Permanent lip makeup

Permanent makeup is designed to solve several problems: color, volume and contour are the main components of lip beauty. And in order not to make up this part of the face every day, they make a permanent. For many women, this is convenient, because the result is lasting, relieves worries about the condition of the lips and makes the face more expressive without daily efforts.

What it is?
Permanent lip makeup is a cosmetic procedure based on the introduction of the coloring composition into the upper layer of the epidermis by 0.3-0.8 mm... Very often, a permanent is called a tattoo, but these are two different procedures. In simple terms, tattooing is a much more durable story, which is both its main plus and its main disadvantage. The dye is injected deep under the skin. Permanent is not for life, it needs to be corrected, renewed. But the result also looks softer and more natural.
What else is important to know about lip permanent:
- a surface permanent make-up will last 1.5 years, if a more complicated technique was used - 2–2.5 years;
- constant moisturizing and professional performance allow you to maintain a professional shade up to 3-5 years;
- coloring compositions are hypoallergenic;
- it is not traumatic if the procedure is performed by a professional, and the woman herself follows all his recommendations for lip care;
- the color is always selected individually, organic matter is at the forefront - there should be no conflict of color types on the face, etc.;
- you can choose the technique in which the master will make the permanent: from contour to volumetric;
- the procedure requires preparation, including the prevention of herpes (even if it has never been seen before);
- you need to prepare for the healing stage - to understand very clearly how it will go, what it is, what is possible and what is not.
Information preparation before the procedure is required, permanent make-up is not done impulsively, in an emotional outburst. It is not cheap, it is not completely reversible (you cannot “wash off” the permanent the next day), you need to be psychologically prepared for this.

Indications and contraindications
The main indication is the desire to make your lips more expressive, to give them a lively, natural shade that matches the overall appearance as much as possible. At any time of the day or night, the lips will look "smart", decorated, there will be no need to waste time on lipstick and so on. Who can't make a permanent:
- clients with recent herpes, fungal diseases, viral infections and injuries of the skin, lips;
- women with certain blood pathologies (in particular, coagulation disorders);
- patients with epilepsy;
- those who have a tendency to form colloidal scars.
Serious pathologies are always a risk, therefore, for diabetes, for example, a permanent is also not recommended. It is not given to pregnant women (unpredictable reaction), as well as the first 2-4 months after childbirth. An altered hormonal background is a serious factor that affects the result, therefore, such restrictions. Hence one more conclusion: during menstruation it is also not advised to plan a session of a permanent. And during pregnancy, moreover, decisions can be impulsive, not very balanced.
The advantage of permanent makeup is that before it starts, the master conducts a test reaction. This already allows us to make some predictions. Although 100% even an experienced master will not be sure of what will turn out in the end. But since the permanent is no longer considered a novelty, this is not a risky experiment, but a carefully thought out step-by-step procedure. Including weighed in terms of solving negative scenarios, make-up adjustments.

One and the same master can own several techniques, and he will not impose one or another simply because of his desire. A competent specialist acts on request and in accordance with the situation. That is, every time he looks at what will help a specific client to better solve her problem, what kind of technique to use.
- Outline drawing... Contouring technique involves drawing a very clear and very accurate contour with its own uneven and blurry. The shade can be matched to the tone of the lips so that the stroke does not seem fake, drawn with a pencil. More often, older women prefer this procedure, because the natural contour of the lips becomes less and less clear, wrinkles appear, from which you want to divert attention - and the version of the contouring technique copes with this.

- Ombre... This procedure is called innovative, because it is not always easy to find a specialist who is fluent in it. The technique can be called jewelry. It requires a subtle approach, because the resulting color transition is very complex.

- Full color fill. It is also called permanent lipstick (lipstick effect). The contour is completely filled with pigment, after that the lips will look bright, as if they were painted with thick lipstick. If you choose the right dyes, you can add gloss.

- Feathering contour outlines... To make the lips have a clear outline, and the color is brighter and more juicy, such a pitchfork permanent is used. The center of the lips will remain unpainted, which will create the effect of a slightly worn lipstick - it has its own charm.

- 3D tattoo. A very difficult technique, because you have to work with five shades, or even more. This type of permanent is preferred by people with asymmetric lips that they want to hide. He will mask the blurred contour, the lips after him become visually more plump. But one session is not enough for such a technique - it is usually carried out in two stages.

- Watercolor... One of the most demanded techniques.This soft and contourless permanent is made in natural, pastel shades. The lips will look natural, as if slightly tinted with gloss or touched with lip balm.

- Light kayal... The artist should use light pigments to highlight specific areas above the lips - and below the lips too, to create the effect of plump lips. Also, not every master undertakes such a procedure.

- Naturel... Expressive, luscious lips, but without changing the natural shape - this is the essence of this technique. Only natural shades are used, they look natural, lips differ little from beautiful and juicy natural ones.

Color selection
There are plenty to choose from, because the set of pigments is constantly being replenished with new colors. If someone wants a radical red, another will agree to the actual dusty rose, and the third - only to beige or pink. But in between all this there are still some interesting shades.
What determines the choice of color:
- from the client's color type, the shade of her skin and hair color (this does not mean that for blondes one color, and for brunettes - others, external data are taken in aggregate);
- on whether a woman wants to look painted after make-up or there is a desire to simply fill her lips with color, imitating natural pigment;
- whether she wants to make the outline expressive (it can even be brown, if it is organic for a particular client);
- on whether the lips increase a given color and whether the client needs it;
- from the application technique: it is sprayed on or watercolor, for example;
- from the original shape of the lips - thin and full lips will require different color schemes.
The best solution is what the client is completely satisfied with and what the master chose as the most in harmony with the woman's appearance. It may not be possible to come to an agreement right away - you need to listen to each other and offer options.

How to Prepare?
Good preparation increases the chances that the procedure will be as successful as possible.
What does it consist of:
- a few days before the session, you can not take drugs that promote blood thinning and vasodilation;
- the day before the procedure, you need to give up coffee, cola, energy drinks and all caffeinated drinks;
- seafood is also excluded from the diet, at least a couple of days before the session;
- alcohol is not consumed before and after the procedure;
- it is good if the permanent is carried out at the beginning or in the middle of the menstrual cycle;
- prevention of herpes is an obligatory moment in preparation; at a preliminary consultation, the master will give more precise recommendations.
The healthier and more positive-minded a person comes to the procedure, the more successful it will be. Therefore, you should not plan a permanent immediately after an illness (even a mild cold). You shouldn't even put it in your plans if there will be a grueling business trip or climate change, vigorous physical activity, etc.

How is the procedure carried out?
It all starts with a consultation - the master must look at the client, listen to her requests, explain how the expectations correspond to the possibilities. The master will introduce the preparation course and appoint the day of the procedure.
In the cabin
In this place, specially equipped according to all standards, a permanent make-up session should take place. Doing it yourself is not an option. Even the masters themselves come to their colleagues, because the work requires special precision and care.
A specialist draws a contour, applies a sketch, selects shades. If the client requires it - and the master considers it necessary, a local anesthetic is used. This is not an injection, but a gel or spray. By the way, he is not always needed. The painfulness of the procedure should be discussed separately. According to the observations of beauty experts, the client's setting is very important: if she is tense, the pain will be noticeable, if you tune in correctly, the procedure will seem a little uncomfortable at most.
First the contour, then the shading - everything happens slowly. On average, the procedure can take up to 3 hours.The duration will depend on the specific technology. The master works with a special apparatus, uses different configurations of needles (or rather, microneedles). What the client leaves the office with is not the final version of the permanent.
The end result is achieved in stages: the wound will heal, a crust will form, etc. A lot also depends on further home care.

Specialists do not carry out a permanent at home, because the procedure requires suitable conditions. Such cases are rare, and they do it as an exception. Even elementary high-quality lighting at home may not be available. But in some situations, the master may come to the client after the session to advise on how to treat wounds, follow the healing process, etc. As a rule, this is paid separately.
Care advice
On average, a week is spent on the primary healing of the lips. For some it happens faster, for others it takes longer. For about a couple of days, slight swelling will persist. At first, the lips look overly bright, some clients are surprised, even frightened. But it is worth believing the master - over time, the excess brightness will go away.
We will learn how to effectively undergo rehabilitation.
- The surface of the lips in the first days will be predictably wet, this is normal. It is necessary to blot the wetted areas with a sterile napkin dipped in chlorhexidine.
- Then crusts form, which will temporarily make the make pale. And the main thing is not to touch these crusts, they will disappear by themselves. They can neither be removed nor scratched. They are comparable to a natural dressing that protects injured skin.
- If excessive dryness is observed, the skin can be treated "Bepantenom" or baby petroleum jelly, moisturize.
- Try not to drink hot drinks at all, cold drinks - only through a tube.
- Physical exercise, provoking excessive sweating, at least for a week it is necessary to exclude.
- Brush your teeth as carefully as possible., the first couple of days you can do without it (they will replace, at least partially, brushing your teeth with chewing gum, mint lozenges).
- Smoking, kissing, eating solid food, eating a lot in principle - all this interferes with healing. Naturally, you need to worry less about your lips.
Restrictions are not a system of developing willpower, but a necessity. Again, it is dangerous to overdo it. You don't need to moisturize your lips if dryness doesn't show up. No need to handle the crusts, even if they seem very noticeable, even if itching. And yet, if you have serious doubts about whether the healing process is proceeding correctly, you should consult a specialist.

Review overview
It's always interesting to see what people say when they rate their experience in beauty treatments.
What disadvantages are most often noted in reviews in thematic publics, on forums and accounts:
- lost the color - the master insisted on his own, the client saw it differently;
- after the procedure, herpes began to pursue - but, most likely, before the permanent, the client did not include anti-herpes prophylaxis in the preparation for the procedure;
- lips "worn out" faster than expected - here a lot is individual, depends on the client's body and not only;
- quickly got bored - not enough psychological preparation, perhaps the decision about the permanent was made impulsively.
Of course, it should not be ruled out that a bad master has been caught by the dissatisfied reviewers. If the permanent disappears after a year, or even disappeared even earlier, this is a mistake by the specialist.
Which of the advantages is most often noted in the reviews:
- if the permanent is made with high quality, it allows you to visually increase the volume of the lips, which eliminates the need for more radical intervention for the same effect;
- often a successful lip permanent is enough to make the face look beautiful and without makeup at all - it turns out that the emphasis on the lips can cancel the daily need to paint the eyes;
- the face becomes more symmetrical, because the lips acquire a clear contour;
- visually, with the help of a well-chosen shade and contour, you can make the jaw less massive, align the face.
In any case, at the beginning there will be a consultation that will help the client to dispel internal doubts, to understand what will happen and what exactly the master can offer her.