Time management secrets for women

It is impossible to turn back time, but it is quite possible to manage it. There is time management for this. There are a lot of techniques that have been developed in order to have time to do everything on time. However, some of them don't work when it comes to women. And the point is not at all in the ladies' logic, supposedly different from the masculine. It's just that the fair sex has its own characteristics, including in matters of personal time management.
Why do women need it?
"Drama circle, a circle based on a photo, and I also want to sing." Such a plan can very easily be implemented by any woman even in childhood, and with age, a lot of obstacles appear. Firstly, something similar to you can already be declared by your own child, and you will have to reshape your schedule, so as not to "bury" the talent of the beloved child in the ground. And these calls from kindergarten - take Misha / Masha, she has a temperature! Is it possible to put this on a schedule?

And when the mother-in-law promised to take the child from school and then lingered at the dacha and did not have time, do not spend the night for a child in kindergarten! The mother-in-law is all right, she even does not know the word "time management", she has only tomatoes in her mind (not to be confused with the popular method in "time management" based on the use of a kitchen timer in the form of a tomato, about this a little later), and what should we do with our pre-planned tasks?
And if the manicure can still be rescheduled, what to do with the business meeting you made at the beginning of the week?
It is also the woman who, in the overwhelming majority of cases, is responsible for keeping the hearth (cleaning, washing, cooking), and I also want to use the right to work.
But there are also abilities that make life easier and are inherent, perhaps, only to a woman - do several things at the same time. Only it would occur to her to wash the sink while brushing her teeth, and then wipe the bathroom mirror. And this feminine feature should help save time.
But how can you manage to do everything both at home and at work, and also leave an hour or two for your beloved - it is worth talking about this in more detail.

The basics: flowing principles
There is, perhaps, no special secret in scheduling time for working girls. The basic principles still work regardless of gender. But there are still a number of differences between female and male time management.
Life is richer than plans, but still you need to try to structure it at least a little. Make a to-do list for the year, month, week, day. The latter is recommended to be done the night before. And do not leave it in your bright head, but put on paper or create a file plan on a computer. Today there are also dedicated mobile glider apps.
Determine the time it will take you to complete this or that item. Do not occupy it completely. Leave about 20% for unforeseen expenses. What if the mother-in-law lingers at the dacha?
Try adhere to a predetermined schedule, do not leave for tomorrow what can be done today.

Determine what is really important to you and what you can leave for later or do if you suddenly have too much time (from those 20 percent for example). If there is an item on your list that wanders from plan to plan, then either get yourself together and complete it at last, or delete it altogether as unnecessary.
In the morning, try to complete the most difficult tasks, the closer the evening, the easier it is for small things that do not require much effort and concentration.
Don't be afraid to ask for help. At the same time, you do not shift your responsibility to others. You share an overwhelming burden with them. Well, yours will not break husband if he takes out the trash or buys bread. Yes and daughter is already big enough to wash the dishes on one's own.
Yes, and you finally stop feeling like a servant in your own home. By the way, your colleague will probably even be delighted with your request. After all, you are so charming and attractive.

Work and rest hours
Do not forget that in addition to the right to work, you also have the right to rest. Don't ignore him. Relax while on vacation, rather than doing the daily cleaning and cooking. on the weekend, after the saucepan with cabbage soup is ready, go for a walk, to the museum, concert hall, theater, or at least drop in to visit a friend.
Don't want to go anywhere? Watch your favorite movie read a book. Feel free to place the mop in the corner for this time.
Sleep at least 8-9 hours a day (unless of course you have a baby). This is exactly how much our body, and most importantly the brain, needs to fully rest and recover.
Effective techniques
However, all of the above is not enough in order not only to keep up with everything, but also not to get tired. Preparing a report for investors, creating home comfort, being a good mother, wife and daughter - to do everything at the same time with minimal energy consumption will help the following tricks.

Technique "Tomato"
This effective technique was developed by an Italian youth named Francesco Cirillo at the end of the 80s of the last century. While still a student at the time, the young man caught himself thinking that he was wasting his time.
He seems to be working on notes, but there is little sense. Then he made it a rule to set aside a certain time for the work, namely 25 minutes. As a stopwatch, he was served by an ordinary kitchen timer in the form of a tomato. Hence the name of the technique.
The point is that all this time you only do what you do. Phone calls, give a toy to Masha, check mail - all this later.On a break, which you should definitely take before starting your timer again.
By the way now there are many applications and computer programs, helping to use this method. So you don't need to go to the store for a kitchen timer.
Rule 15 minutes
Is a quarter of an hour a lot or a little? As practice shows, not that much, but quite enough to change your life. What do we usually lack time for? NSread your favorite book, play sports, talk with children.

So the "rule of 15 minutes" says - give them to something that your hands never reach.... For example, devote exactly 15 minutes a day to reading, and no "well, mom." Or study English - 15 minutes seems to be not a lot, but imagine how much you learn or read in a month, and in a year!
Eisenhower Matrix
A slightly more difficult method to use and requires utmost honesty.
The point is to understand what we really need to do and what can wait.
To do this, we divide cases into 4 groups:
- urgent and important at the same time;
- urgent, but absolutely not important;
- important, but not at all urgent;
- not urgent or important.
It's not hard to guess thus we cut off all unnecessary and concentrate only on what really needs to be done.

Common mistakes
No one is safe from mistakes in time planning.
- You think that being in touch is the right thing to do. Not at all. At least sometimes go into yourself. The world will not stop in your absence. Of course, before you "switch off", you need to "attach" the children. Otherwise, you can be on your own. Stay alone with yourself for at least a few minutes a day.
- You think that "everything is at hand" on your table. How many minutes did you spend yesterday looking for a stapler? Organize your desk, cupboard and kitchen shelves. You will even be surprised how much time you save next time looking for the right one.
- Don't confuse work and personal. It is certainly possible to combine cooking dinner with the help of a child with homework. But when you salt the fish, forget about the report that you need to turn in at work tomorrow. There is a high probability that you will oversalt the fish. Or, conversely, drop products onto securities. Do not try to do everything at once. Otherwise, "burn out" not at work, but at home.

- Come to the office as early as possible. Not to "chase the seagulls" with colleagues. As they say, we will sit down earlier, we will rise earlier (what if the mother-in-law will stay in her tomato beds?).
- Make your workflow fun. For example, arrange a competition to see who will do it faster or better. No competitive colleagues? Fight with yourself. Set new office records.
- If it seems to you that the task at hand is too difficult, divide it into several parts. Let not immediately, but step by step you will come to your goal.
- Learn to say no. You are not obliged to stay late at work, even if you are asked to do so, and to do the work for Kolya too. Well, unless you get paid a higher salary for it, of course. Otherwise, your time should not be spent on solving other people's problems. Do you have few worries of your own?
- In the evening, not only make a plan for the next day, but also take stock of the outgoing one. If something didn't work out, try to understand why and fix the mistakes.
- Have on hand a list for a "rainy day", the one when no thoughts enter your head and everything falls out of hand. Busy yourself with something that is not particularly responsible and does not require concentration. Disassemble the cabinet with old dishes, for example.
- In moments of forced downtime (on the train, at the airport, in the queue at the clinic), stop playing solitaire. Read a book, learn a couple of new phrases in English, check out a new ad from a competitor. Don't waste your time.
- There is still a limit to perfection, there is no need to arrange an action like visiting the Bolshoi Theater from a trip to a store. You should not spend all your strength on insignificant matters. It doesn't have to be “perfect”. Sometimes “it’s okay” is perfectly acceptable. And spend the rest of the time on the perfect hairstyle, manicure, massage, and now you are already perfection.

To always be full of energy and strength, observe the rule known under the code number 10-3-2-1-0.
Ten - the number of hours before bedtime, 3 - time before bedtime, which must be spent without food and alcohol, 2 - hours of relaxed state before bedtime, 1 - rush hour before bedtime, when they turn off the TV, tablet, computer.
Viewing news and messages from friends in social networks on the phone is also prohibited.
And finally 0 is the number of times you have pressed the OFF button of your alarm clock. Good morning. Great things await us!