What is the difference between an ottoman and a bed and sofa?

The ottoman is not the most modern piece of furniture. Many people probably remember this rigid sleeping place of the last decades of the 20th century, consisting of two halves, which was obtained from the semblance of a sofa, if it was expanded. Consider how the ottoman differs from the sofa or sofa, more familiar to us today, as well as how the bed relates to all of the above.

The main differences
If we compare the ottoman and the bed, the difference is obvious: the first one unfolds, the second does not. But that's not all. The modern ottoman is not a creaky folding structure on which generations of the same family have slept for decades. Today, this furniture is made of quality materials, therefore it has high strength and reliability properties, performing both the functions of a sofa and a bed.

The difference between an ottoman and a sofa is that the mechanism of its transformation is always withdrawable. It unfolds only by pushing the lower part forward, and pillows are placed on top. The sofas, on the other hand, have a lot of transformation mechanisms, disassembling forward, sideways, as well as forward and upward ("dolphin").

The ottoman, as a rule, has a low back or none at all, but only a head.
But she has there are often wide armrests, which looks very unusual in the living room, especially in the oriental interior. There is no better solution for ethnic decor... The sofa always has a back, the height of which should not be lower than 50 cm.

The bed of the ottoman is quite even, without seams. Usually the mattress in this piece of furniture is spring, and if you buy it in the luxury segment, then, most likely, it will be made with a block of independent springs. Frequently, independent springs are found in models designed for two people.
The disadvantages of the ottoman include the inability to remove the mattress. It is an integral part of the structure, in most cases it is upholstered with the same fabric as the seat, so it is unlikely to be able to remove it on your own. For the bed, on the other hand, there is a wide selection of mattresses, it is only enough that the chosen option fits in size.
As for the sofa, in translation this word, in general, means "sofa". Therefore, it has been difficult to highlight significant differences between a sofa and a sofa lately. In most cases, this is the name for small sofas designed for one person (maximum for two).

With the exception of the bed, all of the listed pieces of furniture in most models are equipped with drawers for bedding. However, some modern bed models also have drawers, which is very convenient.

But shelves and lighting can only be installed in sofas or beds.
Similar features
Today the boundaries between pieces of furniture are very blurred. Sofa bed, armchair bed, sofa ottoman - such names can often be heard. Exactly because of this reason, when buying a sofa, you cannot be completely sure that it is not a sofa. It may not be worth making any clear-cut distinctions.
You can sleep on all of the listed pieces of furniture. In addition to the bed, each of them folds out, but in its own way. All have a mattress. On any of the above, you can relax in comfort. Apart from the bed, everyone else can stand in the living room. And in the bedroom you can put both a sofa and an ottoman.

What is the best choice?
First of all, one should be guided by the purpose of the room for which the furniture is selected. If we are talking about a living room, then the installation of a bed in it is excluded. However, this does not apply to a studio apartment or a one-room apartment, although in this case it is more appropriate to put a sofa. The ottoman can be harmoniously fit into almost any style of interior, as its design allows it to be done due to the simplicity and originality of the design.
Sofas are appropriate everywhere, and the choice of modern models is unusually wide - from compact folding ones or not to huge modular ones. The choice should be based both on the size of the room (there are round or semicircular models that require a lot of free space) and on personal preference.

Since the ottoman is slightly lower than a regular sofa, you can put two models in one room. It all depends on the style of the room and your desire. Tall and long-legged people, as well as those whose dimensions are much higher than average, may be uncomfortable on an ottoman or sofa. And for people who are miniature, who value elegance in the interior and at the same time strive for minimalism, both of the listed models are suitable, but a huge sofa will be completely superfluous.

Like sofas or beds the couch can be single, one and a half or double. Therefore, choosing the desired model will not be difficult. And if you are at a loss with the choice, buy an ottoman sofa in the "sofa" modification. This is, of course, a joke, but it is intended to show that the choice must be made guided by personal preference, and not by the name of the thing. In other words - looked and bought if it suits your idea of a sofa or ottoman.

For a video review of the ottoman, see below.