Berserk tattoo: meaning and sketches

Each tattoo sketch, be it a simple triangle or a circle, carries a deep sacred, philosophical or even historical context. Before applying a picture to the body, the future carrier needs to familiarize himself with the interpretation of both the entire illustration as a whole and its individual details. In this article, we will look at the origin and meaning of the Berserker tattoo, as well as look at some beautiful examples and options for their location.

To understand the meaning of the berserker tattoo, it is necessary to study the origins of these warriors, their history and behavior. The context of the illustration largely depends on the conditions in which the ancient people lived, and what features significantly distinguished them from other peoples.

In ancient Scandinavian and ancient Germanic sources, berserkers or berserkers were called warriors who fought with special passion and fury... Warriors did not wear heavy armor - they donned bearskin, armed with a sword, and fell into an extremely aggressive trance during battle. The hide of the large bears is the characteristic clothing of the berserkers, which distinguishes them from other fierce fighters - the ulfheadnar, who wear wolf skins. The cult of warriors in wolf's clothing is not like the life of fierce Scandinavian fighters, so when choosing a berserker tattoo, pay attention to his clothes.

Distinguishing berserkers from ulfheadnars is easy, as warriors usually used the animal's face as a helmet.
The first text that mentions the name of the formidable warriors is considered the saga of the Norwegian poet and singer Torbjorn Hornklovy... Historians are not sure if the word berserkir really existed in Old Norse, or if Hornklovy was its creator.Many linguists have studied the origin and meaning of this word, but they have not come to a final conclusion, so he has two versions of the decryption.

The first half of the concept of berserkir from the Old Norse language is interpreted as “naked” (from the word berr) or as “bearish” (from the word bjorn). The second part of the word has one meaning - "shirt" (from the word serk). As a result, we get two variants of decoding: "naked shirt" - a fighter without armor, and "bearskin" - a warrior with bearish strength and ferocity. Each type of interpretation fits the description of the Berserker Vikings, because they never wore armor, preferring to fight quickly, nimbly and selflessly. Ancient warriors resembled bears - they seemed large and clumsy, but fought fiercely when necessary.

The Berserker tattoo is popular among men because it emphasizes strength, courage, quick reaction and endurance.... It is believed that when the ancient Scandinavian warriors fell into a rage, they could not be overcome with either fire or sword.
By filling the illustration "Viking", the guys express their strong-willed position, domineering character and warn enemies that they are facing a worthy opponent who should be feared.

The era of the Vikings was harsh - people had to survive in extreme conditions and fight for life with other peoples. Conditions forced the berserkers to fight to the last, defending their lives and conquering the resources they needed to survive. Over time, the ancient word berserkir was shortened to berserk, which means "furious." In the modern world, you no longer need to take up a sword and fall into a furious trance, but resilience and determination play an important role in building a career and achieving your own goals.
A berserker tattoo is a sign of a person who is confidently moving towards their goal and ready to fight for their beliefs.

Sketch options
An illustration of a fierce warrior is most often done in black and white, but sometimes one or two additional colors are added to highlight details. The monochromatic picture emphasizes the serious and self-confident character of the wearer, and the color drawing conveys the character's emotions well. We propose to consider several interesting options for a tattoo with a berserker.
Young warrior. People have often noticed that young and inexperienced professionals try to show their best side and show more zeal for the goal than their experienced mentors. Such an illustration indicates that the carrier is at the beginning of its path and does not intend to retreat.

- Berserker in a rage... The sketch with a fierce man is chosen by those people who want to adopt a piece of the strength and self-confidence of the ancient warriors.

- Great leader. The main strength of the bearers of such a tattoo is a large amount of knowledge and a strategic mind, like that of the great Old Norse leaders.

- Fighter in the style of realism... A realistic image suggests that the owner is a confident person who boldly moves towards his goal.

- Brand from the anime "Berserk"... A popular illustration is the “mark of the victim”, which symbolizes the difficult life of the wearer.

Where to apply?
Depending on the size and type of sketch, the berserker tattoo is stuffed on the shoulder, forearm and all over the arm, creating a "sleeve". Let's consider in more detail the options for the location of the tattoo.
On the forearm it is best to post pictures of medium size, designed to inspire the wearer, because they will always be in front of the eyes.
On shoulder large illustrations with a lot of details look great - it will be convenient for people around them to look at the picture in such a place.
"Sleeve" It looks good if you choose a realistic waist-length or full-length warrior as a sketch.