All about lip tattoo removal

Removing permanent makeup does not always mean trying to get out of a failed procedure. Sometimes a woman needs a new permanent, but the remnants of the old one do not imply overlap. The very idea of the detaturation procedure scares women, because many have heard about the painful and traumatic experience... But what was being done 10 years ago and more has been replaced by more gentle methods. However, tattoo removal remains a serious procedure.

Indications and contraindications
Permanent lip makeup has become a popular cosmetic procedure, which transforms the area of application for a couple of years exactly. This time a woman can do without makeup, her lips are well pigmented, bright and juicy at any time of the day. But it is not always possible to achieve the perfect result.
When you have to remove the tattoo:
- if the real result does not agree with the expected;
- if the tattoo has obviously gone beyond the contour;
- the unevenness and asymmetry of the pattern is striking;
- the shade of the lips is not in harmony with other facial features, color type;
- psychological discomfort as a reaction to the result.
Yes, it also happens, the woman wanted a tattoo, and when she did, she realized that it was "not mine." And I could not get used to it. This is found in different spheres of the beauty industry: they cannot get used to extended eyelashes, nails, tattooing of different zones.

Who is contraindicated for tattoo removal - cases:
- oncological diseases - in particular, it concerns laser removal;
- pregnancy, breastfeeding - there may be exceptions during lactation, they need to be discussed with both the doctor and the permanent makeup artist;
- recent tanning - at least more than a month should have passed since the last tanning;
- serious hematological disorders;
- any chronic diseases in the acute stage, ARVI and influenza, fever, etc.;
- diabetes mellitus - a categorical prohibition;
- damage to the lips, inflammation - tattoo removal is fraught with complications.

It is also necessary to understand that the degree of removal of the picture will not always be the same. Each case is different, it may take several sessions to get closer to the desired result. But the work is almost never displayed completely. For the total removal of pigment, a long, very serious effect on the epithelial cells is needed. This takes a lot of time and damages the epithelium in one of the most sensitive areas on the face.
Knowing this, a woman may change her mind about removing tattooing, because it is fraught with traumatization, and it will still not be possible to return to her lip color in full.

How can tattoo be removed?
There are two well-known ways to remove a permanent - laser and remover.
The method consists in using a special device that works with a neodymium laser that painlessly destroys the pigment in the skin. The laser beam does not touch the skin. The procedure does not leave marks and scars. Again, the deletion will not happen quickly. Removal still involves a number of sessions, and the number of procedures required depends on the density of the pigment, color, and physiological characteristics of a person.
So, it will take from 2 to 6 months to remove the tattoo from the lips. The gap is great, but this is exactly the case.
What are the advantages of laser removal:
- the beam can penetrate to a depth of 8 mm;
- all types of tattoo are subject to removal;
- the procedure is very precise;
- there is no pain;
- the risk of injury is minimal;
- the entire session takes up to 7 minutes (but several such sessions will be required).

Only dark tones can remove the laser, but light shades are not displayed for them, because the beam simply does not recognize them. The specialist will tell you how to prepare for the procedure in order to better reschedule it. Antiviral medications are usually required to help prevent worsening of herpes on the lips.
Many women are worried about the very mechanism of the process; they do not understand where the pigment destroyed by the laser goes. This is the case: the wavelength of the laser beam is 1064 nm, which allows it to be partially absorbed by the natural pigment of the skin. Short rays divide the applied pigment into small particles, and they come out to the skin surface with lymph (in the process of natural metabolism). The beam also influences the formation of a new protein, collagen, in the skin, while the fibers are positioned correctly.

This is where the chemical composition enters the battle for the purity of the lips. He, of course, does not split the pigment, but removes it from the body in its original form. But depigmentation with the help of a remover is a more complicated procedure that requires high qualifications of the master. The chemical will be injected into the skin as if it were micropigmentation. The needle must penetrate the skin with surgical precision, exactly where the pigment is. And then the remover with the detected pigment is taken out. After this, a crust forms on the lips.
When the crust is naturally removed (falls off by itself), the lips will take on a natural shade. But this also does not happen quickly, it will take at least 2 months to return the natural color, or even all 4.
Chemical depigmentation - what are its advantages:
- in comparison with laser, it removes color better, takes more paint;
- chemical burn is excluded;
- there will be no edema, hyperemia after the procedure;
- the composition has a gentle effect on the skin;
- although crusts are formed, they will not be particularly noticeable, they do not require lifestyle changes, and will not lead to serious discomfort;
- the procedure is painless as it is performed under local anesthesia.

The pigment will disappear gradually after the session.As already mentioned, the color usually comes out in 2-4 months. But there are also difficult cases when it will take up to 1.5 years to get out of tattooing. Scars or scars sometimes appear after the chemical method, but only if the specialist hastened and decided to cover a large area in one session.
At a cost, a remover is also considered a more affordable procedure, the allergic reaction to which is minimized. The danger, really serious, is only one - to get to a bad master who violates the technique of the procedure. Therefore, there is no place for spontaneity, you need to look for a specialist, check with recommendations, etc.

Can permanent makeup be removed at home?
In theory, yes, but practically no one will give such recommendations to anyone. Although it is worth explaining why many women decide on depigmentation at home. So they went to the master, got a tattoo, saw their lips and realized - no, this is not possible. The worst thing is when they did not wait for the natural healing time (and the color intensity decreases during this period, and the result becomes much more pleasant) and began to correct the situation themselves. But even if enough time has passed after the tattoo, the amateur performance can end with a chemical burn and serious treatment.
Because iodine is used to remove paint... Lovers of home pseudo-cosmetology apply it to the lips, expecting that it will begin to burn out the skin. And that in itself is trauma, stress for the skin. And if you go beyond the contour of the tattoo, the skin behind it will also be burned out. After such actions, a crust also forms in the place of the permanent, and it happens that they are also in a hurry to tear it off. And here begins a story about scars, scars, soreness and going to doctors.

Obviously, you need to be in some kind of impulsive state to go for such a procedure. They also like to advise on the forums and home depigmentation with a scrub. But even if you do it every day (which is doubtful from a health point of view), the pigment will still be released after a few months.
Ointments and creams that are sometimes offered in salons for home use are also not particularly effective.... They will have to be applied month after month, but there will be no guarantee of noticeable paint leaving. And this is not to mention the fact that long-term use of such funds is dangerous to health.

Follow-up care
Even if everything went smoothly, painlessly, effectively, the lips are traumatized. They need to be cared for because they are very vulnerable during this period.
How to care for your lips after tattoo removal:
- if swelling appears, use a dry cold compress;
- bath and sauna, swimming pool for the period of healing is prohibited;
- for the first 2 days, do not interact with water and other liquids (drink through a straw);
- expect the crusts to fall off on their own.
By the way, you need to drink a lot. Yes, through a tube, carefully and slowly, but a lot. This will speed up the elimination of pigment from the body with the lymph. Both tattooing and the reverse procedure require finding a good master, discipline and self-care during the healing period, as well as calm analytics of events.
Often the desire to get rid of pigment is impulsive, you need to postpone its adoption, try not to look in the mirror every 5 minutes. Over time, with a calm examination, it may become clear that not everything is so scary.