All about eyelid tattoo with shading

Permanent make-up is one of the top cosmetic procedures that a girl has tried at least once. Permanent makeup for arrows is especially popular. In this article, we will consider eyelid tattooing with shading, note the features of the technique, contraindications, the choice of pigment, the stages of the procedure, as well as care for the eyelids after tattooing.

Permanent make-up is that the pigment is injected under the skin with a special needle. Since the skin layers of the eyelid are not so deep, the tattoo is injected to a depth of no more than 1-1.2 mm. The duration of the effect is 1-3 years.

The first thing that girls usually try in eye tattooing is staining the space between the eyelashes of the upper and sometimes lower eyelids. This is done by those girls who very rarely grow eyelashes - they are either short or invisible to the eye. The procedure visually significantly increases the density.

The next thing girls try is arrows. You can choose both thin arcs and thick ones (pin-up, bold, cat double). Tattooing shooters helps to ease the girl's everyday life, saving time in the first place. Also, arrows can be used to correct the asymmetry of the eyes or the overhanging eyelid.

Shadows are also used for permanent makeup. This procedure is called an art permanent and takes several hours longer than the usual procedure. Much depends on the experience of the master, but also on the correct selection and distribution of pigments.

A separate category is the eyelid tattooing procedure with shading. Refers to the most difficult procedure to perform.The main feature of this method is that it is almost impossible to distinguish it from self-made makeup with eyeliner and shading. Pigment shading is usually done with shadows - as in an art permanent.

The result is softer, at the request of the client, you can make it deeper by choosing the number of shades.
Shading is applied first as an arrow to the edge of the eyelid, while the thickness of the arrow is discussed, and then a colored pigment is injected onto the movable eyelid. Some wonder if such a procedure is painful. Experienced craftsmen always use special gels or ointments that have a freezing and analgesic effect. During the procedure, the eyes are closed, so many people compare this procedure with a slight tickling of the eyelids.

If the pain threshold is too high, then in one session you can apply the gel 2 or 3 times, much depends on the duration of the session.
The main advantages of this technique.
- Duration. Thanks to tattooing, you no longer need to spend your time on makeup every day and worry about whether the arrows have worn off every time. Shading can last for years with proper care. A small amount of pigment may fall out over time.
- Water resistance. The permanent will not wash off if water hits the skin, it will not lose its brightness and shape. Therefore, you can not deny yourself a trip to the sea or a trip to the pool.
- Hypoallergenic. Thanks to high-quality pigments, the paint does not cause allergies, and tattooing can also be applied to people who are allergic to decorative cosmetics.

Indications and contraindications
Each procedure performed has indications and contraindications. You need to know them in order to protect yourself.
The indications for the procedure are the following.
- The need for daily eye makeup, namely the shooter.
- Sparse and lack of brightness eyelashes.
- Saving time.
- Asymmetry of the eyes.
- Pubescent outer corners.
- Loose eyelid.

Contraindications are divided into two categories - the one where the session can be carried out, but due to the circumstances, it should be postponed, and for those moments when the procedures are strictly prohibited.
The procedure should be postponed in the following situations.
- Recently, there was a temperature or symptoms of ARVI.
- Taking antibiotics, it is best to come 2 weeks after stopping the antibiotics.
- Exacerbation of non-pigment allergies (spring blooms, wool allergies). In this case, it is worth discussing the details with the master.
- Recovery period after barley in the eye.
- During the menstrual cycle.

The procedure should not be carried out at all if there are such diseases.
- Any ophthalmic problems, this includes the recurrent appearance of conjunctivitis.
- Diabetes mellitus of any type.
- Epilepsy.
- HIV.
- Colloidal scars.
- Blood clotting disorder.
- Allergy to pigment.
- During pregnancy and lactation.
- When the skin is prone to severe scars.
- Moles near the eyes.

Choice of shades
Often, the blending pigment is chosen as a single process, the upper part of the eyelid is processed. Most often, all girls choose black or brown for the arrow itself and shading.

But girls also decide to bring colors into their lives and choose some other color. Masters come to the rescue in choosing the right shades. They help to determine the color type of your skin, hair color type. And from this comes repulsion in search of color. The main colors are considered to be close to the natural range, which will be appropriate in everyday life at work, school or even in a restaurant.

There are also girls for whom color is everything, for example, they dye their eyelashes with blue mascara, so they don't see anything like that in choosing a colored pigment.

Also, special pigmented shadows can be used for shading, but the color can be powdery or matte. Much also depends on the girl's everyday makeup. It will be strange if there are bright pigments in the eyes, and the face itself is not painted. This is also worth considering.

Before the procedure, the selected shades are always “tried on” to determine if they look good enough and match.
Before the procedure itself, at a consultative session, they always make an approximate layout, the future result is applied with a pencil in order to see how this or that shaded arrow looks like. This will help the master understand in which direction to move on, and the girl, if she is doing this procedure for the first time, visually look at the expected result and make some adjustments before starting the procedure. At the same moment, the pigments are selected, the intensity of the pigment application is selected. A test is also done for the body's susceptibility to a pigment or to multiple pigments. There were times when girls were allergic to a certain color. After fitting, the date of the procedure is set.

In order for the procedure to pass without complications and the result to be excellent, it is necessary to follow the rules of preparation before the procedure.
- It is always necessary to make a test model of the intended tattoo, the result should not contradict the shape of the eyebrows. Therefore, the eyelids are tattooed first, and then the shape of the eyebrows is corrected.
- 2 weeks before the procedure, you should not visit solariums or sunbathe in the sun. This is necessary so that the skin does not change its color. Indeed, based on the skin tone, the shade of the pigment is selected.
- Do not take an antibiotic a week before your session. All antibiotic drugs slow down the healing process.
- 5-7 days before the procedure, you should not use scrubs or peels, as they remove the upper layers of the skin, sometimes injuring it due to strong friction. This means that thinned skin is susceptible to external factors. The pigment on the damaged layers lays down unevenly and can fall out after a while due to the fact that it is not fixed.
- A few days before the session, it is worth removing false eyelashes, in the area of the eyes do not apply any permanent products, such as permanent mascara, and it is better to refuse cosmetics altogether, except for care products.
- It is necessary 5 days before the session to remove from the diet all drinks that thin the blood - alcohol, strong tea, coffee and energy drinks. The thinned blood does not promote rapid healing, and also lowers the pain threshold.
- For two days, you do not need to take a large amount of water, as this can provoke the appearance of edema.
- On the eve, you should not eat smoked, fried and fatty foods.
- On the day of the procedure, do not use contact lenses either before or after.
- It is also worth following all the individual recommendations of the doctor.

Carrying out the procedure
The process itself consists of the following steps, which are performed by the master. The procedure itself takes from 1.5 to 2 hours. This is due to the fact that feathering takes up most of the entire session. Since the pigment must be distributed correctly and in the right place, and most importantly, repeat it identically on the second eye.
- First, the master degreases the surface of the eyelid, then wipes everything with an antiseptic.

- After a minute, an anesthetic is applied - an ointment or gel. Within 3-5 minutes, the ointment is absorbed. After that, the sensitivity of the eyelid to pain is checked.

- A stencil is applied or the boundaries of the future arrow and also the shading places are drawn.

- The foreman with the client must unpack the handpiece, needle, pigments and ring. It is a disposable raw material. Also, before applying the procedure itself, the master must wear new gloves.

- Tattooing begins with an arrow and occurs in stages. Due to the use of one needle, this will take some time.

- After the arrow is drawn in the ring, colored pigments are mixed and gradually injected under the skin.

- When the application of permanent makeup on both eyes is complete, the expert disinfects the eyelid area, removing excess paint.

- After the session, a reminder for eye care at home is issued.

Follow-up care
Applying permanent makeup is only half the result. The main work remains for the healing and care period after the procedure. Permanent make-up heals on average 25-30 days. During this month, the skin layers are restored on their own, and the injected pigment is more open under the skin, becoming richer.

After the procedure, during the day, it is necessary to wipe the eye area with a disinfectant. It can be miramistin or chlorhexidine. The product is applied to a cotton pad and gently wipes the skin without pressing.

The tool will help protect the skin and cracks after the needle from possible dirt. Since it is impossible to moisten or rinse the eyes throughout the whole day.
It is also worth excluding any trips to the sauna or bathhouse, to the gym. It is impossible for the body temperature to rise, and the pores to expand. Also, do not stay in the sun for a long time, it is best to go out in sunglasses, even in winter. The use of the solarium is not permitted.

For the next 3 days after the procedure, do not strain your eyes and sit at the computer or read. There may be a burning sensation of the mucous membrane, and this will make you want to “scratch” your eyes, which should never be done. If, nevertheless, a burning sensation occurs, then it is worth using special moisturizing drops, which the cosmetologist will advise.

Within a week, it is necessary to treat the skin of the eyelids with an anti-inflammatory ointment. This will relieve itching and protect your skin.
On the 3-4th day after the procedure, a natural crust will begin to appear in the puncture sites. It is not worth peeling or soaking it, since if you remove it yourself, it is possible to infect open wounds, and part of the pigment may also be removed along with the crust. The crust will exfoliate on its own within 2 weeks, and all redness and swelling will disappear with it.

Full recovery will be completed by the end of the second week. Much depends on natural processes in the body and metabolism. Age-related changes also affect the speed of healing.
There are complications that may arise if the rules for eye care are not followed after tattooing or the mistakes of the master.
- Conjunctivitis is considered the most common eye disease during non-adherence to prophylaxis.
- Complications can occur in the form of prolonged swelling. If the swelling persists, you should see a doctor right away.

Beautiful examples
After healing, eye tattoo looks beautiful with shading on the upper eyelid and an arrow on the lower one to the middle of the eye. The look becomes dramatic and deeper.

Shading with pigment shadows also looks great on the eyes. If the pigment is chosen correctly, then it does not focus much on the color itself, but attracts the eye to the eyes.

For information on how to make an eyelash lash with shadow shading, see the next video.