How long does it take to make permanent makeup?

Always looking fresh and attractive is the main goal of women and girls. For this, they came up with a tattoo, it is also a permanent make-up. With its help, you can correct the shape of eyebrows and lips, focus on the eyes. The advantage of the procedure is the almost complete absence of red tape with daily makeup. Dreaming of tattooing, the fair sex should know how long it takes to make permanent makeup and how to prepare for it.

Influencing factors
The main factors influence the speed of the tattooing technique:
- the qualifications and experience of the master;
- area and form of applying permanent makeup;
- method (method) of application;
- features and wishes of the client.
The amount of paint and the depth of its introduction also affects the long-term performance of tattooing. The deeper the insertion, the longer the make-up will last. It all depends on the desired result. A manual procedure is less painful than a machine procedure, but it takes more time. Another plus to the time spent is the technique of shading or drawing cilia.
The most significant factor, of course, is the client's pain threshold and the choice of pain reliever.

Advantages and disadvantages
The procedure has its advantages:
- time is saved on everyday makeup;
- makeup lasts from one to three years;
- tattooing is not influenced by external and weather factors;
- saving money on cosmetics for several months.
Negative sides of a permanent:
- time for skin healing;
- high price;
- the likelihood of an allergic reaction to the pigment and other health problems.

General recommendations will be useful for everyone who decided to do this procedure.
- People suffering from herpes are advised to consult a doctor for advice and take a course of antiviral drugs before the procedure. Moreover, during the period of exacerbation, tattooing is prohibited. You will have to wait about a month after the treatment.
- Taking into account the recovery period, sign up for the procedure before the weekend.
- If you are doing eyebrow tattooing, then take a pencil with you to the appointment with a specialist, with which you constantly paint, and with permanent lip makeup (if you give them color) - gloss or lipstick of the color you need. So the master will be able to quickly select the optimal shade of the coloring pigment.
- Check in advance for possible contraindications.
- On the day of going to the master, you must refrain from sports, drinking alcohol and coffee drinks.
- In the next month after tattooing, do not plan trips to the solarium or trips to warmer regions.
- Correction is best done with the same professional who did your makeup.
- Make sure you have a new needle open with you before the procedure.

When to give up tattooing:
- diabetes mellitus (with caution, you need a doctor's consultation);
- diseases of the internal organs, especially the liver and kidneys;
- aggravated chronic diseases;
- increased body temperature;
- psoriasis;
- HIV and immunodeficiency;
- epilepsy;
- mental disorders;
- pregnancy;
- age less than 18 years.

Duration of the procedure
The sequence of actions for tattooing is as follows:
- Selection of the dye shade, application method, design style of the treated area, determination of the final result of the procedure. This takes up to 40 minutes.
- Cleansing the skin from the remnants of cosmetics, applying a disinfectant will take about 10 minutes.
- Anesthesia, the exposure time is expected - about 20 minutes.
- The process of introducing the pigment into the treated area itself lasts from one hour to one and a half hours. If shading is done, then permanent makeup is applied much faster in time.
After the procedure, a number of restrictions apply. At the end of the work, the master should advise on further actions and possible nuances, as well as issue instructions with instructions on the hands.
The brochure should contain information on further skin care after the procedure and the necessary manipulations to obtain the desired result.

What not to do after tattooing:
- do not wash the treated area (eyebrows, eyelids, lips) in the first three days, so as not to infect open wounds;
- it is impossible to use decorative cosmetics for the first month in the treated area;
- for the first month, try to avoid visiting saunas, baths and swimming pools;
- it is forbidden to peel off the resulting crust ahead of time, everything should happen naturally;
- it is necessary to protect the area with tattoo from sun exposure.

How much is the correction done?
During the correction session, the cosmetologist assesses possible work defects and corrects them. At this point, the drawing may even simply be updated. One month is allocated for skin rehabilitation after applying permanent make-up. During this period, the client evaluates the result and has the right to express his comments or wishes to the master at the first correction. The first correction is also good in that it allows you to identify some hidden side effects of the procedure. This move helps to prevent the negative effects of tattooing. Correction is optional if the client is dissatisfied with the final result of the wizard. In this case, you can change the beautician.
But if the customer did not like the tattoo itself, then it is enough just not to follow the necessary recommendations after the procedure and the pigment itself will be washed off in a year, or even faster. If the outcome is good, it is best to prescribe the correction after one or one and a half years. Cosmetologists are sure that this time is enough for the skin to fully recover.Correction is carried out in exactly the same way as the main procedure. Recommended visit to the master for the first correction from one month to three.
There is also such a correction procedure as "wiping traces", designed to correct the mistakes of another master. It is more difficult than applying the main tattoo.