How long does a tattoo of arrows last on the eyes and how to prolong the effect?

Arrow tattooing on the eyes is a topical procedure for modern women. Yes, you will have to be patient a little, but after that there is a guarantee that every day you can save time on makeup with the help of ordinary cosmetics, which is of great importance for modern women.

However, many are interested in how long such arrows last on the eyelids, what factors affect the durability, what should be the care for the tattoo on the eyes in order to maximize the effect. You will find answers to these questions in the article.

Influencing factors
Say what you like, but the arrows on the eyelids in the form of a tattoo are a lifesaver for any woman.
But you need to understand that just as everyone wears clothes in their own way, so with permanent makeup, everyone will walk differently.

Not a single master will be able to give clear guarantees on the lifespan of artificial arrows made for centuries. This depends on a number of reasons, including the individual characteristics of the woman.

Here is some of them.
- Skin type. Permanent makeup on the eyelid will last longer for the owner of dry skin than for the one with normal, combination or oily skin.
- Age. In young individuals, the pigment will be excreted faster due to the fact that metabolic changes occur faster in their body, unlike older women. In adult women, these processes are already slowed down, and they will keep the tattoo of arrows longer.
- Immunity and other features of the body. For those with a strong immune system, artificial arrows will fade faster (this is the body's normal reaction to a foreign substance).

Among other factors, the following points are highlighted.
- The color of the dye. The lighter the shade of the pigment, the less stable it is. The dark color lasts longer.
- Dye composition. The pigment made from natural ingredients fades faster.
- Features of tattooing. Surface application of paint will give a more saturated arrow in color, but it will not last as long as the one made with deeper processing.
- The influence of the sun's rays. If a woman lives in a region with a hot climate, then the color will be removed faster, since the direct effect of the sun on the tattoo destroys it faster.

Before work, ask what substance the master is going to draw arrows in front of his eyes. Poor quality dye can lead to unexpected results.
In addition to the fact that the tattoo may not "grab" on this part of the eye, it can cause an allergic reaction in the form of swelling of the eyelids.

How long does permanent makeup last?
In general, the tattooing of the arrows on the eyes lasts for a long time. Its durability can last up to 10 years, but this is with the correct wearing of permanent makeup, proper care and in the absence of factors that affect the quality of work.
- So, it is not recommended to make a tattoo of arrows on the eyelids on women's critical days. The fact is that during menstruation, the skin is not able to absorb foreign substances. Also, if your skin is too oily, you cannot count on a permanent tattoo.
- If grease appears while wearing the arrows, this will also affect their durability, since the discharge from the pores of the skin will become more intense, and color pigments will come out along with harmful particles.
- The quality, saturation and durability of the permanent makeup of the eyelids is influenced by the care in the first week. So, it is not recommended to rip off the crust that may appear during healing. She must fall off on her own, without outside help.
- Well, timely correction is an important part of wearing artificial arrows. For the first time, it is carried out 30 days after drawing the arrows.

How to prolong the effect?
The first correction is a very important stage in securing the picture. As soon as the microtraumas heal, the eyelids will recover after the procedure, a second visit to the master is mandatory. He must evaluate the quality of his work, see how the pigment has taken root, correct the shortcomings (if any) and consolidate the result.

If the first correction is prescribed a month after applying the tattoo, then further correction will be needed less often - this will depend on the depth of the dye injection, its acceptance by the body and the weather conditions of the region where the woman lives.

To prolong the effect of the tattoo, it is important to follow the following care guidelines:
- do not touch the eyelids with your hands until they are completely healed;
- after 2-3 days, wipe the treatment site with an antiseptic;
- before the active phase of the tattoo setting, it is advisable not to go outside, and then, if necessary, wear dark glasses or treat the area with the pattern with sunscreen;
- it is not recommended to sunbathe either in natural conditions or in a solarium - such an effect will negatively affect the durability of permanent makeup on the eyelids;
- it is not recommended to take a steam bath at the recovery stage, since the pores of the skin begin to open actively in the steam room, the pigment can simply leak out and the work will be ineffective.

In addition to the individual characteristics of the woman's body and the quality of the composition, the skill of the specialist who took up the work also affects the durability of the tattoo. It is better to make durable arrows from an experienced craftsman.
Today, according to reviews on social networks, you can quickly decide which professional to go to.

And so that the arrows do not get bored, do not make a well-defined shape, choose a neutral version of the picture so that, for a change, if you wish, you can correct the arrow later. This also depends on the skill of the specialist.

And know that ugly pigmented makeup can only be removed with a laser, and this is not a very pleasant procedure, and also harmful, so approach the tattooing of arrows in front of your eyes very responsibly: study all the pros and cons, the individual characteristics of the body, the rules of care and reviews about who will do the job.

Only with such an integrated approach will you get the desired effect and result that will delight you, not annoy you. A result that will save you from a long stay at the mirror in the morning and emphasize the beauty of your look.