How to care for the space between the eyelashes after permanent make-up?

Arrows make the eyes more expressive, which is why many women decide on permanent makeup. This procedure is accompanied by some painful sensations, and in order to minimize unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to carry out proper care of the space between the eyelashes for several days.

Basic rules of care
After the permanent make-up procedure, the skin begins to heal. Conditionally, it can be divided into two large stages: the first few days and the next 2 weeks.
In each of these periods, the skin needs to be given special attention. At the same time, rehabilitation procedures will differ from each other.

First day
It is necessary to start taking care of the space between the eyelashes immediately after the end of the procedure. At the same time, the first day is considered the most problematic, since the skin at the site of application of the permanent received enormous stress. The person begins to feel unpleasant symptoms:
- redness and swelling of the skin around the eyelids;
- liquid - lymph appears along the perimeter of applying the permanent;
- painful sensations when moving the eyes are not excluded.
The most important rule to follow is to protect your eyes from infection. Otherwise, the inflammatory process will begin.

In the first 1-3 days, the following recommendations must be followed:
- You cannot wash your face, apply any cosmetics on your face, touch your eyes with your hands, wipe the skin around your eyes with alcohol solutions.
- The incoming lymph must be carefully removed with cotton swabs dipped in a chlorhexidine solution. Moreover, this should be done with light blotting movements.Under no circumstances should you rub your skin.
- If the swelling is severe, antihistamines such as claritin or tavegil can be taken. You can also take the diuretic furosemide. This can be done only if there are initially no contraindications to the indicated drugs.
You need to remove lymph every 40-60 minutes. It is better not to disturb the sore spot without unnecessary necessity.

After crusting
A few days after the procedure, crusts begin to appear on the skin. Their formation is an obvious symptom of healing, so you should not try to remove them. Firstly, it is very painful, and secondly, the natural healing process will be disrupted, which will lead to negative consequences.
Normally, these formations are thin and translucent, and can cause itching. Complete exfoliation will occur in about 7-10 days. Until this time, it is necessary to continue to treat the skin with a chlorhexidine solution. But now the procedure can be carried out no more than 2-3 times a day - this will be quite enough for disinfection.
If the itching around the eyelids becomes unbearable, it is also necessary to fight with it, but in no case should it scratch. To do this, you need to prepare a compress from the decoction of St. John's wort, chamomile or sage. The liquid must be cooled, moistened with a cotton pad and applied to the skin.
This procedure is aimed specifically at eliminating itching. The time for applying the compress is from 10 to 15 minutes.

Follow-up care
After the formed crusts fall off naturally, a new layer of skin will remain in their place. It is important to understand that this area is still sensitive and therefore can be easily damaged.
At this stage, the chlorhexidine treatment can already be canceled. Washing with warm water is allowed, but it is highly discouraged to rub your eyes with your hands. But you still need to be careful: protect your eyes from the sun, dust, mechanical stress. It is also not recommended to use decorative cosmetics.
To speed up the healing process, you can use the drug depanthenol. They need to lubricate their skin 1-2 times a day. If at the same time the agent causes some uncomfortable sensations, then it is better to refuse to use it.

What should not be done after the procedure?
Inter-eyelash tattooing of the eyes implies subsequent strict restrictions. In order for the skin around the eyelids to heal, it is recommended to abandon the following:
- Sunbathing in a solarium or in the sun. This should be abandoned within the next 14 days after the procedure. Sunglasses should be worn for walking on sunny days.
- Baths, saunas and hot showers are strictly prohibited.
- It is necessary to refuse wearing contact lenses for at least the first 3-4 days. They also need to be removed for the procedure.
- In the first 5-7 days, it is strictly forbidden to use ointments, creams, any decorative cosmetics on the face.
- In the first week, it is recommended to give up active physical activity.
- It is also not recommended to consume alcoholic beverages in the first week.
- In order not to touch the sore spot, it is recommended to refuse to wear clothes with a narrow neck during healing.
If you follow all these recommendations, then the healing process will be practically painless.

Useful Tips
In order to avoid negative consequences, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with useful tips.
- After the procedure, the permanent cannot be wetted. If moisture gets on your skin, blot it with a soft paper towel.
- For processing, it is important to use clean (or better generally sterile) cotton swabs, discs, tampons.
- It is better to sleep on your back during the healing period so that the injured area does not come into contact with the pillow.
- You should also refuse to wear a mask while sleeping.
If all the rules and recommendations are followed, the skin after tattooing will return to its normal state in 7-14 days.
After the final healing, you can return to normal life: wear contact lenses, use decorative cosmetics, if necessary, touch the skin with your hands.