Everything you need to know about watercolor lip tattoo

Lip tattooing in watercolor technique allows you to correct minor imperfections in your appearance. This permanent makeup looks natural. It is with this that he attracts many girls and women who have decided to change something in their appearance.

general description
Watercolor lip tattooing attracts young girls. This technique of applying a permanent under the skin is also called contourless, because the essence of the method is to use light shades for tattooing and carefully blend the pigment. A clear contour around the lips is not drawn. Therefore, most people do not even know that the girl has done a tattoo.

There are many benefits to this technique.
- The contourless technique is suitable for both young girls and ladies in years. There are no age restrictions. The same goes for looks. Tattooing in watercolor technique will make both a bright brunette and a graceful blonde better.
- Watercolor tattooing helps to hide minor imperfections in appearance. Using this technique, you can mask small scars or make your lips more even.
- Tattooed girls spend less money on makeup. To create everyday makeup, they just need to use powder and mascara. The lips already look bright and seductive.
- After the lips are completely healed, you can use any cosmetic products. Therefore, tattooed girls also experiment with cosmetics and change their image.
- The effect of such a procedure lasts for a long time. Watercolors remain on the lips for about 24 months.The right approach allows you to make permanent makeup even more long-lasting.
- Permanent make-up allows not only to make lips brighter and hide various imperfections, but also to add volume to them.

There are also disadvantages to this procedure. The main one is the high cost. But the result is definitely worth it. Therefore, there is no need to try to save money on the procedure. The work of a bad craftsman may not look very attractive. In addition, if tattooing is done in poor conditions, a person is at risk of contracting infectious diseases. But such situations can be avoided by choosing the right master for yourself.
For many girls, a significant drawback is the lengthy rehabilitation process. This must be taken into account when preparing for the procedure.

Who is the makeup for?
Tattooing in watercolor technique looks natural and attractive, therefore, it suits most of the fair sex.
- Girls with light lips. If you choose a pigment 1-2 shades darker than the natural tone of the lips, they will look much brighter and sexier.
- Women over 45. This procedure helps to mask expression lines and slightly lift the corners of the lips. Thanks to this, the image as a whole looks brighter and more beautiful.
- Girls with asymmetrical lips. If the lips are naturally not very smooth, they can be corrected with the right pigment.
It is not recommended to do such permanent makeup for girls with too thin lips. In most cases, this procedure is not helpful.

Color selection
As a rule, girls who decide to make a tattoo using a watercolor technique choose natural shades for themselves. The palette of colors used by the craftsmen is very large. Therefore, any girl can find a suitable option. It is worth choosing your ideal shade, focusing on the type of your appearance.
- Winter. Girls with this color type usually have very pale skin, dark hair and blue, green or brown eyes. Faded shades of pink suit them.

- Spring. Representatives of this color type are easily recognizable by their light blond hair and light skin with a warm undertone. They are suitable for nude, peach, apricot and light pink shades.

- Summer. Women with this color type have fair skin and gray or gray-green eyes. Most of its representatives are blondes or girls with very light blond hair. Warm shades of pink and peach-colored pigments suit them.

- Autumn. This type includes redhead girls with green or brown eyes and dark eyebrows. They tend to work in darker shades.

It is best to choose the most suitable color for yourself together with the master who will carry out the procedure.
A girl should start preparing for a tattoo in advance. First you need to decide when the procedure will be carried out. To do this, you need to sign up for a consultation with a beautician. There it will also be possible to determine what the future lip color will be. When choosing a suitable date, one should take into account the fact that the skin after tattooing is restored within two weeks.
In the future, the girl prepares for the procedure on her own. In a week, you need to start scrubbing the skin of the lips. To do this, you can use both purchased products and homemade products. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the delicate skin. Lips should also be regularly moisturized with any hygienic lipstick or balm.

A few days before the procedure, it is also important to stop drinking coffee, tea and alcohol. Do not take blood thinning medications. Otherwise, the pigment will less penetrate under the skin. In addition, the lips will bleed more during the procedure.
To eliminate the risk of herpes, it is also recommended to drink a course of high-quality antiviral drugs a week before the procedure.It is best to select the appropriate drug together with a beautician.

Technique of the procedure
Lip tattooing is always done under sterile conditions. This eliminates the risk of contracting infectious diseases. The procedure consists of several main stages.
- Purification. To begin with, rub the lips with an antiseptic, and also use a scrub to remove keratinized skin particles.
- Anesthesia. Since tattooing is a rather painful procedure, the master uses anesthetics before performing it. Thanks to this, the client does not feel pain, but a slight tingling sensation during the introduction of the permanent under the skin. Since the pain threshold is different for everyone, anesthetics must be selected individually.
- Pigment injection under the skin. After the pain reliever has worked, you can start the procedure. This is the part that takes the most time.
- Lip treatment. After the end of the session, the skin must be treated with an antiseptic, as well as a special solution that accelerates the regeneration process.
The whole procedure lasts on average from one and a half to two hours.

Healing and care
After tattooing, the lips heal for a long time. Visible lesions usually disappear within 10–12 days. Therefore, if the lips in the first week after tattooing seem pale and ugly, you should not be upset. Over time, the skin will heal and the pigment will become brighter.
Separately, it should be noted that a crust appears on the lips during the healing process. In no case should it be ripped off. She will disappear by herself in a couple of days. If you injure your skin at this stage, you can spoil the result.
At this time, the lips can be treated with special healing agents. A cold compress can help relieve swelling. It is not recommended to use hydrogen peroxide or products containing alcohol at this stage. This can lead to dry skin and irritation even more noticeable.
Some girls have small bubbles on their lips 3-5 days after the session. Also, do not touch them with your hands or try to open them. However, if you take antiviral drugs in advance, this problem can be avoided.

How long does the tattoo last?
Tattooing in watercolor technique lasts quite a long time. To make the lips always look spectacular, experts recommend regular correction.
For the first time, you will have to contact the master in 2-3 months. At this stage, the specialist can correct some minor imperfections or make the color brighter. After such a correction, the lips look perfect.
In the future, the correction will need to be carried out every six months. If done correctly, the tattoo will last for two years. How long the color on the lips will last depends on several parameters at once.
- The quality of the dye. For this reason, you should not skimp on the procedure. Cheap pigment won't last long on your skin. Therefore, it is much more profitable to pay more and be sure that the result will be visible even after a few months. It is recommended to sign up for the procedure to a trusted master with a large number of positive reviews.
- Age. In young girls, the skin is renewed much faster. Therefore, the pigment on the lips does not last very long. Older women can count on permanent makeup to look beautiful even 2-3 years after the procedure.
- External factors. The brightness of the color is also influenced by how much time a girl spends in the sun. In addition, regular lip scrubbing and peeling contributes to the fading of the pigment.

If the tattoo gets bored over time, it can be completely blocked or removed. There are now two methods for removing pigment. It can be removed using a neodymium laser. The procedure is painless. The laser beam gently affects the pigment. This does not damage the skin. The big disadvantage of such a procedure is its long-term nature. To completely remove the pigment, 3-4 procedures are required.You need to go to them once every two months.
A remover can also be used to remove pigment. The process of lip cleansing in this case takes less time, but the procedure is much more expensive. But it only lasts 1-2 hours. The process of removing pigment with a remover is not much different from the tattoo itself.
It is important to give your lips proper care after the procedure. In this case, the skin will quickly recover.

Are there any contraindications?
Like any other cosmetic procedures, tattooing in watercolor technique has its own contraindications. Girls and women with diabetes mellitus, mental disorders, epilepsy and cancer cannot sign up for the procedure. You can not do tattoo and pregnant women. It is not recommended to sign up for a session and people who have suffered some kind of complex illness, because at this time their immunity is weakened.
The procedure should be postponed for women who have herpes, small cracks or wounds on their lips. Before tattooing, you need to wait for complete healing. Otherwise, there may be problems with the blending of the pigment. This will make the color uneven. It is not recommended to do lip tattooing during menstruation. At this time, the female body is also weakened, so the procedure should be postponed to the middle of the cycle.

In general, lip tattooing using watercolor technique is a great way to change your appearance for the better. The main thing is to choose a good master for yourself and take proper care of your skin after the procedure.