Lip care after permanent makeup

Permanent make-up, of course, is a godsend for those who want to look good always, not to depend on cosmetics (maybe minimal) and free time. So it tempts to sign up for a procedure when you see someone's successful permanent. But, before agreeing to the transformation, it is worth learning in more detail not only about the upcoming manipulations, but also about how to take care of your face after the procedure. For example, after permanent lip makeup.

What should not be done after the procedure?
The pigment for lip permanent is injected relatively shallow, only 0.3 mm, but the result promises to last 2-3 years. And it's also an invasive procedure that takes place with anesthesia and requires a healing process. As the restoration proceeds, the permanent will continue to behave. No matter how beautiful the result looks, absolutely any tattoo is damage to the skin, and also in a rather sensitive area.
A pigment is injected under the skin, that is, an element foreign to it. He should take root there, not cause a negative reaction, or rather, the skin should "make friends" with him in the prescribed period and without complications. For this, care is needed.

What not to do.
- Wash and wet your lips. In the early days, this is truly a taboo, which is not easy to withstand. It is especially important to remember this immediately after the session, when the lips are still unusually bright and swollen. It is worth warning: as soon as the anesthesia wears off, soreness, tingling sensation will come. Each client evaluates pain differently, but virtually everyone feels it. And wetting your lips can increase this discomfort. You can wet your lips only with special medicinal products - but more on that later.
- Drink in the usual way. That is, to bring a cup or glass to your lips and sip from it. This will not work: you will need to use a straw. And even on the first day, you will have to eat liquid food through the same tube, for example, smoothies or fruit puree. Yes, the beauty of lips demands such sacrifices.
- On the second and third day, you shouldn't scratch your lips. By this time, the edema, as a rule, has already subsided. But the lips are starting to peel off. It is absolutely impossible to scratch them, try to detach particles of the upper layer of the skin from the lips. No creams are also applied to the lips as an anti-flaking agent, other than those prescribed by the master.
- Peel off the crusts that form on the fourth or fifth day. If healing proceeds normally, a primary crust will form on the lips. The lips seem to be tightening. You cannot touch them these days, remove the crusts too. In the following days (sixth-seventh), the crusts will be even more pronounced. Many are drawn to help them fall off, but all measures to exfoliate the crusts are prohibited.
- Take blood thinners.
- Use a plaster (they also note this).
- Use decorative cosmetics.

The first week is the hardest and most stressful. If you endure it without ever breaking the rules of leaving, the recovery will go faster and will no longer be so stressful. But the regeneration will still take at least a month. At this time, you should work with your diet: spicy, pungent, salty and very sweet foods are potentially dangerous. Like sweet soda, alcohol. Better to stick to neutral foods.
You can use cosmetics again no earlier than after 15-25 days (depending on the speed of healing).

How to smear lips?
What is the best ointment suitable for care, the specialist will tell you. Most likely, it will be something from the list below.
- Bepanten. The active ingredient in this ointment is dexpanthenol, which helps the wound heal faster. Almond oil, lanolin and beeswax in the composition of the product moisturize and nourish the skin. Alcohol works as a disinfectant. The ointment is to be applied in a very thin layer on the skin of the lips, this should be done 2-3 times a day.

- Bepanten plus. A modernized version of the ointment, which contains chlorhexidine (a well-known antiseptic). It is also applied to the skin 2-3 times a day.

- D-Panthenol. A well-known ointment that fights inflammation well, helps the healing of damaged tissues.

- Borough Plus. The preparation is based on herbal ingredients, it is considered both an antiseptic, a regenerator, and an anti-inflammatory agent. They need to smear their lips at least 3 times a day.

- Hydrocortisone. This product is often prescribed because it works strong and fast. Thanks to him, the puffiness goes away, the burning sensation disappears (or becomes mild). It is also believed to prevent allergies from occurring.

Perhaps a few days before the procedure, the specialist will recommend drinking a short course of antiviral drugs. They should be based on an active ingredient called acyclovir. The drug is usually continued for the first week of healing.
If a week has passed after the procedure, and the lips are still very dry, you can smear them with a thin layer of baby cream or petroleum jelly. You can use hygienic lipsticks, balms, lip gels no earlier than 2 weeks after tattooing and only with the permission of the master.

How do I wash my face?
The first three days you shouldn't wash your face at all. Help out wet wipes (preferably for children, without aromatization), which can be used to wipe the skin, avoiding the lip area. You can also use a neutral tonic applied to a clean cotton pad, the disc should be passed over the skin, also without touching the lip area.

On the fourth day, if the state of health is normal, there is no sharp soreness, you can start washing your face, but only with boiled water at room temperature. And after washing, excess water from the skin must be removed using a clean towel or napkin.Just do not rub your face, but just gently blot it.
Each movement when washing your face should be careful: the lips should be avoided, try not to wet them, not touch them with your hands or a cotton pad (if a tonic is used).

Helpful hints
Lip care after permanent makeup is a whole list of tips, and none should be ignored. You should not rely on the strength of your body and be "lucky": it happens that the slightest deviation from the rules leads to serious inflammation and painful recovery. The restrictions will become even greater in this case.

Expert advice.
- Bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool - these are places where there is not just water, but where there is steam and the influence of high temperatures. And this is fraught with an increase in pores, which means that the gate for a possible infection on the healing surface opens as wide as possible. Needless to say how dangerous it is. All this should be abandoned for at least a month.
- Sunburn (in a solarium or in the open sun). Here everything is even simpler: ultraviolet light has a detrimental effect on the pigment, it takes root less well. Pigmentation may become uneven.
- Intense running, fitness, physical activity - this is also skin steaming. Therefore, even training should be postponed for several weeks, or at least made more gentle.
- Spicy and fatty foods are not just taboo., this is one of the frequent provocateurs of problem healing. The mucous membrane is irritated, and the discomfort that may be felt during the first days will only intensify.
- If a woman does not wait for the crust to fall off on her own, and tears it off itself (prematurely!), along with it, it removes part of the pigment. Either the tattoo will remain uneven, or a correction will be required. And these are already traumatic consequences that could have been avoided.
- Kisses in the first week after tattooing are also excluded., and, perhaps, the period of such abstinence will have to be extended. This is fraught with soreness, and injury to the wound surface, and infections, which are perfectly transmitted by kissing.

There are women who simply do not have enough patience. They cannot stand even a couple of days in strict restrictions, although the fourth day is considered to be a turning point, for example. It is by this time that the puffiness practically disappears, the inflammatory process decreases. And at the end of the first week, the crust itself disappears. By the way, there is also a catch here: under the crust that has fallen off on its own there is very sensitive skin. Do not overload it ahead of time, switch to normal food and washing.

Taking good care of it is not so difficult - you need strict discipline and a clear understanding of the processes that require such rules. Therefore, experienced masters warn about the need for psychological readiness for a permanent. They say that tattooing does not tolerate impulsive decisions and spontaneity.