What does the "Shark" tattoo mean and what can they be?

Today, you can stand out among the crowd, highlighting your own individuality, in different ways, one of which is a tattoo. With the help of the drawing on the body, a person shows his emotional background, talks about his positive and negative qualities. For a tattoo, images of a wide variety of creatures can be used, ranging from a spider to an eagle. However, shark tattoos are very popular among men and women.

With the word "shark" a person has many associations associated with aggression, power, anger. For some, the feeling of fear is even exacerbated. But there are many people in the world who delight sharks. In fact, sharks are dangerous marine predators, distinguished by their cunning, cruelty and strength. It is these characteristics that have become the main reason for the creation of tattoos depicting these deep-sea inhabitants. Today, in each tattoo parlor, visitors are offered many options for sketches, any of them can be edited to make the drawing unique.

But before applying a "shark" tattoo on the body, you need to figure out what such a drawing means, what is the meaning in it. And it is worth starting from the ancient times of Polynesia, where the tattoo was an important part of human life. In Polynesian culture, a shark on a body meant protection from enemies, ill-wishers, predators and other aggressive creatures.
In Australia, sharks are in awe of them. Australians don't just respect these animals, they revere them. Locals believe that the shark is the link between land and water.And the Indians were sure that sharks are a symbol of good hunting in any natural conditions.

Shark tattoos are very popular among people who have a close connection with the sea and the depths of the sea. And these are not only ordinary fishermen, sailors and sailors fill similar tattoos. On the body of a sailor, the image of such an imperious creature suggests that he is not afraid of difficulties, that he easily overcomes all obstacles and is ready for any trials. In general, among sailors, such a tattoo is characterized as homesickness.
The inhabitants of the islands of the Pacific Ocean in the Middle Ages worshiped sharks.
They believed that these were not just large predators, but omnipotent creatures capable of bringing blessings to all people.

The modern meaning of the shark tattoo is similar to the historical meaning, but supplemented with new characteristics. These traits can be inherent in a person, which is why he chooses such an image:
- fearlessness;
- domineering and rage;
- courage and grace;
- self-confidence and perseverance.

A shark tattoo is rather ideal for people who are persistent, confident, strong, rebellious and unshakable.
This tattoo will be an excellent complement to the female image. But it is suitable only for those who are distinguished by a strong spirit, tough and strong-willed character. There is such a thing as "business shark". Many business women get a shark tattoo for themselves, believing that this image attracts success and has a positive effect on the development of their own business. Such tattoos are chosen by strong women who are capable of much to achieve their goal.

It is believed that the shark attracts good luck in everything. The main thing is for the owner of the tattoo to set himself up for victory. Well, some are sure that together with a shark tattoo, a person receives a vital stimulus, becomes more assertive, self-confident, strong, purposeful. That is why such images can be seen on the body of athletes.
Often the symbolic meaning of tattoos with this sea predator depends on the type of shark image. She can be presented in free float, with a menacingly open mouth and at the moment of the attack. Each variation is interpreted with specific characteristics. In the first case, we are talking about the presence of a protective reaction of the owner of the tattoo. The second version of the image means strength, power, the ability to strike. The third version of the tattoo suggests that a person is persistent, demanding, capable of doing any deeds to achieve this goal.

Species overview
Each shark tattoo image looks different. Today, the tattoo parlor offers a wide variety of types of shark drawings, each of which has many nuances. In some plots, a symbolic image, in others, geometry is strictly observed. The client only has to choose the most suitable option.
- Men like large images. Better yet, a shark grin with sharp teeth stands out. In general, men's tattoos are more domineering, formidable, and dangerous. It could be an attacking hammerhead shark or even its skeleton. The image of a toothy predator, painted on the back along one of the shoulder blades, with the head overlooking the shoulder, will look quite unusual and very interesting. The feeling is created that the shark is looking from the side at the victim. It is important to pay attention to the mouth.
It can be closed or open for attack.

- Realistic tattoos are attractive. The maximum believability is created by using the image of a great white shark. In the depths of the sea, this creature is considered the most dangerous.

- Mini tattoos are more suitable for girls. Not every representative of the fair sex will agree to put a large image on her body. And only a few will agree to fill a shark during an attack.Most of the beautiful half of humanity will try to leave their characteristics under a mysterious veil, emphasizing their zest with a small predator with a closed jaw or a cunning grin.

In addition to the parameters presented, shark tattoos are divided by plot and style.
By plot
The plot can be very different. But at the same time, each picture has a specific meaning.
- Hammerhead shark. One of the most predatory underwater creatures, distinguished by its formidable appearance and cruel behavior. Such a tattoo, first of all, denotes such human qualities as rage, perseverance, fearlessness and power.

- Shark in the waves. Water is the habitat of toothy predators. This combination speaks of harmony with the surrounding world.

- A predator with an open mouth. Such a tattoo tells others that its owner has no desire to find new acquaintances.

- Shark with bruises, or with prey in the mouth. This plot picture speaks of the bloodlust, power, strength and intolerance of its owner.

- Shark with wings. A somewhat unusual, and even more implausible image, telling about a person's desire to get freedom, to become a patron of someone.

- Shark with a trident. Everyone knows that the trident is Poseidon's weapon. A trident in combination with a cunning toothy predator suggests that the bearer of such a tattoo is an unshakable leader.

- Shark in a peakless cap. This plot looks pretty cute, but its meaning is not entirely simple. This picture characterizes the pride of its bearer, courage, love of freedom, deceit and imperiousness.

- Shark with an anchor. This variation of the plot sets you up for luck and success.

Remarkably, any plot presented can be corrected. In some sketches, it will be possible to add certain inserts, while in other schemes, on the contrary, remove them.
By style
The stylistics of tattoos, as well as the storyline, have different types. Representatives of the stronger sex prefer the "old school" style more. There is no drawing of details in such images, but the finished tattoo looks impressive. The sizes of body pictures in the style of "old school" can be very different, ranging from 3 cm and ending with large-scale options.

Ethnic style tattoos look unusual. In simple terms, we are talking about a tribal tattoo, where patterned elements are used that create the image of a conceived character, in this case a shark.
It should be noted that there is no particular style that dominates others. Yes, new fashion trends appear regularly, which, unfortunately, turn out to be only temporary outbursts of popularity. That is why, when choosing an image of an aula, you must be guided by your own tastes and preferences.

Styles such as "minimalism" and "cartoon caricature" are popular in the modern world of tattoos. Both are more suitable for young girls. Connoisseurs of oriental culture will appreciate the oriental style. This direction was invented by the Japanese people. The oriental style differs from others in its figurative appearance and metaphorical forms.
Fans of bright tattoos with reverence refer to colored drawings on the body. Such images belong to the "watercolor" style. Even a tattoo artist immerses himself in work with great pleasure, creating a color masterpiece. For him, the human body turns into a canvas, and the tattoo machine turns into brushes. But the finished picture is full of realism and believability. By the way, many are sure that black paint is not involved in the creation of colored tattoos, but this is not so. A contour is created with black ink, gradient transitions are complemented.

Blackwork style is in demand in modern tattoo culture. It is characterized by the use of extremely large geometric figures in the image, densely painted over with black ink. Well, the stylistic tandem with blackwork creates a dotwork style.
Dotwork is a bitmap style. In simple terms, the pattern is created from points of different sizes and densities. The transitions from mini-dots to maxi create an image of the image and a smoothly transitioning gradient.
Remarkably, the dotwork style is ideally combined with any other stylistic directions of the tattoo.

Where can I get it?
An important question of applying a tattoo is the choice of a place on the body. Men prefer to get a tattoo on the neck, forearm, and on the arm in general. In winter, of course, the drawing will be hidden under the clothes, but in the summer, on the contrary, everyone will be able to see the created tattoos. Tattoos in the form of sharks on the calves of the legs, on the chest or on the back look spectacular.

Young girls prefer to get tattoos on the shoulder, wrist, abdomen, hand and even on the shoulder blade. Only a few decide to get a tattoo on their ribs. First, it hurts a lot. Secondly, it is generally not accessible to an outsider's eye. Of course, the tattoo is done for yourself. But it is pointless to hide it from prying eyes. And the tattoo on the ribs can only be shown on the beach.

A separate issue is the pain and safety of the procedure. In no case should you contact a master who does not have a medical diploma and a certificate of a specialist in his field. It is also important to pay attention to the treatment room. If there is unsanitary conditions in it, you should look for another salon.
Beautiful examples
Every person who wants to get a tattoo gets acquainted with the sketches posted on the Internet. Among the wide variety of pictures, this or that image will definitely like.
If you don't want to look for a drawing on the World Wide Web, you can immediately go to a tattoo parlor and, together with a master, choose or create a unique sketch. Well, in order to roughly understand which pattern is ideal for application, it is suggested that you familiarize yourself with several ready-made tattoo options.
- The watercolor style is characterized by realism, which is clearly expressed in this tattoo.

- The naturalness of the drawing, bordering on realism.

- The beauty of a tattoo on a female body.

- The same tribal that allows you to create the desired image.