How long does permanent lip makeup last?

Lip tattooing, along with other permanent techniques, is now in great demand. Gone are the days when it looked more like a rough pencil stroke and looked grotesque. Modern developments in the field of permanent makeup make it possible to make lips bright, correct their shape and color, and make them look natural. Of course, women wishing to undergo this procedure will be interested to know how long lip tattooing lasts without correction, and what happens when the pigment starts to peel off.

What factors influence wearing time?
The durability of a permanent make-up depends on:
- pigment application areas;
- the selected color (light shades fade faster than dark ones);
- the use of decorative cosmetics;
- carrying out various care procedures (tattooing “does not like” saunas, solariums, scrubs and peels).
And also the physiological characteristics of a particular carrier and the technique of introducing pigment under the skin have a great influence on the time of wearing. Let's take a closer look at these factors.

Individual characteristics
These include the following points.
- Age. The younger the owner of permanent lip makeup is, the more often she will have to visit a master for correction. This is due to the fact that over the years, skin regeneration slows down, as well as metabolic processes. A pigment is, in fact, a foreign substance, and a young organism seeks to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Skin cells are renewed, restored, lips heal, gradually returning to their original appearance.At a more mature age, especially if we are talking about the 60+ category, metabolic and regenerative processes become much slower, and the pigment is no longer excreted from the body at such a rate.
- Skin type. The increased work of the sebaceous glands plays against any permanent. Therefore, owners of oily skin have to renew it more often, using drying agents in between corrections. Women with dry skin types may visit a master less often.
- The work of the immune system. This is just the case when strong immunity is not a "helper" in maintaining the effect of tattooing. On the contrary, the more harmoniously the immune system works, the faster the pigment leaves your lips.
- Love for sunbathing. UV radiation has a detrimental effect on permanent makeup. Therefore, girls who love visiting beaches, solariums, walking under the scorching sun should additionally use protective equipment, for example, hygienic lipstick, which protects their lips from too intense exposure to sunlight. If you do not do this, you will have to visit a specialist and correct the tattoo very often.
- Physical activity. A visit to the gym, vigorous training, vigorous dancing - all this helps to accelerate metabolism and, as a result, remove pigment from the skin.

In the 21st century, many techniques have been developed for injecting dye under the skin of the lips. Gone are the days when masters drew a bright thick outline and were limited to this. Modern technologies allow you to paint over lips so thinly and with high quality that sometimes at first glance it is impossible to guess that there is a tattoo.
Before proceeding with the analysis of the techniques, we will mention several factors that affect the durability of permanent makeup, in addition to the above:
- the degree of complexity of the technology - the higher it is, the more prolonged the effect will be;
- the depth of the pigment injection - it is logical to assume that the deeply injected dye will be removed by the body longer;
- paint shade - the lighter it is, the faster it will disappear.

Now let's talk about techniques.
- Contour. Implies the design of exclusively lip contours. The tattoo artist applies a thin line, moving along the natural outline of the lips, giving them definition. The pigment is injected to a depth of 1 millimeter. The range of shades here is extensive: you can choose either brighter or more natural. Such a permanent does not last very long.
- Watercolor. Here it is already possible to correct the shape of the lips, mask some imperfections. The essence of the technology is shading the dye, in color identical to the natural shade of the lips, without outlining their contours. As a rule, the specialist mixes 2 tones of paint to give the lips a more natural look (it looks like they were painted with gloss or balm). The pigment is injected to a depth of 0.8 mm. Watercolor tattoo can last for about 3 years.
- Contouring + feathering. This is a more complex technique that allows you to correct the shape of the lips, to make their outline more clear. At the first stage, a contour is applied, then the entire surface of the lips is filled with a dye.
- Powder dusting. It is an effect exclusively on the upper layer of the skin of the lips, which is minimally injured. The wearing period of such a permanent is not too long, but it can be prolonged if several layers of pigment are added. When working, the master uses a palette that is as close as possible to the natural color of the client's lips.
- 3D tattoo. This is "aerobatics" in the skill of permanent lip makeup. Its peculiarity is the visual creation of the effect of plump lips through the play of colors. Only high-class masters undertake its implementation, since a very precise and delicate distribution of pigments of different colors over the entire surface of the lips is required. Such work can hold up to 4 years.
- Ombre. This is the name for the gradual transition of tone from dark to light and vice versa. A tattoo technique with this name implies the application of dye from the contours to the center with a gradual lightening of the shade.
Regardless of the technology chosen, permanent makeup will last for a longer period if a specialist injects several layers of pigment under the skin, even at a shallow depth.

How long does the tattoo last?
If the work on applying permanent makeup was carried out in good faith, observing all the nuances of the chosen technique, using high-quality dyes, the effect of tattooing can remain in its original form for about 3-4 years.
However, since the skin on the lips is very thin and often comes into contact with various substances (acids, water, decorative cosmetics), it needs good care, and the tattoo needs periodic correction about once a year and a half.
How does a permanent come off?
Often, ladies are afraid that the permanent lip makeup will start to fade sharply, or the original shade of the dye will change. But this will not happen if you go to a trusted master in a good beauty salon.
Of course, the tattoo will fade over time, but this will happen gradually, it will not disappear in "pieces" - the color will simply lose its saturation. The disappearance of the pigment after a month is not a reason to panic, but the natural process of taking the final shade. As a rule, it is at this time that a repeated visit to a specialist is necessary to consolidate the result.