Time management: how to do everything in time?

Many people complain all the time about the lack of time. I want to have time to complete many tasks, but nothing happens. From this, nervous tension builds up, relations with loved ones deteriorate. If nothing is done, time will pass like sand. And then you can lose everything that is most precious: work, friends, family. To prevent this from happening, you need to learn how to distribute your potential in terms of doing various things in the right way.
What it is?
Time planning is a very specific process. It consists in control over the time that was spent by an individual on any activity... At the same time, they deliberately include efficiency in this process. This means that methods such as goal setting, cost monitoring and prioritization are used here. Time management is an art that is essential to the advancement of any business.
This factor includes such a concept as shortage of working time. It occurs when an active process is illiterately organized. This affects the quality and efficiency of labor.
To avoid losses, it is necessary to conduct a study of the time spent on the implementation of any plans.
Time problems at work arise when, in essence, some important tasks are not solved.
- When a person does not know a clear schedule your upcoming work day.
- When the planned work is not carried out on time, and as a result, there is an overlap of active moments on top of each other. In this case, a person is forced to fulfill official duties at home. And this means that the time that was allocated for providing household needs (washing, cleaning) is shifting.
- This happens as a result dispersal of forces. Then certain points are left without due attention.
- Unimportant matters distract from the main work.
- Human constantly in a hurry therefore very tired.
- If an employee does not correspond to the position held, then he also has problems with time.
- When there is no motivation for full-fledged work.
- Individual cannot reconcile his needs with opportunities.

It is clear to any person that time cannot be managed, but it can be used effectively.
Therefore, it is necessary to apply a technique such as time management. This name is translated as time management.
And this term also implies accounting, allocation and quick approximate design of all time resources.
When you live according to the principle “do more and work less,” life becomes rich. The ability to manage time can be developed.
When a person seeks to cover everything at once, while not bothering with planning and taking control of the situation, problems arise over time. Then it seems to him that precious hours are going away and wasted.
Therefore, it is necessary to fundamentally approach the process of distributing forces and resources that contribute to the implementation of various matters. If everything is properly distributed, then everything can be done in time.

Plan your actions
This is definitely an important point. It must start by creating a suitable environment for this. If we talk about the place of work, then here you should first of all surround yourself with pleasant things and remove all unnecessary things from your eyes. This applies to both material and non-material moments.
A special board with magnets can be installed above the table. Every day you will have to draw up a plan for the implementation of various activities, in which everything will be calculated in minutes.
And remember that these activities are long-term planning. You need to get used to it. Concentrate on your work, and it will not be a burden to you.
The same can be said for the household chores that you have to do every day. In this case, it is also worth making a specific plan. Therefore, create it and place it with a magnet on the refrigerator.

For example, suppose you are planning to do your dirty laundry after work in the evening. Modern people use special machines. Therefore, you do not need to waste time on the washing itself. In this matter the main thing is not to forget to fulfill the plan, namely: load laundry and turn on the device. And then it will do all the work by itself. In the meantime, the laundry will be washed in the machine, you can sew on the torn off button or peel the potatoes.
You even need to plan what you will eat for dinner. Dishes that take a very long time to cook are best postponed to a weekend. On weekdays, simpler recipes are fine.
Formulate the desired result
To fulfill this condition, it is necessary to determine the key areas of activity. For example, try to pick the most pressing tasks and put them on the top list.
For example, in the month that has just come, you want to overfulfill the plan and improve your performance. If you are a sales manager, then you need to create a goal, namely: to call with various offers not only the already created customer base, but also to attract even more people interested in your activity to this process.
For this you need indicate an approximate figure of profitability, which will undoubtedly increase as a result of the measures taken. This will be your goal and at the same time the expected result.
Approximately the same activities can be carried out if you want to have time to complete certain tasks in the coming month that will improve your life and realize personal goals, for example, to repair your apartment while on vacation.It often happens that people have planned one thing, but the result is completely different.
Therefore, in this matter, it is necessary to set a goal, identify the result and move towards these factors, despite the difficulties. They most likely will not arise if you calculate everything correctly before starting work.

The first point is cash costs. Decide on them. Then write down in detail all the activities that need to be done and visualize the result. To do this, you can hang a drawing on the refrigerator, which will indicate all the work performed.
For example, on the first day of your vacation, you will order all the necessary materials that will be used for finishing. If you need to allocate more time for this, then allocate it.
It will take another day to receive the order from the hardware store. All necessary components need to be checked and their temporary location determined. Think carefully about this question and decide on the result of the work done.Next, plan all your actions in order. For example, after complete readiness for repairs in terms of imported materials, write down each day in terms of performing the housework themselves.
And also, be sure to leave 1-2 days in reserve just in case.
Suddenly something goes wrong, and one of the manipulations will take a little more time than was previously planned. For example, you may feel unwell and it will take several days to recuperate.

Record a plan of action
This event must be carried out in the most careful way. It is best to do this on a piece of paper and place it in the most conspicuous place.
And remember that these rules should apply to both job duties and household chores. For those who are a little absent-minded, you need to schedule all actions by the minute. So that you do not forget that you are limited in time, put "reminders" on your phone or alarm clock. Once the task is complete, cross it off the list.
An important point: do not plan to organize a very large number of cases at once. Allocate the necessary time for their implementation, otherwise you will get confused and do not have time to do anything.

This important point must be performed with special care, otherwise you will expend maximum energy, get tired, waste time, and the goal will not be achieved.
Therefore, first try to complete the most important tasks, which will be the starting point. Urgent and much needed activities should become favorites in the morning.
After lunch, you will feel satisfied with your work. This factor will relieve stress and tune in to a positive.
Focus on the essentials
At work, this option is a must. In addition to the general plan of action, draw up one more - an additional one. In the goal-setting plan, make the points that you need to complete "here and now." And then let all things go in decreasing order of importance.

Analyze your experience
Let's say you have already started planning, which means that you already know how much time it takes for a particular job. Therefore, you can easily decide on the time that you need to allocate for any particular event.
And if we talk about uniting points, then just write down all the negative factors that were associated with the implementation of a particular task. This must be done in order not to step on the same "rake".
Plan your vacation
Of course, if you push your limits, you will not get the results you expect from an activity called time planning. All this will happen for a banal reason. It's just that your brain is a so-called computer. If its functions are exorbitant, it will simply fail, and you will get a stressful situation instead of effective work.
Anyone, even a very busy person, should make time for their personal needs.
If it is not possible to take a short vacation for several days, then try to set aside a day off for a trip to a relaxing salon.
Thanks to this action, you will rest and tidy up your appearance.

There are a large number of them, but the most popular are the Eisenhower matrix and the so-called Stephen Covey's diary. Let's consider them in order.
The first is Eisenhower matrixallowing the use of self-organization methods. The matrix designer has always been very busy, so he came up with a matrix to help you make the most of your time. This invention looks like 4 squares with a base in the form of two axes. Each of them records the activities to be performed. This is how a diagram emerges that shows which things need to be done first, and which ones later.
Department "A" always includes urgent matters that need to be completed during the day. Remember that this section should almost always be empty. If it fills up often, it will indicate that you are an unorganized person.
Know: important and urgent matters can be delegated to someone. This is a way out.
Section "B" consists of not very urgent, but very important cases. Cases that are written in this section should always be given the highest priority. It is believed that if you only do business from this section, you will achieve great success in your activities.
Know this: in theory, urgency only hurts the execution of a task. This system contains those cases that are classified as "everyday".
Section "C" involves the introduction of cases that may distract from the main activity. They make it difficult for a person to concentrate. These are various festive events, meetings with unimportant people and the like.
Section "D" contains those things that are not worth doing, in general. They "eat up" precious time. These are conversations with friends, unnecessary correspondence on social networks and much more.
With the right use of the matrix, you will learn not to be distracted by trifles and to manage your time correctly.

There are other techniques, for example, Stephen Covey's diary. Its application teaches to prioritize. If you take advantage of the author's advice, you can acquire the skills of a highly effective person. From the diary, you will learn what the term "time management" means and how priority goals are achieved. To do this, you need to apply a four-story planning method. The circuit is in the shape of a triangle. We divide it into 4 parts and, starting from the very top, we enter the following into each part:
- plan daily;
- plan weekly;
- set goals;
- define values.
This will create your personal productivity pyramid. Now let's take a look at each item separately.
- The very first item contains definition of values. DThese things are of the greatest importance to us. Our whole life consists of them. Therefore, they are at the very base of the pyramid.
- After this point comes the next one. Fit into it intended goals
- Many when planning cases put an equal sign between all cases. You can't do that. If you want to highlight the largest number of them, then schedule your activities weekly. Make a so-called weekly compass. His main question should be about important matters this week.
- And the very top of productivity is the item "plan daily"... This is where you check your previously outlined agreements, make a realistic to-do list, and prioritize.
In conclusion, we note that you need to live in accordance with your main values. For this it is necessary to clarify them.
Therefore, identify and define your role in this life. Maybe there will be many more of these roles? Answer yourself to this question.
Next, define your personal commitments. To do this, break the goal into several parts.

How to learn to manage time?
The understanding that there are only 24 hours in a day will help to solve this problem. NSthat time must be divided in a certain way.
- A working day takes about 8 hours... Of these, about 5 hours are considered the most effective. The remaining time is usually spent on not very effective activities. Conversations between employees, conversations on the phone on abstract topics and more.
- Lunch break lasts 1 hour.
- To get to work and back, some spend half an hour, while others spend as much as 3 hours.
- When a person returns home, he proceeds to the implementation of household chores. They take about 5 hours.
As a result of simple calculations, we see that a busy person has very little time to sleep.
With such a busy schedule, many people have time to spend time watching TV, walking, shopping and much more. Undoubtedly, not a single person can work without relaxing brain activity and without rest.
You can't do without a trip to the store. To prepare food, you need to buy groceries. Still, there are cases that can be called "empty". Let's consider them in order.
- Shopping with no money. Such trips lead to both mental and physical fatigue. You get frustrated with a lack of money and get pretty tired. After such loads, effective activity decreases.
- Watching TV programs, which do not carry any semantic information.
- Correspondence or other communication on the Internet... This is often empty talk.
This list is much more than the listed points. And many unnecessarily and unnecessarily lose precious hours that could be used for other, more important matters.

Then it is necessary to "take up the mind" and develop a technology for the distribution of time. It should interest everyone, without exception. And even women on maternity leave and housewives.
Now let's look at specific tips.
- Get a simple notepad where all your daily tasks will be recorded point by point. This will help you organize your activities correctly.
- You can use by the method of neurolinguistic programming. Namely: you need to find a moment that can set you up for work. Exercises of this kind imply the appearance of a kind of "click". For example, every time you start your work, use the same favorite music. Over time, you will get used to it as well as to work. A certain melody will be associated with work activity.
- Be sure to rest. Believe me, if a tired person is forced to do work, then the effectiveness of his actions is significantly reduced.
- Another technique that the French came up with. Do difficult tasks in the morning, and the rest in the afternoon.

Effective use of time can be brought under control. There are certain tricks for this.
- The main mistake is planning every minute of the day.... It is necessary to take into account unforeseen circumstances. So leave some free time. This will allow you to allocate precious minutes to solve sudden problems.
- Learn to say no when you think you need to. Sometimes you come across people who try to shift their problems onto other people's shoulders. Therefore, you need to be able to refuse such people.
- Plan your vacation.