number of useful elements are contained in the CellCode®57 constructor:
- 21 amino acids;
- 19 vitamins;
- 8 mineral salts;
- 6 nucleotides;
- 3 carbohydrates.
These components further enhance the effect of using the product. Also, the advantage of the composition is its versatility. Young girls can use the product as a prophylaxis for early skin aging, as well as ladies of a respectable age.
The substances presented are rarely the causes of allergic reactions, although for greater safety it is still better to check your body for the tolerance of the products that make up the product.

Advantages and disadvantages
The product produces an operative effect on the skin, which can be noticed after the first application. The main properties of cosmetics:
- evens out the tone of the face;
- fights traces of fatigue on the face;
- moisturizes the dermis, since the hyaluronic acid included in the composition acts as a hydroactive agent and easily penetrates the pores, increasing the elasticity of the skin;
- activates the generation of collagen;
- eliminates signs of aging;
- antioxidants protect tissues from negative environmental influences;
- softens the dermis, makes it silky;
- strengthens the walls of the capillaries and allows you to eliminate the signs of rosacea;
- makes the skin of the face more elastic;
- stabilizes melanin synthesis;
- is an effective anti-pigmentation agent, lightens dark spots;
- has a lifting effect.
This tool also has several disadvantages. First, it ends quickly, which entails additional and stable spending. Secondly, such a serum is practically useless as an independent preparation; it must be mixed with other creams and tonics. Thirdly, after a while, the skin quickly returns to its original appearance.

A woman who decides to use the product, after the initial application, may notice that the structure has been changed, the skin looks more rejuvenated. The tool is able to make the dermis velvety, matte, even. If a lady is worried about wrinkles, then the presented cosmetics will be able to cope with this problem.
An amazing effect is achieved by the ability of a complex of active substances to build a new healthy cell. Hyaluronic acid not only moisturizes the skin from the inside, but also retains this moisture in the pores even when a woman is outside in dry hot weather.
Numerous oils listed above nourish the skin and also act as skin assistants for easy and quick assimilation of vitamins. Lecithin, also part of the product, is responsible for the elasticity of the skin and protects it due to the active work of cell membranes.

For different problems, the tool can be used in several ways:
- apply as a makeup base;
- mix with day cream for the face, adding a couple of drops to it;
- apply at night under a regular cream;
- use as an independent drug before bedtime.
Before applying, it is important to follow the following rules:
- rinse your face thoroughly before use;
- then you need to wipe it dry;
- after that, you need to treat the skin with a tonic;
- gently squeeze a couple of drops of the product onto the face and gently distribute over the entire area with your fingertips, without affecting the area around the eyes.

With rosacea
Couperosis is a process of disrupting the microcirculation of the skin. Small capillaries rupture, and blood accumulates in the areas where they burst. It looks like a red mesh. This phenomenon is considered not only an aesthetic flaw, but also the cause of a violation of the renewal of the epidermis, an increase in sensitivity to the effects of the external environment.
Some women prefer to deal with this problem through surgery. Currently, salons offer many ways to get rid of rosacea. Other ladies choose a more humane method and use masks created according to folk recipes. If the first option is really effective, albeit very traumatic and dangerous, then the second method will help only after a very long course, but it is a safe option.
An intermediate niche in the fight against rosacea is occupied by the regenerating serum Be Loved. In their reviews, customers who decided to purchase the product describe that this is instant-action cosmetics. In some of them the spider veins became less noticeable on the first day, while others assessed the result after a week.
In the fight against rosacea, cosmetics are applied to the affected areas of the face at night.For the effect, a few drops are enough, which should be rubbed with light movements. It is recommended to move gently, from top to bottom, not to massage or stretch the skin. After application, women notice a matting effect, the blood mesh becomes slightly less pronounced.

With pigmentation
Usually, the first age spots appear in women who are over 40 years old. However, young girls may also have this problem. A pigmented spot is an accumulation of melanin that stains an area of the skin a pale brown hue.
Another common enemy of older women is hyperpigmentation. In this case, melanin is deposited in the deep layers of the dermis. Hyperpigmentation spots can be of different sizes or shapes, in some cases they even rise above the surface and have a more intense color - from medium brown to dark brown.
When treating hyperpigmentation with Be Loved Serum, it is recommended to use the following tips:
- apply the product during the period of least solar activity, that is, in winter or autumn;
- apply serum pointwise on each spot separately;
- distribute the product over the damaged area with your fingertips, carefully, without affecting the area around the eyes;
- use cosmetics twice a day.

In general, the reviews for this remedy against pigmentation and rosacea are positive. Women note a quick effect, cost-effectiveness of cosmetics. The concentrate is quickly absorbed into the pores, the skin after application does not become sticky, unlike analogs. The dispenser greatly simplifies the use. Girls recommend using the remedy in courses.
However, there are also negative opinions. They are due to the fact that the effect is noticeable only when you touch the skin. That is, the face really becomes soft and velvety, but only to the touch, outwardly everything remains the same. It is also noted that after application, no moisture is felt, the skin tightens slightly, which makes you want to wash.
Nevertheless, women continue to use the product, since they find absolutely no harm in it - the drug does not leave acne or allergic reactions.

Check out the next video for a review of Be Loved Multivitamin Serum.