Lip tattoo

What should not be done after lip tattooing?

What should not be done after lip tattooing?
  1. Can I wet it and why?
  2. Should I go to the bathhouse after the procedure?
  3. Other restrictions

A woman at all times remains a woman: for a long time she brings beauty to her face, corrects her flaws in the latest ways, but at the same time tries to save time and money. Lip tattooing is a fairly common procedure, but not every woman knows that a lot cannot be done after a permanent. You can find out about this from the publication below.

Can I wet it and why?

After the permanent, on the first day, it is forbidden to wet the lips under any pretext. That is, you cannot:

  • wash your face;
  • drink hot;
  • Eating;
  • kiss.

Such strict rules are associated with the fact that a crust should appear at the site of the contour, so the exfoliation process should not be interfered with. Later, eating and drinking is carried out only with the help of a straw. The lips themselves are moisturized with special products and ointments recommended by the beautician.

If water does get into the area where the pigment is applied, blot it with a cotton pad, but under no circumstances wipe by hand or towel - this can lead to the removal of the coloring matter. The lip permanent is not inserted very deeply. It is allowed to wash only on the 4th-5th day, but on condition of minimal touch to the lips, so as not to disrupt the natural exfoliation process. Better to wash with boiled water. Tap water contains many harmful impurities that can provoke inflammatory processes.

Don't use soap, but rather use an antibacterial cleansing gel. Wet lips can only be lightly blotted with a tampon. It must be remembered that any mechanical action will disrupt natural healing.Further, the lips continue to be treated with special cosmetics: they are used for the entire healing period of the tattoo.

But it is strictly forbidden to treat the skin with creams and lotions containing alcohol: this can lead to discoloration or discoloration.

Should I go to the bathhouse after the procedure?

After permanent make-up, it is not recommended to visit the pool, go to the bathhouse or sauna. Chlorinated pool water has a negative effect on lip tattooing. Simply put, chlorine corrodes the pigment substance.

Sauna and bathhouse are prohibited primarily due to the fact that it is impossible to wet the lips after the tattoo procedure. In addition, under the influence of heat or steam, the crusts on the lips will quickly soften, after which they will begin to fall off along with the pigment.

Other restrictions

In addition to the above rules, which are mandatory, there are a number of restrictions during the healing period of the lips after tattooing. Let's list them.

  • Do not rub the lips and skin around the mouth with your hands to avoid getting infection into the healing wounds. The treated area is very vulnerable. In addition to the high risk of erasing the pigment, there is a high likelihood of microbes entering the wounds.
  • For the same reason - the drift of infection with the ingress of bacteria - it is recommended to refrain from kissing during the healing of the lips. You can kiss only when the crust has completely disappeared.
  • You can not apply cosmetics, with the exception of lip treatment with special formulations, which will be prescribed by a beautician.
  • We'll have to give up salty, sour, spicy foods and hot dishes for a while. Smoking and alcoholic drinks are also prohibited.
  • You cannot sunbathe in the sun, and you also need to temporarily abandon the solarium. In the sun, the tattoo can simply fade, especially in the first days after the procedure. In the future, you need to protect your lips with sunscreen or just cover them.
  • During the healing of wounds in the mouth, hairs are not plucked out and, of course, they are not shaved off, since there is a high probability of damaging the skin surface. The damaged area must be left alone until the wounds are completely healed.

You should not try to speed up the healing process or, conversely, postpone it with random actions. Recovery must take place in natural conditions. For the duration of the healing of the lips, you should refrain from jogging, visiting gyms and avoiding any physical activity. Beauty requires sacrifice, which is confirmed by this example. But for the sake of beautiful lush lips and a charming smile, it's worth a little patience. But then more time will appear: it will no longer need to be spent at the mirror, drawing contours and applying decorative cosmetics.

The permanent will help out great if all the restrictive rules are followed after this procedure. Lips will have an attractive and fresh look without lipstick, gloss and additional contour.

With proper care, lip pigment will last from 2 to 7 years. But how quickly the healing will take place depends on strict or irresponsible compliance with all the restrictions described above.

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