Everything you need to know about eye tattoo

In recent years, eye tattooing has become an insanely popular procedure that many women turn to. A number of salons provide a similar service today. When tattooing, a special pigment is injected under the skin, which lingers for a long time, is not washed off with water. In today's article, we will learn all the most important about eye tattooing.

Recently, women of fashion of all ages and types have resorted to fashionable cosmetic procedures. These procedures include the upper eyelid tattooing. It should be said that this event has a lot of advantages that make it popular and in demand.
Consider what advantages of eye tattooing can be considered the most important and significant.
- If a fashionista has chosen such a permanent makeup for herself, then she will no longer need to use eyeliner and shadows every day to make her look expressive. In addition, you do not have to use products designed to remove the applied make-up. This significantly saves not only free time, but also money for the purchase of additional cosmetic products.
- An important advantage of tattooing is that it lasts a long time and reliably, while remaining sufficiently clear and clearly visible. Permanent makeup will not stain your pillow, bedding, or clothing. It does not have to be tweaked every hour to keep the appearance well-groomed and tidy.
- With the help of a quality permanent, modern women of fashion can easily make adjustments to the natural shape of their eyes. Thanks to this, the eyes can be made more open and attractive.
- Upon completion of the application of a special pigment substance, the cilia, as a rule, visually become longer and thicker.
- Ladies of any age can apply to tattooing. Correctly selected pigment can beautify the eyes of not only young girls, but also women of considerable age. There are no special prohibitions in this regard.
- If you resort to the considered beauty procedure, then you can not only correct the appearance of the eyes, but also give the look freshness and youth. This is due to the fact that through the pigment small mimic wrinkles can be hidden, which often form on the eyelids in the form of small folds.
- With the help of a well-applied permanent, it will be possible to hide any congenital or acquired defects in the area where the cilia grow.
- There are many varieties of attractive permanent makeup. This suggests that every woman has the opportunity to choose the option that is optimal for her.
- Girls who have decorated their appearance with tattooing are not limited in anything, they can do their favorite and familiar things. With such an interesting makeup, you can swim, sunbathe in the sun or in a solarium. The beautiful arrows applied with a special pigment will not wear off or crumble under any circumstances.

It may seem that the cosmetic procedure in question is flawless and has only significant advantages. In fact, tattooing has its drawbacks, which must be taken into account before visiting the salon.
- The considered cosmetic procedure should be performed with the use of pain relievers (ointments, sprays). This is due to the fact that the skin of the eyelids is very delicate and vulnerable, has a huge number of nerve endings. Without the use of pain-relieving gels or ointments, the procedure can be very difficult and unpleasant as much as possible.
- It is imperative to take into account that there are many contraindications to the procedure for applying permanent makeup. For example, pregnant and lactating women should refuse tattooing, because they will have to use an anesthetic that contains lidocaine. It goes straight into the bloodstream. This component is prohibited for the specified periods.
- Unfortunately, during the procedure in question, an allergic reaction may occur. The body can react negatively to the coloring components that are used to create permanent makeup. In order not to face such a nuisance, certain tests / tests for allergies should be carried out before the procedure.
- During the first days after visiting the master, you may notice that the areas around the eyes are swollen.
- Do not think that tattooing is an elementary procedure. This requires a recovery period, which often takes more than 3 weeks.
- In rare situations, after the introduction of the pigment, barley appears, which delivers a lot of unpleasant sensations.
- During the rehabilitation period, women have to carefully and properly care for the treated areas. The skin on the eyelids becomes inflamed, so it will not be able to recover normally without treatment.
- The color of the permanent may change over time. Typically, its saturation and contrast levels are reduced.
If the tattoo was done poorly or the lady did not like its appearance, then it will not be possible to get rid of it just like that. You will have to resort to laser or chemical removal. Any such procedures are traumatic and extremely unpleasant.

Indications and contraindications
The procedure for applying permanent makeup is contraindicated in some cases:
- with chronic diseases of the kidneys and liver;
- if the client suffers from such a serious illness as diabetes mellitus;
- it is undesirable to refer to the procedure for allergy sufferers;
- in case of exacerbation of absolutely any chronic diseases, it is better to refuse tattooing;
- in violation of the process of blood clotting;
- tattooing is strictly prohibited if a girl suffers from epilepsy;
- if a lady has a predisposition to the formation of keloid scars, it is better for her not to resort to the procedure in question;
- tattooing is prohibited for herpes in the acute stage;
- severe mental illnesses can lead to undesirable consequences;
- tattooing is prohibited for AIDS and all kinds of diseases of an autoimmune nature.

There are not only categorical, but also relative contraindications, in which experts still allow women to supplement their appearance with permanent makeup. It is not forbidden to refer to the procedure, but it is advisable to postpone it until the right moment for such ailments:
- conjunctivitis of a viral or bacterial type;
- active acne on the face;
- the beauty procedure must be postponed during chemotherapy;
- when taking medications that affect the hormonal background of a woman;
- with febrile conditions;
- if a plastic surgery has recently been carried out in the eyelid area, it is better to postpone the application of permanent makeup;
- in the presence of a tumor (any) in the treated areas.
The application of pigment is prohibited if there is a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication. The main indication for the procedure is the woman's desire to look more spectacular, more attractive.
Also, tattoo will be an ideal solution for those fashionistas who want to correct the shape of the eyes or mask damage / imperfections on the eyelids.

There are different types of eye tattoo. Let's get to know them better.
Suitable for those women who lack the volume of the eyelashes. The implementation of such a procedure is extremely simple: a thin strip is drawn along the eyelashes on the moving zone by means of a permanent. This visually lifts them up. After that, the hairs appear thicker and darker.

The most impressive looking type of tattoo. The arrows look natural, as if they were drawn using eyeliner. Often considered type of permanent makeup, ladies independently correct cosmetics if desired. The shape, thickness and type of arrows for the corners are always selected by specialists in the salon strictly individually.

This color type of tattoo differs from the rest by the color of the tone applied to the eyelids. The original rainbow, bright colors or classic colors (black, brown, ash) look interesting. For the implementation of the makeup in question, it is undesirable to choose shades of pink or blue, since they will quickly lose their former saturation, they will look like bruises.

A type of makeup with the effect of shadows on the eyelids. Gives different results. Most often, women want to decorate their eyes with an arrow, shaded to a large width with a fine brush.
For such a permanent make-up it is necessary to carefully select the color so that it looks harmonious in any look.

Choice of technique
The choice of technique should be based on the features of the structure of the eyes.
- If in the distance between the eyes, you can visually place another, then the eyelash type or the classic arrows are ideal.
- With close-set eyes, it is better not to draw the inner corners. You can use the arrow on the outside of the eyelid, but it shouldn't be too dark or dense.
- If there is an overhanging eyelid and lowered corners, then a tattoo in the form of a neat thin arrow is suitable... She might not be too flashy. In this case, at the outer corner, this part can be slightly bent and raised.
- For ladies with bulging eyes, it is better to paint over the line along the ciliary edge... A thin arrow complemented by shading will do.
- For narrow and deep-set eyes, painting the space between the cilia is suitable. The stripe may be dark and thick, slightly raised at the outer corner.

What tools and materials are used?
For the procedure you need:
- handle handle;
- markers for drawing arrows;
- anesthetic agents;
- pigments and utensils for mixing them;
- needles, gloves, masks;
- coasters, caps.
Also, 2 types of machines are used for tattooing.
- Induction... The needle moves in them thanks to an electromagnet.
- Rotary... They almost do not vibrate, they are equipped with special chips with certain software, it is possible to set the speed and depth of immersion of the needle.

We will learn how to properly prepare for applying a long-lasting make-up.
- 2-3 weeks before the procedure, it is advisable not to consume coffee, sweet soda, energy drinks and alcoholic beverages.
- Do not take aspirin because it thinns the blood and can cause bruising.
- Within 2-3 days before the procedure, it is advisable to take antiviral drugs so as not to provoke herpes.
- It is worth taking an anti-allergen such as Suprastin or Loratadin per day. So allergies will be prevented, minor swelling will remain.

How is the procedure carried out?
We will find out exactly how the procedure for applying beautiful makeup is carried out.
- First, the master needs to draw the arrows with a special marker / pencil. It turns out a kind of sketch. If both the master and the client are satisfied with everything, you can proceed to the next step.
- The skin on the eyelids is treated with an anesthetic gel / cream.
- After the surfaces are numb, the master, using a sterile needle, proceeds to carefully pierce the skin and add pigment, moving along the sketch lines.
- At the end of the procedure, the skin needs treatment with healing compounds / ointments.

Follow-up care
It is important to provide care for the area that was treated during the procedure.
- In the early days, the skin will turn red and be swollen. At this time, the eyes can be gently rinsed with cool clean water or brewed green tea.
- Further, crusts will appear on the skin. At this time, it is better not to wet it with water. You cannot peel off the crusts. Dried skin should come off on its own.
- Inflamed areas 2-3 times a day should be treated and smeared with special gels with panthenol.
- It usually takes 2 to 3 weeks for complete healing. At this time, you can not paint, build eyelashes, use lotions, foams, wash with other cosmetics.

How long does makeup last?
A well-applied permanent make-up can last for 5-10 years. After the specified time, all lines fade and fade, acquire a shade with green or blue. However, even after that, the makeup will not disappear at 100%: its contours will remain forever.

Possible consequences
We will find out what consequences the application of the considered type of make-up leads to.
- In the first days after the procedure, significant swelling forms around the eyes. Often women talk about a burning sensation. Crusts appear on the regenerating skin.
- Tattooing can lead to infection of the tissues around the eye. The conjunctiva may be damaged. Sometimes after this, barley appears, the tissues fester, and a rash appears.
- If the master worked poorly, the arrows may have uneven edges. Lines on the skin can also be crooked.
- If the vessels are too close to the upper layers of the skin, they can be easily damaged.
- Often, girls are stopped not at all by temporary edema and swelling, but by the fact that after the introduction of a pigment element, profuse eyelash loss begins. True, this phenomenon is temporary. Hair will begin to grow back within 3-4 weeks.

Correction and restoration
Full recovery occurs in 2-4 weeks. During this period, redness and swelling go away, the applied pattern is aligned. After 1-1.5 months, the master is engaged in correction, while eliminating all minor flaws, leveling the drawing.
Reapplication of the pigment is recommended only after 2-4 years... During this period, the tattoo will become a little faded, it may change its color (sometimes the drawing turns blue). However, the laser will only be able to destroy the dark type pigment.
If the colors are light, then it makes sense in the operation of electrocoagulation.

Removal of the pigment substance is done in several ways:
- by means of aggressive chemicals;
- clarification with special solutions;
- electric current (electrocoagulation);
- laser removal.
Not all methods are completely safe, especially when it comes to using powerful chemicals. This can cause burns. Such operations should only be performed by a first-class specialist.
The best removal option is to use a laser. This procedure lasts no more than 1 hour. At the same time, the master does not come into contact with blood or mucous membranes, so that the tissues are not infected.

Beautiful examples
A thin line between the eyelashes looks very nice, leaving in a neat and not too raised arrow. In this case, a slight expansion of the strip can take place closer to the outer corner.

A good option is a very thin line between the eyelashes with discreet shading. In this case, the line can turn into a short and thin arrow. The inner corner may not be affected at all.