Choosing clothing for the pole

Pole Dance is a popular direction in the world of choreography. For a successful and productive workout, you need to carefully choose your clothing. It is worth considering in more detail the basic requirements, recommendations and types of what can be worn for pole dancing.

Primary requirements
Pole clothing should not hinder movement. In addition, additional requirements are imposed on it.
- Hypoallergenic... When choosing a fabric, you should give preference to materials that will not cause itching, rashes and other uncomfortable manifestations. Otherwise, pole exercises will quickly become unpleasant, and the girl will refuse to train. Interestingly, it is the clothes that can cause the development of negativity to the dance direction.
- Hygiene... Particular attention must be paid to this particular point, since the health and condition of the skin will depend on the purity of the material. Additionally, it should be noted that the uniform will have to be washed after each workout. Therefore, preference should be given to fabrics that will not shrink or deform after the next wash.
- Air permeability... It is important that Pole Dance clothing is breathable. The form should also not slide on the pole, otherwise it will not be possible to perform even an elementary trick.
- Breast support... This point is important for any sports form, regardless of the direction of the activity. Especially important for the owners of a magnificent bust. Supportive tops can help prevent chest pain when running, jumping, or jumping up and down the pole.
- Moisture absorption... This property of the fabric will help protect areas of the body from diaper rash, as well as prevent discomfort. Fabrics that are permeable to water will contribute to the formation of unpleasant odors and skin rashes.
- Low wear rate... During training, the material will constantly rub against the metal, so it is important that the fabric for clothes on the pole is of high quality and durable.

In addition, it is worth taking care of the optimal grip of the shape with the pole for performing various tricks, as well as compression in the hips. The latter is necessary to reduce the risk of injury.

Basic kit
For pole training, be sure to choose a top and shorts. This is the standard dancer's costume, which will help to create a spectacular image while protecting the necessary parts of the body from possible damage.

There are several factors to consider when choosing a basic kit.
- Manufacturer... Preference should be given to popular companies in the clothing market for pole training.
- Reviews... Buyers don't cheat if they don't like the product. Therefore, when buying a uniform, it is worth reading the comments of those who have already purchased the suit and drawing conclusions.
- Specifications... It is important, for example, what material the top or shorts are made of. If the fabric is smooth, poorly permeable to air and practically does not absorb moisture, then it will not work.
- Price... If you plan to do pole dancing actively, you should immediately prepare for the fact that your training clothes will have to be changed. Therefore, it is better to choose inexpensive models and refuse costumes at an exorbitant price.

Both adult girls and children, and even men or boys can practice on the pole.
Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to the clothes in which the classes will be held. Otherwise, all interest in training will disappear due to sweaty armpits or constant holes in the form.

Most sports shops often find bodice with a "wrestling" style. These tops are supportive bras. The pluses of clothing include a deep armhole between the shoulder blades, which is convenient for pole dancing.

Top frog
Another option for outerwear for pole training. The shape of the top provides a correct grip of the pole with the hands and the lateral region of the torso. If necessary, you can also choose a top in the "carmen" style, which differs from the "frog" in size and the presence of an asymmetric shoulder strap.

The choice of the bottom must be approached carefully. To begin with, it is worth noting that manufacturers of costumes for half-dancers build their lineup so that a dancer can choose cute and comfortable shorts for any bodice.
Pole shorts should be open and sewn from natural materials. A girl can easily find a similar option in her wardrobe. If not, you can find shorts at any store.

Another caveat - shorts should it is beneficial to emphasize the figure. Regular training will help in this, make the body fit and athletic. As a result, the girl will be able to boast of slender legs, posture and a confident gait.

Accessories and footwear
Of course, you will also need shoes and accessories for pole practice. This is a prerequisite for those who want their training to bear fruit and want to perform on stage in the future. Let's take a look at the main accessories.
- Special gloves... Basically, they are made from a lacquer base, providing inserts from knitwear or microfiber. Gloves can be classic or decorated with lace or guipure as decoration. You should immediately pay attention to the fact that gloves are not just an accessory, but real sports equipment. With its help, it is possible to increase the level of safety of the dancer during the performance of maneuvers on the pole.

- Compression bandage. Will reduce the likelihood of injury. Mostly dancers wear the element on the knee, shoulder, elbow or ankle. The bandage will be an especially relevant purchase for those new to Pole Dance, as well as for those who have problems with muscles or ligaments.Wearing a bandage will give you the opportunity to work out even the most difficult elements during training in order to demonstrate the highest class on stage.

- Gaiters... Another popular attribute of a dancer. Basically, leggings are worn during workouts to warm up soft tissues and fix the tendons of the legs. However, if desired, they can be used during the performance, especially if you plan to grab the pole at the knee level.

As for shoes, the choice of shoes depends on the personal preference of the dancer.
As statistics show, girls like to give preference to beige high-heeled shoes, but often dancers do not refuse bright options.

The most popular option is strips... These are shoes with heels up to 7 cm high and stable last. You can also choose platform shoes that match the required height. When buying strips, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the foot does not slip out or move out. Otherwise, there is a high risk of injury.

Suitable for beginners half shoesin which gymnasts are engaged. This is a fairly modest option with minimal risk of injury. If you don't have half shoes at hand, you can practice in knitted socks. But sneakers should be discarded immediately. Pole Dance requires dancers to step constantly on their toes, which would be inconvenient to do in such stiff shoes.

When choosing shoes, girls often make some mistakes.
- Buy strips exactly according to the size of the foot. In the manufacture of shoes, silicone or leather is used to make the upper part. Both materials stretch well, resulting in an increase in shoe size with each workout. Therefore, it is not recommended to buy strips exactly the same size as your feet. It is better to take shoes one size smaller.
- They train on a high platform from the first lessons. There is no need to abruptly leave your comfort zone and immediately get on your heels, if before that there was no opportunity to get used to them. It is worth starting with shoes, the height of the platform of which does not exceed 3 cm. It is interesting that at some competitions strips of this height are allowed.
- Choosing expensive training shoes... This is unnecessary, because during Pole Dance lessons the choreographer will not pay attention to the dancer's appearance. Unless she comes in sneakers. Shoes should be simple, comfortable and durable.

Choosing shoes and accessories will take a lot of time and effort if you do not take into account the recommendations in advance and do not make a list of what you need. Before buying, you should study the reviews of the manufacturers of gloves, strips and other products that will be needed during training or performances.

Selection Tips
Buying clothing for your Pole Dance workout requires a careful approach. When choosing a costume for dancing, it is necessary to take into account several recommendations, which will allow you to acquire a durable and high-quality shape.

Basic tips for choosing clothes for pole practice:
- The material should not slide over the surface... The best option would be a uniform made of polyester, elastane, microfiber, cotton or support.
- Clothes should easy to wear off without deterioration in quality after frequent washings.
- When choosing a topic, you should pay attention to those models in which you are comfortableand they fit the chest well.
- The suit must be wear-resistant... This applies to both adults and children's pool dance costumes, if the guys want to attend pole training.
- If you are allergic to materials, then it is worth buying clothes made of fabric that will not cause itching and other unpleasant reactions.
- Clothes must "breathe" and absorb moisture well, so as not to cause discomfort during training.

Pole dancing is an exciting and healthy activity for a girl. No need to think that this direction is suitable only for the liberated representatives of the fair sex. Regular training will awaken femininity, add charm, and make the body beautiful.