Which is better: inter-eyelash tattoo or arrow?

If permanent makeup catches your eye from a distance of several meters, it is bad makeup. Now the field of make-up is striving for maximum naturalness and lightness. Arrows or eyelash tattooing are no exception.
Their task is to do so to create the illusion of the natural expressiveness of the eyelid line, as if it could be the property of natural beauty. The shaded mezhilash is aimed exactly at this effect, but the arrow should also not look artificial.

Differences overview
First you need to figure out how one beauty service differs from another. Inter-eyelash tattooing is considered more natural in terms of the result: it creates the effect of light tint of eyelashes at the growth line, namely light, unobtrusive. The mezhilnichka is also good in that it does not have to be updated as often as the arrow. The arrows, if you run a little ahead, turn blue, and a correction will be required about once every 6 months.
With the lash line, everything is much simpler: the effect lasts a year exactly, or even 5 years.
Inter-eyelash tattooing is limited only to the area of eyelash growth. It repeats the natural line, and does not duplicate the make-up habitual for many women with a line drawn over the growth zone. It delicately emphasizes the eyelid, visually increases the fluffiness and length of the eyelashes, and also corrects the shape of the eye. For this naturalness and lightness, they love the lash line.

- Permanent arrows - these are lines of different lengths and thicknesses (at the request of the client), which are drawn above the eyelash growth line. Such a make-up is preferred by women who are used to drawing arrows for themselves every morning with eyeliner, pencil or felt-tip pen for eyelids. There are no natural arrows, it is always a part of the makeup.An arrow with shading is an emphasis on the lightness of the make-up, because the arrow gradually turns into shadows, that is, the sharp border of the dyed skin will not be intact.

The two variants of the permanent have different goals. The mezhilichka does not replace makeup, but complements it, saves time. And if a woman cannot put on makeup or simply does not want to, she will look fresher and younger with an eyelash line. The arrow should replace the daily staining of the eyelash area, and without mascara, such a make-up does not always look convincing.
The tattooing procedure itself is uncomfortable in one or the other. Few women quite calmly tolerate it, without even experiencing small negative sensations. Someone frankly hurts, someone complains of tingling and some harsh sensations. But both types of tattoo are performed under local anesthesia. And these are not the only common features of the procedures.

Common features
They consist primarily in the similarity of the sessions themselves, which follow the same scenario.
This is what the permanent eyelid makeup procedure looks like.
- The master and the client agree on the technique, discuss all the nuances, choose the shade of the pigment, the shape of the lines.
- The specialist takes a special felt-tip pen, draws the contour of the future tattoo with it, corrects the sketch, and shows it to the client.
- After that, the skin must be degreased, cleaned, prepared for a sterile procedure.
- The master conducts a test reaction to anesthesia. If all is well, apply an anesthetic gel to the skin (a superficial agent). After about 12 minutes you can work.
- Then, with a special tool, using disposable needles, the master injects the pigment into the skin. The procedure takes 20-60 minutes on average. The duration depends on the complexity of the tattoo, and on the client's receptivity - if the procedure is very painful for her, the master will work more slowly.
- When everything is ready, the master will apply an antiseptic cream and a wound healing agent.

Neither the arrows nor the lash line look as expected immediately after the procedure. The tattoo will be brighter, but after a few days the color will fade and become exactly the way the client ordered it. Recovery should be given maximum attention, because the result of the procedure will also depend on it. For the first 3 days, the eyes should not be wetted. It is necessary to exclude the effect of high temperatures, within 2 weeks the bath will have to be abandoned.
Recovery after both the lash line and after the arrow follows the same scenario. The same system of prohibitions and precautions works. For example, the crusts that form after the permanent should never be removed by yourself. You have to wait until they disappear on their own.
The ichor, which will also appear from the injured area, must be removed with a cotton pad dipped in chlorhexidine.

There should be no makeup for the first week. Even one layer of mascara is prohibited. It is necessary to wait for the complete healing of the skin. We must protect it from steam, sun, friction. On the street (if it is a sunny period) you need to wear safety glasses.
But the term of wearing makeup is different. The maximum for a shooter is 2 years, and such wear is rare. But the mezzanine can easily be worn for 5 years, it is not so rare that it has not been updated for 8-10 years.

What is the best choice?
There are many controversies on this topic, and not all the issues that are raised in them can, in principle, be discussed from the objective side. Still, it's a matter of taste. But there are also arguments that sound weighty and convincing. Mezhilashka or arrows - arguments.
- Arrows will make the look more expressive... They are accentuated, they replace a significant part of the makeup. A couple of strokes of the mascara brush are enough - and the eye makeup is complete. The lash line is aimed at something else: it gently corrects the shape of the eye. To lengthen it, to distract from the slanting, even to disguise some of the shortcomings of the mezhililnika cannot, but it eliminates the very need to wear arrows.After all, not everyone wants to see them every day.
- Arrows, in principle, do not go to everyone... For example, if there are wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, it will not be easy to find the optimal arrow shape. If a woman's eyes are deep-set, if they are very small or very light, dark arrows may look too contrasting. And this unnaturalness will be striking.
- With an inter-eyelash, the pigment is injected into the skin in a more dosed manner; with an arrow, this intervention is more serious. That is, we can say that the risk of adverse reactions is higher when the arrows are formed.
- And also the nuance of tattooing arrows in the fading of the pigment: after six months, he may become paler, turn blue. Therefore, a correction will be required. There is no such problem with painting the lashes.
- The problem with shooters is that they are more fashion dependent. This is exactly makeup, and not an approximation of the lash line to a natural look (as with the lash line). If the fashion for this or that bend has changed, it will be bitter that it is impossible to remove the tattooed arrow.
- Women who are ready to wear a bright make-up often, who want this expressiveness, would rather choose arrows. Those that accept themselves as natural and are ready for only minor changes prefer the lash line.

Yet there are more similarities in these procedures than differences. Because both of them belong to the permanent, a technique that saves time and effort, allows you to stay "on the face" even in extreme conditions.
Going on a seaside vacation, going on hikes, going to the mountains, playing sports, running marathons and much more is much more convenient to do with an always ready, permanent make-up.