All About Tampax Tampons

During critical days, it is tampons that come to the rescue of a huge number of women, allowing them to maintain their usual lifestyle and provide reliable protection against leaks. Tampax brand products are deservedly recognized as one of the best in the market for these products.
Advantages and disadvantages
One of the main advantages that Tampax tampons have is their safe composition. The absorbent core, which is a key ingredient in the product, is formed from processed cellulose fibers, organic cotton or a mixture of both. By the way, this viscose is recommended for use in the production of tea bags and many other household items.

To create the applicators, either tightly wound paper, which can be recycled, or recyclable food grade plastic, dyed with hypoallergenic colored pigments, is used. The outer shell of the tampon together with the cord is made of high quality soft synthetic fiber (polyester, polyethylene, polypropylene) or its combination with cotton.
The materials used to create a hygienic product have all the necessary international certifications, which confirm the absence of harmful components in the composition. In addition, the pre-bleaching of cotton and viscose is carried out without the use of chlorine.
Tampax tampons are recognized by medical professionals as completely safe to use during menstruation. Products that have undergone rigorous skin safety expertise are hypoallergenic. The advantage is that you will be able to use Tampax from the very first menstruation.

The tampon device itself is very convenient to use. A cord is securely attached to a tightly compressed, absorbent cylinder with a thread. A small applicator allows you to position an item in the vagina without touching it with your hands.
The disadvantages of the product include the impossibility of its use in the postpartum period until the restoration of the natural cycle, as well as in the presence of inflammatory processes and genital infections. In some cases, the individual characteristics of the female body also impede the comfortable use of hygiene products. It is necessary to mention the likelihood of life-threatening toxic shock syndrome.... For its prevention, it is necessary to timely replace hygiene products, correctly select the size of the tampon and its absorbency, and also give preference to pads at least once a day.

Assortment overview
The modern Tampax range includes three types of tampons:
- Tampax tampons with cardboard applicator;
- Tampax Compak tampons with applicator;
- Tampax Compak Pearl tampons with applicator.
According to the degree of absorption, all products can be divided into Regular, Super and Super Plus.
- Yellow Regular intended for light to medium discharge, as evidenced by the 2 "drops" on the package.
- Super Green Swabs suitable for women whose discharge can be described as moderate or heavy. On the packaging of such hygiene products, 3 "drops" are indicated.
- Finally, the "orange" Super Plus, designated by 4 "drops" are suggested for particularly heavy discharge.

The shelf life of all the above hygiene products is 5 years.
The Tampax Compak Pearl Regular tampons with the applicator are considered one of the best representatives of the brand. Their advantages include the absence of fragrances in the composition, the use of MotionFit technology, thanks to which the cylinders gently expand, following the shape of the body, and the presence of a special LeakGuard weave, which prevents leaks. Since the product is designed for moderate discharge and also has a stylish design, it is best suited as a first purchase for girls. Its "neighbors" in the Tampax Compak Pearl Super and Tampax Compak Pearl Super Plus lines have similar properties.
The Tampax Compak range is easy to insert thanks to its compact plastic applicator with a rounded tip. The protective "skirt" of the tampon prevents leaks. Tampax tampons with a cardboard applicator also provide long-term protection for women. They do not contain dyes and fragrances, and the paper part with a special relief does not slip in the hands.

By the way, sometimes in online stores you can find products with the name marked Duo - for example, Compak Super Plus Duo. However, it usually does not differ from the samples presented on the official website - that is, Compak Super Plus.
How to use it correctly?
Instructions for use of Tampax products are always located inside the packaging with hygiene products, so it is quite possible to learn how to use it yourself. The main thing is to remember that the tampon should be inserted along the same path that is used to withdraw the menstrual flow. Several positions indicated in the insert allow you to perform this action in the most comfortable way. The tampon should be inserted calmly, without haste and without worry, if it cannot be done the first time. If there are difficulties with the penetration of the object, it is allowed to use a lubricant with the exception of petroleum jelly, and also be sure to use the applicator.

A correctly inserted tampon takes place in the middle of the vagina, which contains a small number of sensitive nerve endings. If done correctly, it should practically not be felt and, of course, not create any discomfort. In addition, it is imperative that the absorbent cylinder cannot move or fall out even during active movements.
The maximum long-term presence of an object in the vagina cannot exceed 8 hours. However, it should still be changed as it is filled. For example, for the first days of the cycle, you may need to change the tampon every 3-4 hours, and in the last days - every 6-8 hours. Tampax tampons are allowed to be used at night.
They are inserted just before bedtime, and pulled out and changed immediately after waking up.
The cylinder should be removed from the vagina using a special cord. If he suddenly comes off, then you can use carefully washed fingers. If the result is unsuccessful, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor.