"Eat a frog" in time management

Few know what the phrase "eat a frog" means, but many know how difficult it is to force yourself to complete any task that "does not have a heart". However, people very often have to perform various actions that contradict their inner state. Usually unpleasant cases are postponed by many subjects "for later", but it is absolutely impossible to do so.
Those who have learned to confront and overcome circumstances achieve great success. Therefore, you should learn how to cope with any troubles in the form of urgent and apathetic cases.

What it is?
The expression "eat a frog for breakfast" implies doing a very unpleasant but very necessary task... In fact, this is a kind of time management, which provides for the procedure of overburdening oneself. Brian Tracy came up with this technique. This principle is quite common, although many do not know some of its details.
So what are they? First of all, it is necessary to consider the question: why is the method called "eat the frog", and not otherwise? Most likely, because eating frogs is not a very pleasant experience. Moreover, many may find it even very disgusting. In principle, this is the whole essence of the name, that is, when we talk about eating frogs, we actually mean performing a very unpleasant or even nasty action.
People do many things every day that are comparable to eating frogs. For example, these can be cases such as:
- communication with the leader;
- going to the dentist or another doctor you are afraid of;
- making payments, such as paying fines.
In fact, there are a lot of them, especially since most of them have an individual focus and intolerance. Often such events on a subconscious level are relegated to the background, and sometimes they are simply forgotten. So the "eat the frog" method involves doing very unpleasant, and therefore forgotten, things. If you have accumulated several of them at once, then you should start with the nastiest and most difficult case.

Method principle
Many complain that they have not been able to learn how to complete the most difficult tasks. A career suffers from this, and on the personal front, everything is going "not very well" due to constant breakdowns and shortcomings. And all this is because most people are sloths in some way. It is difficult for them to force themselves to perform a difficult and sometimes not very pleasant act. For example, many housewives postpone cleaning for later. Every day they come home from work and think that they will take up the mop and rag tomorrow. Then a new day and evening come, and everything is repeated again. As a result, debris and dust accumulates. When it comes to "frogs", simple cleaning is no longer enough. At the very least, it is necessary to call a special team from the cleaning company or carry out a general cleaning.
So it turns out that postponing things only aggravates the situation. Maybe that's why B. Tracy wrote his book-recommendation and called it "Leave disgust, eat a frog." It is necessary to pay attention to the following points, which were taken from this publication.
- In order not to get trapped, write down all cases in a special notebook, binding on the next day.
- The most important thing in this entry should be an item with a difficult task. If you are facing a rather unpleasant communication, then you should even think about the moment how you will present unpleasant news. For example, let's say you decide to break up with your girlfriend. She needs to be told about it so that she does not do any troubles. So think about your speech. Choose the most affectionate and soothing phrases.
- Remember that it is imperative to get the job done, despite the difficulty and rejection of the task.
- When the case is completed and you come to the desired psychological state, be sure to praise yourself for courage... You can even recommend in this case to reward yourself with a trip to the cafe.
Following the principles of the above method will help you learn how to set goals. Remember that only you are the master of your destiny, and if you adhere to this factor, then a continuation will follow to the beginning of new actions. There are people who don't plan anything. They just don't strive for anything. From this, life turns into a series of gray events.
It seems that not everyone will agree to exist this way. So make plans and take action. This point is the main strategy for moving forward. This skill needs to be developed and constantly honed.

Why is it necessary to use in the morning?
Winnie the Pooh also sang that going to visit in the morning means doing wisely. In his song, the very explanation followed: "The evening time has come, the owners are yawning ..." This is the phrase that says it all. In the morning a person is full of energy, and in the evening his mental and physical states are at zero level.
This means that the time management technique is directly related to the physiological needs and rhythms of a person. That is why, if you still "eat a frog" in the morning, the following will happen to you.
- You will feel unprecedented burst of strength and a huge emotional upsurge.
- You will experience great pride for being able to achieve something.
- It will happen in your body increase in endorphins... Imagine if you experience the natural release of endorphins in the morning, you will get the unforgettable impression of being able to overpower yourself. After such a pleasant action, the whole day will be positive.
- And one moment. Our limbic system, with constant release of endorphins, will begin to work in a completely new way. She stops being naughty, and your business is going much better.
We can conclude that the above technique was simply invented so that people would perform it exclusively in the morning.

Remember: each overcoming strengthens willpower, and as you know, it helps a person to complete any unpleasant task or task, namely, "eat the frog." To make it work, start your day with a workout. After her be sure to have breakfast with tasty and healthy food... So you can cheer yourself up and thereby be filled with strength for new achievements. Know that the right and positive morning mindset will help you get things done right.
It is advisable to get up early every day.... This way you can avoid unnecessary trouble. Gradually, you will get used to such daily manipulations, and it will not be difficult for you to perform them at all. This point is just the first step towards ensuring that you can easily start "eating frogs" and do not feel sorry for yourself.
Of course, not every person will be able to "eat a frog" the first time. Some may even get a psychological breakdown. That's why this difficulty should be divided into several parts.
No one will argue that unpleasant food or medicine is always taken in several doses. So the unpleasant thing needs to be divided into several components.

For example, if you want to create your own business, then you need to set yourself up to perform any, even the most unpleasant business. To do this, you need to prepare for the next day in advance, that is, in the evening. Try to make these activities a habit. And then proceed as follows, so that time management becomes not only a pleasant experience, but at least does not cause a storm of negative emotions in you.
- First, you need to create a list that will become the opposite of the one that will contain the most responsible and important matters.... Look into it constantly. For example, if you want to turn on reverse gear and push an important task into the background, then look in your anti-list with unnecessary and unimportant things. It will most likely contain the following items: reply to a friend using a social network or post a photo from a party. Try to convince yourself that doing this is detrimental to your activities. Believe me, if you do this all the time, unnecessary things will very soon recede into the background.
- In the created to-do list, divide all tasks into 3 groups: very important, important and not very important. The first group should contain those things that make you associate with "eating frogs." When you complete at least one such task, you will feel a lot of relief.
- In order not to waste time and energy, give up not very important matters. You will need the saved reserves to correct errors if they arise.