Features of the tattoo "God Ra"

Decorating your body with tattoos has now become a common thing, but the choice of sketches can only be surprised at how varied the images applied to the body can be. Those who want to attract attention and look original should pay attention to the features of the "God Ra" tattoo, as well as learn more about its interpretation.

If we turn to the history of Egypt, then you can find a huge number of gods, each of which had its own purpose and, accordingly, they all had their own symbols. They worshiped them, believed in their power. And one of the most significant characters was the sun god. It was believed that it was he who controlled the appearance of the heavenly body in the morning and his departure at night. The sun god Ra was associated by everyone with light and warmth, he heated and illuminated everything around, gave life to all living things. It is quite understandable such a reverent attitude towards this god.

In addition, Ra is the embodiment of strength and courage, because he fights against dark forces that want to absorb the sun and leave the earth in eternal darkness.
The ancient Egyptians considered Ra the embodiment of the masculine principle, the warriors applied his image before important battles, believing that the sun god would give them strength and help defeat any enemy.
Based on all this, it is not at all difficult to understand what is the meaning of the "God Ra" tattoo.

Of course, this image is more suitable for men. The tattoo will symbolize:
indestructible spirit;
unwillingness to retreat in front of difficulties;
willingness to defend their interests, to be a winner in any case;
nobility and desire to defend those in need of help;
resurrection and rebirth.

Another message to put the image of Ra on the body is to demonstrate his love for the Universe and accept the fact that a person is powerless before the power of the elements, he only hopes for the support of great forces and bows before them.
Men can apply such a tattoo as a talisman and protection in any difficult situations. This is especially important for those men whose work is associated with risk, difficulties, where every day you have to overcome yourself, be strong, courageous and decisive. These guys include rescuers and firefighters, travelers, extreme lovers.

Despite the fact that this tattoo is more suitable for men, this symbol is also quite applicable for girls. Such an image will be very relevant for those women who are used to dealing with their problems on their own, relying only on themselves. Such representatives of the fair sex have a heightened sense of justice, and they are always ready to defend those who are weaker. And as a talisman, the image of Ra here also looks very appropriate. With such powerful protection, a woman can feel confident and not be afraid of anything.

Tattoo options and sketches
To depict the cherished image on your body, you need to choose in what guise it will appear on your tattoo. After all, the god Ra always had several images, although the meaning remained the same.
One of the popular options for the image of the sun god in the form of a falcon. A proud and beautiful bird can be depicted against the backdrop of the sun. This option means not only courage, determination and readiness to fight, but also a connection with the spiritual, a desire to grow and strive for new heights.
The falcon, with his sharp gaze, openly tells others that he has everything under control, he sees everything, and no one can take him by surprise - he will be able to fight back in time.

A falcon on a tattoo can be depicted in its entirety or only in the form of a head, while its appearance can be supplemented with a crown, a scepter and other elements. He is depicted in both color and black and white. In either case, it looks good.
Such a tattoo on the entire back looks like a real decoration and a powerful amulet for a warrior.
A black and white falcon in profile also looks very impressive and looks very realistic.

With a human body
The image of a pharaoh with a human body is no less popular, but the head will be that of a falcon. The crown can represent a solar disk, which symbolizes the spiritual essence, wisdom. A cross and a scepter in hand mean supreme power and rebirth.

Otherwise, the meanings are the same. This image is used by those who consider themselves strong, courageous and determined, not ready to give up under any circumstances.
God Ra with a falcon head can look quite large and take up a whole arm in the form of a sleeve.
A tattoo of this type looks belligerent and suggests that a person is very determined and ready to fight, it is better not to disturb him once again.

Currently, future tattoo owners have a choice and the opportunity to create their own sketch, possibly with the help of a master. You can choose traditional images of Ra, or you can experiment, while leaving the essence of the image intact.
Very often, the god Ra is depicted in the form of a phoenix bird, which carries all the same meaning that is inherent in the image of the sun god.

In spite of everything, you should not give up, going through all the difficulties and trials, you can be reborn.
Often the image is complemented by an eye, which means the all-seeing eye. A complement can be the sun over the head of the god, and the landscape in the background. Often he is depicted with the giant serpent Apophis, which means the struggle between good and evil. Such a tattoo may be chosen by the person in whom two forces are fighting, or, on the contrary, he demonstrates that he is morally strong, and it is impossible to knock him off the path.

Sometimes such tattoos are supplemented with symbols and phrases, but you need to know exactly what they mean. After all, the tattoo has its own energy, which can affect the fate of the owner.And the god Ra is not a choice to joke with. No wonder the ancient people worshiped God and believed in his power. Today for us this very force is the sun.
Everyone, choosing the god Ra as their "companion", can give their own meaning to the tattoo, which will be available only to its owner.

Where can you place it?
The choice of a place for tattooing is individual for everyone and depends on the field of activity, lifestyle, and other nuances.
But if we talk about a tattoo with the god of the sun, then most often men choose large-scale images that are placed on their backs, shape the sleeve, using the entire arm, in extreme cases they give the forearm under the image. Styles are often chosen for a tattoo:

You can find such tattoos on the side, thigh, calf, chest and neck. Less commonly, small pictures are applied to the wrist or hand. It should be borne in mind that any tattoo with the image of Ra will look harmonious on a beautiful toned body.
After all, the meaning in the image is quite specific - a man-warrior, fighter, protector.
As for women, they will most likely prefer such a tattoo as a talisman and will choose for it not such an impressive area on the body as men can afford. It can be a leg, an arm, and the image will be executed in a minimalistic style.