How to learn to keep up with everything?

Learning to keep up with everything is the most cherished dream of any person who seeks to keep up with the times. Not all people manage to be always and everywhere at their best. Some people try very hard to meet the deadline when fulfilling the goal, but they do not succeed. And everything happens due to the fact that they cannot properly plan and distribute their strengths and capabilities. But do not rush to despair, in fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.
The importance of planning
To live life to the fullest, not to get tired and be in time for everything, you need to plan your every step. Remember, planning is an essential component for the quick and quality completion of any business. It is necessary to make plans both for every day and for a more distant life perspective.
Think about what will happen to you in 10, 20, 30 years? Plans must be calculated until your very last breath. Moreover, plans for the long term should not have clear boundaries, but they must necessarily have clear goals.

First of all, a person needs to make short-term plans. Then he will be able to organize his day so as to have time to complete everything on time. Therefore, plan everything in the evening. This approach is correct, since it helps in the self-organization of any person, even the most non-punctual and absent-minded. In this case, the main thing is to follow the rules by which you are going to proceed further. An important point: if you plan your activities, then you involuntarily prioritize. This factor allows you to do the work that is most important.
As we know, the person first does the work that he likes and leaves difficult tasks for later. These steps are fully justified. Important and necessary problems always require high energy consumption and investment of mental strength. When all the most important things are done, then you will feel complete satisfaction. It should be noted: planning programs the brain activity of the individual, which is aimed at success. Through the above process, any of us can understand what he really wants. For example, a man planned to buy a car, and at the same time he wanted to relax at sea. How to determine the importance of this or that desire? Very simple. You need to start thinking and planning as follows.
Each of us has to commute to work every day. When traveling in public transport, a person spends quite a lot of time and effort. Wasted time could be spent on some more useful activity and earn money for a vacation at sea.
It turns out that buying a car is a more important moment in life than rest.

How to get rid of laziness and fatigue?
For this, first of all, self-tuning is needed. Until you learn to organize yourself, no one will do it for you. However, any of us have ever faced such a misfortune as laziness. Usually this condition comes along with fatigue. Important: this state should not become a habit. If this happens, then you will not be able to do anything and stop working to achieve your own goals and for the benefit of other people. Therefore, it is urgent to get rid of self-dissatisfaction and fatigue. At the same time, you should not convince yourself that you are lazy from birth. Laziness is a psychological state, not a physiological one, that is, all problems are in our brain.
This is simply explained: the human body reacts in a peculiar way to those activities that do not evoke positive feelings. Plus, stress can also trigger laziness. In order for such feelings as laziness and fatigue to not visit you, you need to follow some recommendations.
- Look for motivation to force yourself to complete even the most difficult and tedious jobs. For example, you need to learn the material for an exam. To get things going, imagine the grade you get if you learn the material.
- If you do not like your profession, then you need to change it.
- A change of environment and even lifestyle helps with attacks of laziness. If you get up early in the morning to go to work, and by lunchtime you are overcome by a sleepy state, then allow yourself at least once not to go to work and get some sleep. After such a rest, you will feel a great burst of energy and in the morning of the next day you will be much more willing to get out of bed, and at work you will be much more useful.
- If you cannot bring yourself to start work immediately, then turn off your phone, TV and immerse yourself in complete silence. Stand by the window and don't think about anything. Soon you will want to sit down or do something for yourself. At this point, you can start activities that you could not start in any way.
- Setting conditions for yourself will help to immerse yourself in work. Connect your passion to the task. The more difficult the task, the more excitement.
- Make a bet with yourself. At stake is a trip to a cafe with friends. If you complete the task quickly, then you are guaranteed rest.
If you fail, then give up the pleasures.

Time estimation
Learning how to plan your business will help the correct allocation of time. No wonder they say: "Time is money." Waste it, life will seem boring and dull. You must value your time. Every moment should bring either joy or benefit.
If you want to relax, then set aside certain hours for this and completely immerse yourself in this lesson. If you are busy with work, then use the time so that you have enough. Therefore, you need to use some techniques that can help.
The hardest thing to do first
It's not a secret for anyone that the dirtiest or most difficult activity causes rejection. No one volunteers to do a job unless they have some benefit from the end result. If there is interest, then the work must be done in one way or another, and it does not matter whether you want it or not. It is necessary to understand and accept this moment for yourself personally. Then the following points will not seem so difficult. Due to the fact that a person sets before himself psychological limitations, indicating that something may not work out for him, he is not able to solve this or that problem. Such actions are some kind of chains that hold back our impulses.
A person gives up because he does not know where to start solving the problem. It is at this moment that a certain exaggeration of the problem occurs in his thoughts. Therefore, a person is ready to start performing easier tasks, and only then think about completing a more complex task. To overcome difficulties, you need to remember important tips.
- All tasks that you find difficult must be done in the morning. First, in the morning your vitality is at a fairly high point. Second, you will have ample time to take action in case things don't go as planned.
- If you have the opportunity, then ask for help from other people, for example, from your colleagues, who are also interested in resolving the issue that has arisen.

Breaking down complex cases into smaller ones
To solve a very difficult problem, you need to split the solution process into several parts. This will make it easier for you to deal with your fear of overcoming obstacles to your well-being. When a person faces a problem that cannot be solved quickly and without cost, he begins to "give up" and in every possible way drags on time. The scale, which is often not an easy matter, causes laziness in a person due to fear. This is a kind of brain reaction to the upcoming stress. Now let's get down to direct consideration of the issue. For example, there is a very large fruit in front of you. How to eat it if it does not fit entirely in your mouth? Answer: "It needs to be cut into pieces." This is exactly how you need to do with a case that scares you because of the complexity of its implementation. It is necessary to divide the case into points.
It is quite easy to make such a step. Take a piece of paper and make a schedule. For example, let's say you need to clean up a huge house for a holiday. Yes, household chores sometimes throw even the most experienced housewife into a stupor. A if you have no experience in this matter, then general cleaning can become an insurmountable obstacle to order and cleanliness. To get the job done, break it down and schedule it. Once you start moving off schedule, you can control the situation and catch up. Let the cleaning of all rooms take a week. However, during this time you will be able to complete the task assigned to you with high quality and without much effort.
However, it also happens that a person constantly does something in order to move in a certain direction, and the final result does not appear. Time passes, but the case remains unfulfilled. In such a situation, even the most purposeful person involuntarily gives up. When this happens, you need to stop and find confirmation that you are moving in the right direction. And for this, you also need to break the global task into parts. When one of the parts of the overall task is completed, you will have a clearer idea of the final result. So from a large number of small cases, one big business is formed.
Once you see this, your interest will rise with renewed vigor, and the process will go much faster.Ultimately, you will not notice how your activities will lead you to your goal.

Making plans for home and work will help you keep up everywhere. This is still necessary in order to understand in which direction to move, as well as to find out whether it is correct or not. Therefore, prioritization will support the drive to define and plan the course of your life. Let's take a look at what the priorities are.
- So that you do not waste your time, sort it out with your closest circle (friends). Then you will not be distracted by empty talk.
- It is necessary to draw up your work schedule, while asking the following questions: "What is needed?", "What is desirable?", "What is possible?"
In addition, the first place should be put forward such tasks, without which it is impossible to do. Also, our first place should be the material benefits that you want to receive as a result of completing a specific task. In second place should be your interests in the field of recreation and moral satisfaction. In third place, you can put secondary topics that do not interest you very much.
The 34th President of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower, came up with a method that allows you to correctly prioritize. It's very simple. You need to divide a sheet of paper into 4 parts. In the upper part, write urgent matters, in the lower part, place non-urgent ones. Only important things should be on the right side, unimportant ones on the left. Plus, you need to plan your day well. To do this, it must be divided into three periods. The first period should include urgent matters, the second period should include not so important matters, the third period should include very non-urgent matters.
Important: if you conduct a daily analysis of the tasks performed, then you will be able to control your activities. Plus, monitoring will help you succeed faster if new challenges arise.

Good habits
Developing good habits can help you overcome laziness and fear of challenging tasks. The main ingredient on the path to success in this business is learning to get up early. You need to start small, and then everything will go according to the knurled scenario. The following guidelines will help you proceed.
- Get in the habit of avoiding discomfort and change. This factor helps a person move forward and take action. As soon as we begin to live smoothly and without problems, we lose our immunity to trouble. If a stressful situation occurs after a happy life, then you may not survive it.
- Get used to different activities. If you don't, then you will become a weak person. Gain experience and it will lead you to success.
- Find friends who have similar interests with you. If your old friends do not want to move forward, but prefer to drink beer on the couch, then you must abandon such a friendship. Otherwise, it will drag you into a swamp, from which it will be difficult to get out.
- Learn to give good energy. Positive always comes back and brings even more joy. A person must bring into the world the most useful and high quality that he has in his soul.
- Start diversifying your life. Let new interests give you positive emotions that fill your mind with positive thinking. The latter has a very good effect on the person as a whole and on his development.
- Begin to appreciate the life and time you are given. Each stage of a person's life is distinguished by its novelty. Use this moment to realize your desires. If a person does not move and is lazy all the time, then diseases can overcome him. Remember, movement is life.

Attracting help
This is a pretty good way to fight laziness. In any difficult situations, you need to always have a loved one by your side, who will control your actions and help with advice. For example, ask a friend or family member to help you.As soon as you start to mope, your assistant should be there and support you.
However, you can do without friendly attention. It will be enough to put a reminder on the gadget. It’s good if it’s some kind of music that sets you up for the positive. This signal should be constant and remind you that you have not completed the task.

Psychological advice
Specialists can help with certain actions, but you will need to pay a certain amount for this. If you are a person and really want to cope with laziness and fatigue, then you need to show willpower. In this desire, you will be helped by the advice of professionals who will be a good help in achieving your goal.
- Stop feeling sorry for yourself. No one has benefited from this feeling yet. It is not for nothing that strong-minded people try not to pay attention to their mental pain and even suppress it with the help of volitional actions. As soon as factors such as pain and fear begin to dominate a person, he becomes spineless. This is followed by laziness and despair. Therefore, do not pretend to be a victim, but become your own earner or breadwinner. Make your choice for an active lifestyle.
- A person must necessarily have a dream and many more desires. As soon as you stop dreaming and wanting something, you will lose interest in life. Then laziness and fatigue will go on the offensive.
- To identify laziness, analyze your "I". This needs to be done on paper. Divide the sheet in two. On the left, write about what prevents you from living. On the right, write all your wishes. Compare what has been written and you will understand that your problem is either the fear of new beginnings, or the lack of goals. Once this understanding comes to you, you can easily get rid of laziness.
- Do not be afraid of circumstances, which often do not develop in the best way. It is quite difficult for a person to find the best moment for the implementation of any task. No one will deny that many are always hindered by various negative factors, so they postpone an important matter "for later." In order to cope with this problem, it is necessary to understand that the situation almost never changes and difficulties do not disappear. It's just that strong personalities on the way to victory try not to notice them and go their own way. Try to do the same, and you will succeed.
- Do the impossible if you want to start doing everything and not be lazy. To do this, you need to develop willpower. You need to try to take control of your activities for a while and do things that you don't like.
- When doing a difficult task, take your time. Fussiness only gets in the way. Remember this. When a person starts to rush things, he gets nervous. Nervousness inhibits both mental activity and physical activity. Hurrying can make a fatal mistake. Then your task will not be completed.
- Develop habits that enable you to be a productive person. Get up early in the morning, try to perform all your duties at certain hours, etc. Then your body will tune in a certain way, and you will not feel tired.
- Remember, motivation comes when a person takes action. Therefore, the main thing is to start, and then things will go as they should. At the same time, you should not say to yourself: "It is necessary." This word has the opposite effect and causes a feeling of rejection.
- To stop being lazy, try shaking yourself up. Imagine yourself in the shoes of a homeless person who has to survive every day. Think about the fact that if you are lazy, you can eventually find yourself in his place. A person must work in order to receive the benefits of life.
- Sports activities are a good incentive. After physical exercise, the human body begins to work with a vengeance. The energy that appears can be directed towards solving problems.
- Trust in yourself. Why did you decide that you could not complete the assignment? Try it, and maybe you will succeed. If nothing works out, then at least you will not blame yourself for not doing anything to make your goal come true. Plus, you may have an incentive to improve your performance.
You shouldn't say to yourself: “Stay the way you are. There is no point in changing. " On the contrary, go ahead and enjoy your courage.