Nicknames for dachshund boy

Dachshund puppies are cute, unusual in appearance, but very beautiful and noble animals. It is because of the contrast between character and appearance that their owners often have difficulties in choosing a nickname for their new pet. To facilitate this choice, let's talk about how to choose a name for a dachshund dog, depending on its color, character and unique characteristics.

What to consider when choosing?
A puppy in the house is always a joy and pleasant chores. For the most part, they are associated not only with the improvement of the corner for a new pet, but also with the choice of his nickname. If the owner wants the name for the dachshund boy to be not only sonorous and unusual, but also really suitable for him, the following recommendations from the breeders of these unique animals should be considered:
- the nickname should be short, since it will take a long time for a dog to get used to a dog that is too long, and in emergency cases, while the owner pronounces it, trouble can happen to the pet; if you really liked a long name, then you can simply enter it into the animal's passport, and from it you can come up with a shorter and no less sonorous derivative for daily use;
- you should not choose too funny nicknames that can humiliate a dachshund boy, moreover, such names in certain circumstances are sometimes impossible to even pronounce;
- when choosing how to name your dog, you should take into account his character, color or some unique features inherent only to this pet; so the animal will quickly get used to the name, and others will understand why it was given to him;
- you should not choose too aggressive nicknames, some breeders believe that in animals the name also lays its imprint on their character, like in humans;
- you should not give the males and the names of people;
- nicknames in which there is a complex combination of sounds and letters should also be avoided, especially if there are small children in the house - they can distort the nickname of the animal, as a result, the dog will get used to the wrong name.
If you want a pet's nickname to be beautiful, sonorous, unique and suitable for him, you should first carefully observe the puppy, study his manners and habits, and only then proceed to compiling a list of the most attractive nicknames.

List of interesting names
Despite the fact that the Dachshund is a small breed of dog, the number of names for its representatives is huge. When choosing a specific nickname, in addition to the above tips, you should remember that red or black males should not be called too simple names - Chernysh or Ryzhik.
Dachshunds are noble dogs, therefore the names of the representatives of this breed must be appropriate.
Even such nicknames that cause a smile on the face should be noble. It's good to choose a nickname for your pet, given its unusual character traits. The most popular nicknames in this category are as follows:
- Troll;
- Fantik;
- Chapito;
- Kinder;
- IPhone;
- Pompon;
- Dwarf;
- Fufelshmerts.
When choosing a funny nickname for a pet, you should avoid those that humiliate the animal - Foolish, Uvalen, and so on.

It is such beautiful and sonorous nicknames that are best suited for dachshund boys. As such a bright and colorful nickname, you can choose the following:
- Agate;
- Adonis;
- Amadeus;
- The Grand Prix;
- Darling;
- Gerard;
- Italian;
- Corsair;
- Magnate;
- Craft;
- Orley;
- Largus;
- Citron;
- Juney;
- Yanghel.
Choosing a noble nickname, you can give double nicknames to dachshund males, but you should immediately take care of the home version of the short nickname, namely:
- Bonifantius - Stink;
- Rocket Boy - Fighter or Rocket (rocket boy);
- Little Fox - Foxy (little fox);
- Rapid Fire - Rapid (fast fire);
- Angel Ice - Aisik (angel eyes).
It is worth paying attention to the fact that the owner knows exactly the translation of the chosen nickname, otherwise you can get into an awkward situation. Such double nicknames can describe both the unique qualities of the pet and its appearance. They sound noble and allow in any situation to highlight the uniqueness of your dog against the background of other animals.

If the owner of the dachshund boy does not like nicknames in a foreign language, you can explore a list of the most popular names in our native language, namely:
- Nectar;
- Narcissus;
- Opal;
- Radar;
- Sapphire;
- Jaguar.
But it is best to refuse such primordially Russian nicknames as Barbos, Tuzik and Sharik. These nicknames are appropriate for common mongrel yard dogs. And the dachshund is an elite dog with a noble origin, with such a nickname the dog will look simply inappropriate and even stupid.

Accentuating features
Most of the owners of dachshund boys still prefer to give nicknames to their pets based on their personal qualities. Depending on the color, the dog may be called:
- Knight;
- Gold;
- Black;
- Sunny;
- Fox.
If the pet loves to eat deliciously, then his nickname may be suitable and funny - Meatball, Hot Dog, Obzhorka. Depending on personal qualities, you can choose one of the following nicknames for the dog:
- Sniffer;
- Fly;
- Lazy;
- Happy;
- Hasti;
- Slay;
- Slippy.
In fact, there are a lot of options for nicknames for dachshund males.If there are several of your favorite variants of the name for a new pet, and you cannot make a choice, then you should turn to the dog for help. To do this, the nicknames are slowly listed and carefully monitor the reaction of the dog, the one to which the animal will react most clearly is usually left.

How to accustom to a nickname?
Breeders and experienced dog trainers say that the first three months of a puppy's life are the most important, at this time it is necessary to accustom him to a new nickname. To do this, throughout the day, you must regularly pronounce the name of the dog and look at it carefully. It should be repeated until the puppy runs up to the owner. Be sure to remember about the encouragement, the animal should be praised orally, stroked and given a small treat. This procedure is repeated for several days in a row.
As soon as the puppy begins to respond to the nickname the first time, the frequency of his call to the owner can be reduced, over time, referring to the animal and calling him only when it is really necessary. When the dachshund dog remembers his nickname well and is immediately distracted by it, you can start training the puppy further and accustom him to new commands.
When choosing a nickname for a puppy of this breed, it is important to remember that the chosen name should not only be sonorous, beautiful, like the owner of the animal, but must also suit the pet itself, emphasize its uniqueness.

For information on how to choose a nickname for a dog or puppy, see the next video.