What are the types of tampons and how to choose them?

Tampons are the second most popular among female intimate hygiene products. Only gaskets compete with them. Despite this, a large number of women during menstruation prefer tampons. These tools have both advantages and disadvantages. For comfort, you need to know how to use them correctly.
What it is?
A tampon is one of the modern intimate hygiene products designed to be inserted into the vagina in order to absorb menstrual flow.... The cylindrical shape is most suitable for the anatomical shape of the female vagina.

The exact year of the creation of the first tampons is unknown. But historians managed to establish that similar hygiene products were used several centuries ago:
in ancient Rome, women made a kind of modern tampons from animal hair;
in Japan they were made of paper and bandages;
in Haiti and in Africa - from plant fibers.
Of course, these tools were not as practical and convenient as modern ones, but they performed their function with good success.

Modern hygienic tampons are made of pressed cotton wool, cotton fibers with the addition of viscose. In the inner part of each of them there are two cords, which are fixed quite firmly. By pulling on them, the woman can easily remove the tampon from the vagina. If you use the product correctly, then no discomfort or pain should occur during insertion and extraction. Ideally, the tampon should not be felt inside at all when walking, sitting, or any other manipulation.
A modern tampon looks like a small tube. The device works quite simply: the material absorbs the secretions, preventing leaks.

Advantages and disadvantages
Hygiene products have their own advantages and disadvantages. The benefits of using tampons are obvious.
They are located inside the body, therefore they are invisible.
Eliminate the unpleasant odor that often appears when wearing pads.
When wearing, you can play sports (even swimming).
They do not constrain or hamper the movement of women.
There are also disadvantages. They are as follows.
Not all tampons can be used by virgins.
With the wrong size or incorrect insertion, they cause a feeling of discomfort.
Leakage is possible in case of untimely replacement.

Another unpleasant moment associated with the use of tampons is the manifestation of toxic shock syndrome (TSS). This symptom was first recorded in America several decades ago. Toxic shock is provoked by pathogenic microorganisms, in particular, Staphylococcus aureus. In a small amount, such bacteria are present in the human body. But with the introduction of tampons with synthetic content, they begin to multiply rapidly and provoke the appearance of TSS.
The disease is characterized by symptoms such as:
increased body temperature;
manifestation of skin rashes.
Scientists have carried out quite a lot of research and have come to the conclusion that tampons should contain as many natural materials as possible and a minimum of synthetics.

There are several types of tampons. First of all, the division is in size. It all depends on the anatomical features of the structure of the female body. And also the differences are as follows.
Night and day... The former are much more absorbent and are intended for use at night.
With and without wings. If you choose the first option, then such tools provide more reliable protection.
Regular and sterile... The latter are most often used directly in medical institutions.
And also there are reusable tampons. Their distinctive features are the absence of a rope and the possibility of reusability.

By design features
The vast majority of tampons are cylindrical in shape. It is considered a classic, it provides easy and painless introduction. In addition, there are round swabs that are produced by manufacturers in China. Another unusual shape is the heart.
Cylindrical tampons often have longitudinal or spiral stripes on the top layer. The manufacturers claim that this makes the most comfortable and quickest introduction possible.

By the degree of absorbency
Tampons can be roughly divided by the degree of absorbency into several separate categories. Among them:
super plus.
Depending on the amount of discharge, tampons from one category or another are intended.

Top manufacturers
Currently, tampons are becoming more and more popular, so many companies are engaged in their production. But there are leaders among them.
Tampax - the most famous manufacturing company, which was one of the first to start producing such hygiene products. A distinctive feature of the products of this company is almost 100% content of natural fibers and a small amount of viscose. Another characteristic feature is the presence of an applicator for insertion.

- Kotex - tampons of this brand are very convenient to open. The packaging is like a lipstick tube that opens with a twist-off method.

- o. b. Is also a popular manufacturer. The tampons of this brand do not have an applicator for insertion, but they have special grooves, thanks to which additional protection against leakage is possible.

On the Internet, women of different ages quite often leave reviews. Based on them, we can conclude that products of all three manufacturers are in demand and popularity... Women most often note comfort, safety, ease of use. Of the shortcomings - relatively high cost.

Nuances of choice
Despite the high popularity, tampons are not recommended for girls who have just started their periods. Discomfort in this case is caused by insufficient physiological and anatomical readiness of the body. In addition, experts strongly advise against using these hygiene products in the postpartum period.
All other women for comfortable use only need to choose the right tampon. If we talk about the manufacturer, then the choice here is purely individual. The same applies to the presence or absence of an applicator.

According to the degree of absorbency, it is recommended to choose those options that correspond to the volume of secretions. On the first and last days of your period, you can use tampons with minimal absorption. On the rest of the days, representatives of the normal line are more suitable. If, due to some circumstances, a woman has abundant menstrual flow, it is recommended to use the super and super plus line.
Those who are just starting to use tampons are advised to purchase classic products, that is, cylindrical in shape. For experienced users, for their own comfort, it is permissible to use non-standard options.

How to use it correctly?
In order for the tampon to be comfortable to use, it is necessary to insert it correctly into the vagina. This is quite easy to do.
Hands should be washed well before administration. With both hands, you need to grasp different sides of the tampon, make a twisting motion and remove the package.
Then you need to release the return cord, put on the hygiene product ending on the index finger of a comfortable hand.
With the fingers of your free hand, you need to part the labia and gently insert the tampon into the vagina. The ideal location is the middle third of the vagina. With the correct introduction, it is not felt.
If a tampon with a container, you need to do almost everything the same, only the introduction is carried out directly using a plastic device... Once the hygiene product has been inserted into the vagina, the plastic applicator must be removed and discarded.
Detailed instructions for use are indicated on each package. It feels like it is unlikely to be able to understand that the tampon is full, therefore, in order to avoid leaks, it must be replaced every 2-3 hours. Of course, you can wear it longer if you have little discharge, but if you don't replace it, your discharge may leak.

When using these intimate hygiene products, it is recommended to follow certain rules.
Before opening the tampon, it is imperative to wash your hands.
It is forbidden to use expired hygiene products. The expiration date is written on the packaging.
It is recommended to remove the tampon during water procedures (bath, shower). In general, during menstruation, it is not recommended to visit the bathhouse or take a bath. Only warm showers are allowed.
At the slightest discomfort, the use should be stopped immediately and a gynecologist should be consulted.
It is not recommended to flush tampons down the toilet. It is best to dispose of them in a trash can, after wrapping them in toilet paper.
Using such hygiene products is comfortable and safe. The main thing is compliance with the instructions for use and timely replacement.