All about punctuality

Punctuality is extremely important in the modern world. You have probably experienced more than once annoyance when you had to wait for a long time for a friend at a meeting or a colleague at work. Perhaps you yourself have often gotten into trouble because you weren’t able to properly plan your time. In this article, you will learn about why it is important to value your own and other people's time and how to stop being late everywhere.

What it is?
The meaning of this word is familiar to almost everyone from childhood. Punctuality is the ability to meet deadlines or be on time. This concept is associated with time management, the ability to manage your time in the modern world is extremely useful. Punctuality implies that a person does not violate deadlines in any endeavor.
The definition implies that a punctual person knows how to handle time. To stop disrupting deadlines and not forcing loved ones to wait forever, you need to be able to calculate the time, to know how much it will take to solve a particular problem. To become a punctual person, you often need to play it safe and leave yourself a few minutes in reserve: this way you will not be late even in unforeseen circumstances.
Of course, occasionally even the most punctual person may be late for an appointment or fail to complete the work by the promised time. But if you comprehend the secrets of time management, such situations in your life will become much less, they will be an exception to the rule.
It can be really hard to timing, but the more often you set yourself these tasks, the better you will learn how to plan your affairs.

Why is it important?
It is said that punctuality is the courtesy of kings.There are also stereotypes about German punctuality: it is believed that the Germans can agree on the exact time and date of the next meeting in a year and arrive exactly on time. Why is punctuality so important? It's simple: accurate time planning is convenient.
If the person is late, you can waste an hour aimlessly waiting for them, when you could spend that time on work, hobbies, or socializing with your family. If the work is not done on time, it can disrupt all further plans and result in real losses. In this case, the victims of delays and lateness are not only waiting people, but also the non-punctual person himself.
The inability to manage your time has a detrimental effect on the schedule: even if a person has a lot of free time, if they do not know how to plan, it will seem as if it does not exist. Very often, in this way, people’s whole life turns into continuous work: such people stretch out insignificant tasks, get distracted, and then they can’t do anything and turn out to be too busy. If you learn how to properly allocate your time, it will be enough for both work and leisure.
Thus, punctuality is important not only in order to appear as a responsible person around. She helps you always know your schedule accurately, do more, work more efficiently and leave time for a hobby or family.
In fact, punctuality is respect for one's own and other people's time.

It cannot be denied that in the modern world it is time that becomes the most significant resource. We are loaded with a variety of things, we want to lead an active social life, have an active rest, work, deal with children, have hobbies and a circle of friends. At the same time, a lot of time is spent on small household chores, on the road from one place to another, on forced queues. It is simply impossible to lead an active life without planning your time, because every free minute must be spent wisely. Learning to be punctual will affect all areas of your life.
Getting things done on time is important literally everywhere.
- Friends will stop waiting for you for a long time, you will be able to plan richer leisure activities and have time to interact with more people. It is known that it is very difficult to carve out time for friends with strong employment at work. But if you learn to plan well, you don't have to deprive yourself of the joy of communication at all. And the friends themselves will surely appreciate it if you respect their time and do not keep yourself waiting.
- At work, you can quickly complete all current tasks - if you become more punctual, this positive quality will surely cause approval among your colleagues and superiors. In addition, if you start to accurately assess how long it will take to solve a particular problem, you will find that you begin to get the job done faster. Punctuality can potentially give you a higher position or additional free time.
- With children, punctuality is also very important.... Failure to get them to school or check homework on time can be uncomfortable for them. In addition, it is always important to instill good and useful habits in children, the most effective way to do this is by example. If you yourself will always try to be punctual, your children are likely to learn this too.
- In everyday life, time management is also useful. Do you know the feeling when household chores take up all your free time? If you don’t know how to plan, you will only have to cook, wash and clean all day long - so you may not have time at all for self-care, reading, hobbies, chatting with friends. If you become more punctual, you will be able to cope with boring household duties as quickly as possible.
Indeed, punctuality has many benefits. But learning how to plan your time can take a lot of work and patience.Do not expect that tomorrow you will be able to wake up as a punctual person: the art of managing your time will require daily work on yourself.

How to be punctual?
It is believed that punctuality is most difficult for girls. Indeed, it cannot be denied that logic, rationality and planning are more characteristic of men, but sometimes women are more punctual, on the contrary, because they are more concerned with social connections and are uncomfortable with keeping themselves waiting. Cases are different - we can say with confidence that both men and women experience problems with punctuality to one degree or another. In addition, everyone is susceptible to this trouble, regardless of age and type of activity.
The most important thing is to understand the problem and understand what time is spent. Perhaps you like to get ready for a long time, spend hours aimlessly at the computer, or cannot concentrate on what you are doing at the moment.
If a person realizes that they are wasting their time and finds a specific reason, it will be easier to learn punctuality. Most often, of course, there is more than one reason: there are several of them and they act in combination.
To begin with, to understand your problems, try to write down what you do during the day. Keep a diary as detailed as possible. For example, write down that from 7:00 to 7:30 you have breakfast, from 7:30 to 8:00 you read the news and correspond in social networks, from 8:00 to 8:15 you pack your things. This way, over time, you can see which things were important during the day and which were a waste of time. Also, write down how much time it takes you to commute to work, the store, or the gym - you need to be realistic about how long it will take you to get somewhere if you want to stop being late.

There is one easy way to avoid being late from the start - just put your watch 10 minutes ahead. This will help you see the results of punctuality immediately, so you will be motivated to continue training. When you clearly learn how to plan all your affairs and estimate their duration, you will not need translated hours. There is no need to come 10 minutes earlier, it is not profitable for you, because you will have to wait for others. The goal of working on punctuality is to ensure that you arrive right on time.
It is necessary to write down all your affairs during the day for at least about a week. Then you will more or less figure out how long it takes and you can adjust your schedule. First of all, if you do not have enough time to complete important tasks or travel, think about what daily habits you can sacrifice. Maybe watch less TV or sleep half an hour less.
Don't make yourself too strict a schedule right away, giving up all the joys in life. Try to gradually get rid of bad habits and leave time for really enjoyable, interesting and intense activities - such positive reinforcements will help you easily motivate yourself to train further.
It is imperative to time the factors that are beyond your control. For example, this is the time spent in queues or in transport. If these time intervals cannot be optimized in any way, then think about what you can do in parallel: perhaps, for example, in transport you can read or listen to audiobooks, do something useful for work or correspond with friends. This approach will help carve out more free time during the day.

When you analyze what time is spent, you need to make yourself a clear schedule for the next week. First of all, Add to this schedule the real time you spend on transport or queues: it is circumstances beyond our control that often become the reasons for delays - we underestimate external factors. It is for forced employment that you will have to adjust everything else.First, tackle the main points: add work, communication with family, household duties to the plan. Then add hobbies, meeting friends and other leisure activities in the free intervals.
For starters, don't make the plan too harsh. Living on a schedule can be difficult at first, but later on you will appreciate the convenience of planning. Plans are flexible and change based on circumstances.
In addition, in any situation, it is very important to leave yourself at least a little time to rest. With proper planning, you will understand that there will be even more free time.
Try to be smart about time management when you're planning your work. Perhaps, without looking up from the monitor, you can complete the work in 3 hours, but in reality you will want to drink coffee, do a warm-up or ask your colleagues the necessary questions. Consider all this in your plan, it should not be tough. At first, you shouldn't plan a lot of things for the day: just learn to estimate time and meet deadlines on a few simple tasks.

Make it a rule to prepare for the next day in the evening. Make sure that you always have washed and ironed clothes for tomorrow, cooked food. Take care of all the necessary information in advance: for example, if you are going to travel on an unfamiliar route, look at the location on the map, choose the most successful transport and convenient travel. If you prepare for tomorrow in the evening, you can avoid unnecessary stress and significantly save your time.
Reward and motivate yourself so you don't lose interest. You will surely free up extra time - spend it on what you have long dreamed of. Take up your favorite hobbies, visit friends, or just sleep off. Realistic results and benefits will help you continue to work on punctuality. Plus, you’ll be praised by friends, family, and coworkers — they’ll be grateful when you’re more respectful of their time.

How not to go to extremes?
Of course, any extremes are bad. If you are overly concerned about punctuality and berating yourself for being accidentally five minutes late, nothing good will come of it. First of all, allow yourself to be wrong - we are all real people, it is impossible to always keep up with everything. Feeling unwell, a late bus or banal fatigue sometimes lead to the fact that plans are thwarted - this is absolutely normal. You need to strive to do everything on time, but it is impossible to achieve the ideal.
The constant fear of being late can lead to stress, although the true purpose of punctuality is to reduce stress. You need to plan things not for the sake of having a plan, but in order to do more and feel calm.
If a punctual lifestyle makes you uncomfortable, you may be overdoing it.
Besides, it is important not to be too hard on yourself, as well as to forgive minor oversights of the people around you... Surely you have acquaintances who are sometimes a little late or fulfill requests later than they promised. It is not necessary to tell them this, because everyone has the right to force majeure.