All about Indian dances

Indian dances not only look beautiful from the outside, but also have a beneficial effect on the entire human body. Therefore, both young girls and adult ladies are happy to do them.

History of origin
Indian dances appeared several thousand years ago. The god Shiva was originally considered the patron saint of this art form. It was him in the dance that the girls thanked for everything that he gave to humanity. Therefore, he has always been especially important for people.

Indian dances were originally performed by specially trained dancers. They did it in temples. Since then, most of the classical Indian dances have been performed by girls without a partner.
Over time, art began to change. Dances are no longer ritualistic. They began to be performed for the amusement of wealthy people. At this time, the girls began to perform in bright, charming costumes and pay attention to the story they told during the dance. Therefore, their performances became more meaningful and interesting.

There are a large number of different styles of dance now. They are performed both alone and in groups. Indian dances differ significantly from classical Western choreography. In ballet, the emphasis is on the movement of the legs. At the same time, the body remains motionless. Indian dances are different from ballet. They are performed on bent legs. The torso and hands also remain very active.

Watching the beauties performing Indian dances is pleasant and interesting.
Currently, there are several main styles of Indian dances. They are popular not only in the country, but also abroad.
This is one of the oldest stylistic trends. This particular dance was performed in churches by young girls. When this tradition faded into the past, the dance style itself was forgotten.
Interest in him has returned relatively recently. Nowadays, it is often made the basis of productions that tell old legends and mythological plots. This dance is performed not only in India, but also in other countries. It is usually danced in bright outfits and with a lot of jewelry.

Such dances were also often done the basis of theatrical performances. They are usually performed in a group. Most often, dance performances are devoted to mythological subjects.
The main movements of the dance are always thought out and verified. Professional dancers usually go through a long training course to learn how to combine dance elements with each other. This type of dance should only be learned by people with experience. In this case, all movements will look beautiful and effective.

This dance originated in one of the mountainous regions of the country. There is even a legend there that the gods in this area specially drained a wide lake in order to create a large platform for performances there. This dance is performed at most special events. Outfits for performances are always chosen bright and beautiful.

This classical dance is characterized by rhythm and beauty. It is usually performed with loud music. It consists of complex movements, so it takes more than one month to learn. It is best to practice this with a good and experienced coach.

Initially, the dance was performed on bent legs, but over time the situation has changed. This style was especially influenced by the Muslim conquerors. Therefore, they perform it in brighter costumes.
Not the least role is played by mimicry of a dancer... The speaker always behaves naturally, without controlling facial expression and head position.

This style originated in the eastern part of India. The dance is difficult to learn and therefore not at all suitable for beginners. But watching the girls who perform it is very pleasant. They usually look like sculptures that come to life.

Modern Indian dance
This dance direction has appeared relatively recently. It combines classic movements with modern ones. The finished dance looks easy and beautiful. Very often, productions include elements from Indian films.

Sign language
As already mentioned, in Indian dance, all gestures mean something important. Therefore, dancers should always keep an eye on the position of their body, head and even hands.
In India, there is a kind of sign alphabet, consisting of 23 hastas. This term refers to the movement of the hands. The most popular are the following hastas.
- "Swan". The movement is very simple. The palm with the fingers pressed together rises. In this position, it is fixed for a few seconds. Many dancers report that this hasta helps to concentrate on the dance and also to calm down.

- "Invader"... To perform this movement, the palm is tightly clenched into a fist. The gesture conveys confidence and determination.

- "Half moon"... This mark looks like a fist with outstretched thumb and forefinger.

- "Lion's head"... To perform this movement, the thumb is connected to the ring and middle fingers. This gesture adds femininity and beauty to the dance.

- "Peacock". This sign is a real decoration of the dance. To perform this movement, all fingers must be straightened. This must be done very carefully. After that, the thumb and ring finger must be connected. This movement also helps to calm down and relieve stress.

All of these gestures should be practiced in a good mood and relaxed state.
A beginner dancer also needs to remember simple head movements. First you need to learn the following elements of the dance:
- circular motion - this element symbolizes mental throwing and uncertainty;
- head tilt - if the dancer's head is tilted to the side, the girl thus tells others about her love;
- back and forth head movements symbolize passion for the ongoing conversation.

If the head remains motionless, the dancer thus expresses her coldness and indifference.

Girls performing Indian dances can tell a lot to the world around them with their eyes. So, for example, if a person looks straight ahead during movements, this emphasizes his determination and self-confidence. Raised eyebrows and eye movements from side to side symbolize falling in love.

During the performance, the dancers try to combine all the movements with each other. In this case, the dance becomes a full-fledged story, which is interesting to watch.
In order for the dance to look beautiful from the outside, it must be performed to spectacular music. It is best to choose time-tested melodies for this.
The best option is music from popular films. Beautiful melodies are found in most Bollywood stories. Therefore, it will be very easy to choose something interesting for yourself. It is best to choose a melody that accompanies some kind of spectacular performance. In this case, it will be possible to understand how the easiest way is to stage a dance to the song you like.

Having learned the basic movements, the girl will be able to dance to more modern melodies. The main thing is that they are beautiful and energetic.
Indian dances must be performed in beautiful outfits. A traditional female dance costume should be colorful. This applies to both children's outfits and sets for adults.

Indian dances are usually performed in silk garments of gold, red, blue or green. Things decorated with coins or heavy jewelry look especially beautiful.
The dance outfit should sit loosely on the body. In this case, he will not hinder movement and interfere with the performance. Girls with a lush bust should choose a top that securely fixes their breasts. The bodice should be comfortable and not too tight.

No dancing shoes are needed. Girls almost always dance barefoot. Before performances, beauties usually paint their feet with henna. Such patterns stay on the body for a long time.

The resulting image of a girl is usually complemented with bright bracelets that ring during the dance. They are worn on both legs and arms. This makes the performance even more effective. When creating a bright image for performances, you can also focus on the costumes of popular dancers. They always dress up interestingly for their shows.

Beautiful suits are worth choosing even for training. In this case, the girl will feel more confident. In addition, her movements from the side will look more beautiful. For training, it is worth choosing outfits from light natural fabrics.

Most often, dancers wear a short, comfortable top and a light skirt.
How to learn to dance at home?
Classical Indian dances are quite difficult to perform. Therefore, the process of learning basic movements usually takes a lot of time. There are several ways to learn how to dance Indian dances from scratch.
- Dance school... Now there are classes for both children and adult women. You can find an opportunity to study Indian dance in almost any city. Learning to dance in a group is fun. After all, people interested in this art come to such classes. You need to choose a school based on its reputation, as well as reviews of teachers.

- Online learning... There are many Indian dance lessons on the internet. This type of activity helps to learn only basic movements. Videos with clippings from Indian films will also help beginners learn to dance beautifully.They have a lot of beautiful movements that most girls can repeat.

- Classes with a teacher... This method helps you learn how to dance beautifully in a short time. A personal teacher will be able to notice all the mistakes and correct them in time.

Fans of Indian culture can go to India. This is where it is easiest to find a truly talented teacher.
In the process of training, beginner dancers should adhere to the following tips.
- It is important for home workouts to create the right conditions at home.... To do this, you need to free up part of the room. A large mirror should also be placed in the room. In this case, the girl will always control her movements. Before training, you can light candles or an aroma lamp. This will allow you to tune in the right way and concentrate on your movements.

- You need to repeat the dance elements constantly. In India, boys and girls learn to dance at an early age. Therefore, they manage to dance over time without any difficulties. Modern dancers should also do self-improvement on a regular basis. You can dance not only in class, but also while performing some routine tasks. This will allow you to better feel your body and learn to move more beautifully.

- To track your progress, as well as to notice any mistakes, workouts can be recorded on video from time to time.... This method is great for people who study at school or with a coach, and then repeat the learned movements at home.

- Indian dance is a symbiosis of several arts... Therefore, novice dancers should study the culture of India, as well as its mythology. This will help make your dances more beautiful and meaningful.

- You need to dance in a good mood. In this case, exercise will help the person get rid of stress. In addition, if the dancer is relaxed, her movements look more beautiful from the side.

- Indian dances are suitable for girls with any type of figure... Regular exercise helps a person lose weight. In addition, they have a positive effect on the condition of the bones, as well as the cardiovascular system.

- Don't be afraid to showcase your dancing skills to others.... A beautiful dance will help to pleasantly surprise your beloved man or a group of friends.

The process of learning Indian dance takes a lot of time. Therefore, you should not be upset if something does not work out in the first weeks after the start of classes.
You will learn more about what the movements in Indian dance mean in the video below.